VOL. VIII ; NO. 3. SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER THIRD. PRICE FIVE CENTS A FLORAL WEDDING Villagers Enjoy Delightfully Unique Entertainment at The Holly Inn. Answers for Thirty luetion Found in iVaniVM of Flowers M r. F. A. King1 and .nri. K. . Warfield Win. HE Floral Wedding at The Holly Inn Thursday owning proved most de lightfully unique and enjoyable and a company of fifty perplexed them selves pleasantly for three-quarters of an hour in an endeavor to tind in the names of flowers answers for the various ques tions relating to the happy couple. Some of the answers given were most clever and amusing. For instance one answer to the question "what was his money invested in?" was .Tassaminc (just a mine.) Tulips was one answer given to "what announced the hour?" and Paw Paw to "who gave the bride away?" Wild Oats and Nicotine were mentioned as what the groom renounced and Carna tions (Carrie Nation) and Sassafras (Sassy Fras) were held accountable for those who tried to make mischief between them. The replies as to what the couple en joyed "forever after" varied. One thought they had Sweet Peas (Sweet Peace) and another Wild Thyme (Wild Time.) There were prizes for the largest num ber of correct guesses. Mr. Fred A. King, of North boro, Mass., winning the men's prize with sixteen and Mrs. E. G. War field, of Burlington, Vt., Mrs. li. S. Ashby, of Passaic, X. J., and Mrs. F. A. King tying for the women's prize with eleven each, Mrs. Warfield winning the cut. Dancing filled out the evening pleas antly. P THE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Qukstion What was she like when he first met her? Answer Harebell. Q What was she like when he first kissed her? A lllush Pose. Q What did she look like on her best behavior? A Primrose. Q What was her object in matrimony? A Marigold. Q What was her conversation like? A Allspice. Q What was his rank and surname ? A Marshal Niel. Q How far did he come to court her? A Camomile. Q What did he declare his love to be? A Everlasting. Q What was his money invested in? A Stocks. Q What was the hour of the wedding? A Four o'clock. Q What announced the hour? A Bluebells. A Sweet William. Q What was on the bridegroom's hands? A Foxgloves. Q What did he renounce ? A Bachelor's buttons. Q What "was the wedding gown trim med with? A Queen Anne's Lace. Q What was her headdress? A Maiden hair. Q What was her bouquet? A Bride roses. V ' " Mk'Lt. -" Jt- AN Lvjji .,... .,. 4tf... : A .4l-7k, , . w?f. W. C. TOWNES, JR., OF PITTSBURG. qW1io Avere the clergymen? A Bishop weed and Jack-in-thc-Pulpit. Q What did they wear? A Monkshoods. (2 Who gave the bride away? -Poppy. Who were the bridesmaids? -May Blossom and Bouncing Bet. Who was the sexton? A John Pye. Who was the lawyer? Jonquil. Q What was the music like and who made it ? A- Q-A- Q- Q-A- Q From where did they begin their journey ? A The dock. Q What was thrown after them? A Lady's simpers. Q Who tried to make mischief be tween them? A American beauty. Q What did the bride apply to the groom's wounded feelings ? A Balm-of-Gilead. Q What did they have forever after? A Heartsease. PISTOL SHOOTING TOURNEY Saturday's Handicap Tournament De veloped an Interesting Contest. W. Edward Scott of Portland, Maine, Wins Cup With Net Score of Two Hundred and Eigflit. ATUltD A Y'S Pistol Shooting tournament re sulted in an interesting contest and W. Edward Scott, of Portland, Maine was the winner of the cup offered for the best net score. Mr. Scott shot with a handicap of G2 and scored 208 net, shooting a number of points above what was expected of him by the handicap committee. G. DeWitt Williamson, of Xew York, scratch, made an excellent score of 183 and Mrs. Leonard Tufts did one hundred and forty-nine gross. Several participated who did not hand in targets. The event was 25 shots at 50 yards at the Standard American Target. Tournaments will be held weekly dur ing the season and on Saturdays for the present. The conditions governing these events are as follows : Signed tournament targets must be ob tained of Miss Sanborn at the General Office and the entrance fee, 50 cents, paid. These targets, attested by some witness, must be returned to Miss San born after shooting. Participants may shoot at any time during the day. No practice or sighting shots will be permitted. A cup will be given for the best net score, and a Club marksmen's badge for the best gross. The handicaps for today's shoot 25 shots at 25 yards, are as follows. Mr. Williamson o Mr. Creamer o Mr. Jillson o Mr. Cotter ioo Mr. Abbott ioo Mr. Blackman 150 Mr. Applebaum 150 Mr. Warren 150 Mr. Wallace 150 Dr. Hill 150 Mr. Warfield 150 Mr. Tufts 150 Mr. King 150 Mr. Hall 150 Col. Ashby 150 Mrs. Tufts 50 Mrs. Abbott 150 Mrs. Cotter 200 Mrs. Glenny 200 Mrs. Crockett 200