THE PINE HURST OUTLOOK. THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK Published every Friday at PINEHURST, MOORE CO., . C. C. A. WARWICK, Publisher. Terms of Subscription. One copy per year, " 6 months " " 3 months Single copies - $1.00. .50. . .25. .03. Advertising rates reasonable and furnished on application. Correspondence on matters of local Interest cordially invited. . Notice of Marriages, Births and Deaths inser ted free. Advertisements such as Wanted, To Let, For Sale, Etc., not exceeding Ave lines, 25 cents per week. Address all orders and communications to C. A. Warwick, Publisher. Entered at the Post Olllce at Pinehurst, Moore County, N. C. as second class mail matter. FItlDAY", FEB. 22, 1901. PERSONAL MENTION. Miss Butler and maid are guests at the Hotel Carolina. John OTIarne of Boston Is u guest at the Hotel Carolina. Mrs. E. F. Pratt of Boston is a guest fit the Hotel Carolina. John D wight of New York is a guest at the Hotel Carolina. M. E. Dwight of Xew York is a guest at the Hotel Carolina. Miss Ponieroy of Xew York is a guest at the Hotel Carolina. XV. W. Spence of Baltimore is a guest at the Hotel Carolina. Mrs. O. XV. Butler of Baltimore is a. guest at the Hotel Carolina. Mrs. John OTIarne of Boston is a guest at the Hotel Carolina. Mrs. J. D. Cox of Cleveland, O., is a guest at the Hotel Carolina. Miss Cooper of Summit, X. J., is a guest at the Hotel Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Cross of Huston are guests at the Hotel Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Smith of Boston are guests at the Hotel Carolina. Mrs. J. II. Wisner of Summit, X. J., is a guest at the Hotel Carolina. Dr. and Mrs. It. Robinson of Daniel son, Conn., are at the Holly Inn. Mr. W. K. Smith and family of Phila delphia, Pa., are at the Holly Inn. Mrs. James II. Chil ls of Pittsburg, Pa., is a guest at the Hotel Carolina. Itr mill Mi a 1 Si button nf DWtl ...... Pa., are guests at the Hotel Carolina. The Misses Valentine of Bellefoute Pa., are guests at the Hotel Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Howe of Pittsburg Pa., are guests at the Hotel Carolina. Among others who have registered the Holly Inn in the past few days we note Mr. S. A. Souder of Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Dean and daughter Miss Marie Dean of Pittsburg, Pa. ; E. T Bedford and May E. Bedford of Xew Yrk, and A. F. Hartsell. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stewart of .Haiti- more are guests at the Hotel Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Nichols of Xew York are guests at the Hotel Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Gill of Stuben- ville, O., are guests at the Hotel Carolina. Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Sawyer of Cleve land, ()., are guests at the Hotel Carolina. Bev. and Mrs. Charles E. Smith of Buffalo, N. , are guests at the Lenox. Miss L. J. Prentise and nurse of Cleve land, O., are guests at the Hotel Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Phillips of Mont- elair, X. J., are guests at the Hotel Caro lina. Mr. and Mrs. 1. L. Hamlin and child ofOshawa, Ca., are guests at the Hotel Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Walter I). Edwards of of Xew York are guests at the Hotel Carolina. 1). X. Clark of Westville, Conn., is at the Berkshire. This is his fourth season here. With pure air, excellent water, no malaria, Mr. Clark considers Pinehurst in ideal health resort. Quite a number of guests have recently irrived at the Berkshire. Among the number are E. L. MeXair of McXair, X. C. ; W. A. Leggett of Laurinburg, N. C. ; Mrs. Win. B. Lawrence and Miss Law rence of Medford, Mass. ; Mrs. Charles W. Isaacs of St. Louis, Mo. ; Miss Mary M. Fuller and Miss E. D. Freeman of Akron, O. ; 1. A. Trowbridge and daugh ter of Brooklyn; S. L. liogers of Frank lin and Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Smith of Fredonia, Xew York. Mrs. E. B. Deuch and Miss Keyes of Xew York; Samuel II. Smith of Boston; Mrs. C. It. Van de Car and Master Van de Car of Stockbridge, X. Y. ; Mrs. W. J. Hoggson and Master B. llojnrson of Greenwich, Conn.; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Melvenney, Mrs. Henry II. Gilmore, Miss S. Helen Gilmore, Miss Bessie Gil more and Miss Bleakie Gilmore of Bos ton ;Dr. and Mrs. J. W. McLean of Xew York ; E. B. Piper of Princeton, X. J.; Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Marsh of Xew York; Dr. and Mrs. P. Itobinson of Danielson Conn. ; Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McGregor of Boston; B. S. Best and A. Zimmerman of Pittsburg, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Milmine, Miss Dora Goble, Mrs. Charles Dortie ind Miss Humphrey of New York; Mr. ind Mrs, A. 1). Xason of Springfield, Mass. ; Miss E. C. Peed of Boston ; Mrs. Mrs. Clarence Itice Slocum, of Gordon City; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Foos, two children and maid of Xew York; Mr. and Mrs. J. 1. Cunningham of New ('as tie, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Young of XfiW York ? 1. V Ssinifh if PStt-ehnri , ... , iVUOUUli, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Newell of Lev- ington, Mass; Henry Aird, James W. Hall of Troy, N. Y., are guests at the Hotel Carolina. THE CAROLINA, d Pinehurst, IN. C The Carolina is a magnWicient four story building completed in 1000. The interior is a model of elegance with appointments calculated to suit the most luxuri ous taste?. The hotel will accommodate four hundred guests and is provided with forty-nine suites with bath. The cuisine and table service are unsurpassed. The house contains every modern comfort and convenience, including elevator, 'telephone in every room, sun rooms, steam heat night and day, and water from the celebrated Pinehurst Springs, and perfect sanitary system of sewerage. RATES: $4.00 Per Day and Upwards; $21.00 Per Week and Upwards. Effective February 22, the Seaboard Air Line Railway, in connection with the Pennsylvania Bailroad, will operate through sleeper between Washington. D C. and Pinehurst, N. C, leaving Wash ington Wednesdays and Fridays, train Xo. 31, at 6.55 p. in. Leaving Pinehurst Tuesday and Thursday evenimrs. arriv i:ig Washington 8.40 a. m., having direct connections on same train from ami Xew York. to H. W. PRIEST, Manager. During the past six years manager of the Highland Park Hotel, Aiken, S. C. the Magnolia Hotel, Magnolia, Mass., the Pine Forest Inn, Soinerville, S. C, and the Preston Hotel, Beach Bluff, Mass. THE HOLLY INN, Pinehurst, IN. C . kw m i w: i ''''TTrv'rI- ill ci. mtifii Mi in liMI'in i' i , 'r 1 Terms: $3.00 per Day; $14.00 to $25.00 per Week. The Holly Inn is one of the most attractive hotels in the South. Since it was built in 1805, it has been necessary to enlarge it several times to meet the constantly increasing demand. The interior is elegant, cheerful and tasteful. No modern con venience is lacking. There are bath rooms, electric lights, steam heat and open fireplaces. There is a call bell in each room, and all beds are furnished with best hair mattresses. An orchestra furnishes line concerts daily, and also provides for dancing. The cuisine is unsurpassed. The table waitresses are all white girls from the North. Rooms for billiards and other games are provided in the hotel. CONSUMPTIVES CANNOT BE RECEIVED. Address JAMES K. HYDE, Manager, Pinehurst, Moore Co., North Carolina