XT T7 VOL. V., NO. 22. PINEHURST, N. C, APRIL 11, 1902. PRICE THREE CENTS j to nm MlMT i ll llll Oil I u JIU PROGRAMME AMD PRIZES. General Information Regarding Tourna mentLocal Events of the Week. CORY AND ROSS PLAY MATCH. For the convenience and reference of local golfers the following schedule of events and list of prizes in the United North and South Championship Tourna ment, which began Friday, is once more reproduced : FRIDAY, APRIL 11. 9 a. m. Handicap medal play, 36 holes, qualification round ; handicap lim ited to 18 strokes for the 3G holes ; 18 holes to be played in the forenoon. 2.15 p. m. Qualification Round con tinued, 18 holes; the sixteen players making the best gross scores during the day to qualify for the championship. SATURDAY, APlilL 12. 9.30 a. m. First round for the cham pionship; the sixteen players who qual ified on the first day to play 18 holes, match play. 10.30 a. in. Ladies' Handicap, 18 holes, medal play, handicap limited to 18 strokes; competition to continue with out inte'Tuption until 18 holes are fin ished. 2.15 p. in. Second round for the championship, 18 holes, match play, by the eight winners in the forenoon. 2.30 p. m. First round for Consola tion Cup, by the eight losers in the fore noon ; 18 holes, match play. During the forenoon, driving contests. During the afternoon, approaching contests. MONDAY, APRIL 14. 9.30 a. in. Semi-finals. The best four of yesterday afternoon, both in Cham pionship and Consolation round, play 18 holes, match play, in the forenoon. During the forenoon putting contests. 2.15 p. m. Finals, for Championship Cup and for Consolation Cup, 18 holes match play. PRIZES. 1. United North and South Cham pionshipSolid Silver Loving Cup. 2. Runner Up in Championship Solid Silver Cup. 3. Best Net Score, Handicap Round- Solid Silver Cun. 4. Best Gross Score, Handicap Round Solid Silver Loving Cup. 5. Consolation Cup Solid Silver Cup. 6. Iiunner Up, Consolation Loving Cup of Mexican Onyx. 7. Best Net Score, Ladies' Handicap Solid Silver Cup. 8. Best Gross Score, Ladies' Handi capLoving Cup of Mexican Onyx. No player can win both best net and best gross prize. Prizes will also be given for driving, approaching and putting. For further and later news regarding tournament, see other pages of The Outlook. A handicap medal play open tourna ment took place Saturday 5th, on the Pinehurst links. The cup was won by II. E. Richards with a net score of 64, gross 79. Following is the detailed score of the game : Gross H'cap Net Richards - 79 15 64 Hutchinson - - 88 16 72 Mosher - - 94 14 80 Silliman - 96 16 80 Ainslee - - 97 14 83 Coburn - - 102 16 86 Crane - - 111 22 89 Bogart - - 106 15 91 Kitchin - - HI H 97 Sprague - - 129 22 107 a very interesting event, which engaged the attention of a large crowd of specta tors and the play of the children fur nished several surprises. Three prizes were offered by Mr. A. C. Ketcham, of the Berkshire, which were won by Oakes Ainsley, Dorothy Manice and William T. Ketcham. The complete score is as follows : Ainsley - - 33123222122 3 26 Manice - - 323222313 2 4 3 30 W. Ketcham - 32222334333 3 33 Smith - 44232332222 4 33 Dickinson - - 323333233342 34 Sharpe - - 444322133233 34 G. Bradbury - 44422233334 3 37 K. Bradbury - 433432334443 38 Brunig - - 234333433333 39 Piatt - - 543633323534 44 A. Ketcham - 7645 4 433335 3 50 Lippincott - - 44474576543 3 56 Ketcham and Smith tied for third place and played off, Ketcham winning with 34 against Smith's 35. It is not often that a hole on a golf course is made in 1, but that is what happened on the Pinehurst links a few Art-- '.i-'-'KrW' 1 ' If '' - , ' " i ' ' - Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Cory, of Bos ton, are in Pinehurst for the champion ship