THE PINEHURST OUTLOOtf. 3 AFFAIRS AT WASHINGTON! President Brought Up Against the South em Republican Situation. Omnibus Territorial Hill Inaugurates Hitter fig-lit in Senate Immi gration ltefttrictions Other New. ( From our Regular Correspondent.) Washington, Dec. 16, 1902, The President has recently been brought face to face with the Southern republican situation by the case of S. II. Vick, candidate for the postmastership at Wilson, North Carolina. Mr. Vick is a colored man and is opposed by Senator Fritchard, because of his opposition to Senator Pritchard's organization in that state. Mr. Vick says that he opposed the Senator's organization because it had for its end the elimination of the colored citizen as a political factor in the state. The President has said that, in no instance, would he regard mere color as a bar to office holding and the Senator has made the additional charge that Vick is unwelcome to the citizens of Wilson, a charge which can be made in the case of every colored officeholder in the Southern states. The President has the matter under advisement and the out come is awaited with much interest. While comparitively little has appeared in the press in regard to the matter, the defeat in the house of the London Dock bill was a matter of grave importance. It is the custom of London dock owners to collect a tariff of 42 cents per ton on every ton of freight unloaded from vessels coming from ports in the United States. With a view to preventing this discrimination, Parliament passed a law prohibiting the charge, but the dock owners got around that by having the charge ' stipulated in the bill-of-lading, which, as it was negotiated on American soil, was beyond the jurisdiction of Par liment. The bill just defeated had for its object the prohibition of the contract on this side of the water. Originally, the milling, lumber and packing interests supported the measure, but suddenly, the two latter withdrew their support and so accomplished its defeat. There are many ugly rumors afloat which connect the new Shipping Syndicate and its Wash ington lobby with the withdrawals and consequent loss of the bill. It is intim ated that an arrangement could easily have been made with the large industries named for a refund of the charge and possibly for a share in the profits made by assessing the tariff on the smaller shippers. An important rumor has its source at the White House. It is to the effect that Governor Taft of the Philippines is to be nominated to succeed Justice Shiras on the Supreme Bench, it being certain that Mr. Shiras will retire in the near future. It is anticipated that the appointment will take place before the end of the present session of Congress. It is also said that Vice-Governor Wright will be promoted to the head of the Philippine Commission and that W. W. Itockhill chief of the Bureau of American Repub lics, and Arthur W. Ferguson, secretary to the Philippine Commission, will be added to the Commission, the latter to succeed Prof. Dean C. Worcester, whose resignation is expected soon. It is further understood that should a vacancy occur in the Chinese mission Mr. liockhill would be the President's choice for that important position. One of the bitterest fights the Senate has known for years was initiated when the Omnibus Territorial bill was called up. Ever since the report of Senator Beveridge's committee was made known, the lobbies and committee rooms have been the scenes of passages at arms and now the contest is transferred to the floor of the Senate. As republicans are fighting republicans, it is a case of "when Greek meets Greek." Senator Quay is leading the fight for the bill as passed by the House and has let his intention, to block all legislation until the Territorial bill is acted upon, be known. "Commercialism in legislation" is the favorite term of opprobrium with which the opponents assail the bill and the Senator from Pennsylvania. They allege profit to Senator Penrose's broth er, who owns the majority of the stock in an Arizona mine, and the Senator is himself accused of being interested in railroad properties which would be enhanced in value by the passage of the bill. Senators Hanna and Beveridge claim that the bill should be considered in caucus, but Senator Quay protests that a caucus has no right to repudiate pledges made in a republican national platform. The Senate has adopted the educational qualification for immigrants in the Immi gration Bill now before that body. By this means, it is believed, that it will be possible to exclude that mass of undesir able immigrants who crowd the cities and make the most undesirable citizens. If the bill is passed, as now seems prob able, every immigrant will have to read intelligently not less than twenty words of the constitution in such language as he may prefer. There has been a strong pressure against the measure brought by the railroads and corporations who de sire to comand quantities of cheap labor, but it is claimed that the recent coal strike and the violence which attended it, has aided the promoters of the ed ucational test. THE PINEHURST KENNELS! ( Continued from first page) been erected in which they are quarter ed. Each dog has a box stall of his own, not to mention a big yard in which to romp and play, for exercise. Special at tention is paid to caring for and feeding the dogs and as a result, the Pinehurst dogs are a well-fed prosperous and hap py community. The Kennels are but a short distance from the Power House and Mr. Gray is always glad to welcome visitors, espe cially the children who find never-ending pleasure here. The Kennels also make a specialty of caring for the dogs which visiting sportsmen bring with them, and they are an important and necessary equipment in making the Pinehurst Preserves among the finest in the South. I "jjfjjjjc "s iilj S. S. PIERCE CO., ESTABLISHED 1831 IMPORTERS AND GROCERS INCORPORATED 1894 Tremont and lleacon Htm. Copley Square. 1W. Milk St., (Wholesale) BOSTON. Coolidg-e'N Corner, lIItOOKXIXE. FRANCIS BATCHELDER & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Prime Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, Game, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Pork, Lard, Hams, Bacon, Etc. Proprietors of the Capitol Creameries of Vermont. Egg and Poultry Station, Fenton, Michigan. Office, and Cold Storage, Smoke Houses and Factory, 53, 55, 57, 59, 6 J & 63 BLACKSTONE ST., BOSTON. Pinehurst Department Store. We carry a full line of Fancy and Heavy GROCERIES Such brands as are handled by New England Grocers The Dry Goods exrid Shoo Departments are complete. Stock bought in Northern Markets. Quality Standard for selection. Full line of Columbia, Saxony Floss and Gennantown Yarns. A Complete Amoi-tment of JFint ltUloii and Kmliroiclery Silks. The Latest Styles of Stationery, both Printed and Plain. GENERAL SUPPLY OF FIELD AND TRAP SMOKLESS AMMUNITION. Prices on par with New England Markets. H. B STILLINGS, - - MANAGER.