tournament. Mr. Cory is the owner of the well known private links at Great Island, Mass., near Hyannis, and one of the leading golfers in the United States. He has spent the past winter principally in Florida and has played in nearly all the big events that have happened on the peninsula this season, winning a large number of matches. He is secretary of the Palm Beach Golf Club and a wel come visitor on every links in the coun try. This is Mr. Cory's second visit to Pinehurst and he is cordial in his approval of the greens here, saying they are beautiful and cannot be surpassed anywhere in the South ; the fair greens, he says, while not perfect at present, are fully as good as can be expected in view of several recent heavy rains. The juvenile putting contest held Sat urday 5, on the clock green proved to be days ago. This phenominal shot was made by Ceorge A. Mosher, a guest at the Holly Inn, who drove from the tee of the third, 116 yards, over a large earth bunker fairly on to the putting green, in such a way that his ball rolled fairly into the hole. This is the first 1 on record on the Pinehurst course. One of the best played and prettiest matches of the season took place on the links last "Wednesday afternoon between Charles B. Cory, of Boston, and Donald Ross, our popular professional. Mr. Ross gave Mr. Cory a handicap of three bisques, (strokes which may be dis counted from his actual score, at any point or points in the game at the option of the plaver receiving the handicap). Both players were in excellent form and to all lovers of the game was a genuinely eniovable one, on account of the uni formly even, neat and finished work of the contestants. This will be appreciated when one takes a look at the score, which shows that the medal play for both was 79, 38 out and 41 in, and that without the handicap Ross would have won by only 1 up. As it was the game ended with Cory 2 up. Following is the score : Yards. Ross. Cory, 168 4 4 254 - - - - 4 4 116 3 4 310 - - - - 4 5 213 5 3 386 - - - - 4 4 437 6 5 213 - - - - 3 3 355 5 6 311 - - - - 5 5 153 - - - 3 3 317 - - - - 4 4 285 4 4 484 - - - - 6 6 257 4 4 496 - - - - 6 7 152 - - - 4 3 370 - - - - 5 5 5277 79 79 Corv utilized one bisque on each of these holes, halving them with Ross. Every golf enthusiast and all his friends turned out last Thursday afternoon to see the biggest two-ball foursome match of the season, Chas. B. Cory and A. H. Fenn versus Donald and Alec Ross, (the last three prof essionals) . The weather was perfect and the course in excellent condition, so that the specta tors enjoyed an exhibition of real golf playing. The match was won in the fifteenth hole by the Ross brothers svith 4 up and 3 to go. A number of very clever shots, chief among which were : a neat and skillful lofty shot by Cory, from a lie behind a temporary obstacle in the shape of a steam roller, which was lying just oft the edge of the fair green in the rough Cory was within less than a yard of the obstacle and lofted his ball to carry nearly 150 yards; Cory also made a beautiful drive at the Ghost Walk, 11th hole, which won in 2; another good shot was a long putt from the edge of the green by Fenn in the sixth which halved the hole ; the most sensational shot of the game was a clean putt with an iron by Donald Ross in the eighteenth, who holed his ball at a dis tance of 30 yard3. Following is the score : Yards D. Ross A. Ross Cory Fenn 168 4 4 4 4 254 4 4 5 5 116 4 3 3 3 310 5 5 5 5 213 4 3 3 4 386 4 4 5 4 437 4 4 5 5 213 3 4 3 3 355 4 5 5 311 4 5 5 5 153 3 4 2 4 317 4 5 6 4 285 5 5 4 4 484 6 7 257 4 4 4 4 406 6 6 t 7 152 3 3 t 4 370 4 5 t 4 75 78 Best ball 73 Ball picked up. t Cory drove from the tee of the six teenth, but did not play out the by holes.