VOL. VIII; NO. 23. SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL TWENTY-SECOND, 1905. PRICE FIVEflCENTS FRANK POTTLE THE WINNER Takes Chief Cup in First Annual Village Employees Championship. JTonea, Lyona, Baxter, Carroll and Winslow Win Division and Consolation Trophies. HE first annual Village Employees championship golf tournament was a glorious success from start to finish, and what the event lacked in num bers it made up in enthusiasm. This was confined not alone to the participants but to many onlookers as well. The fin ish of the first round of match play and the posting of the handicap scores was watched by a company which crowded the club house verandas and many of the close matches were followed from beginning to end by interested galleries of friends. 'Medal play scores were forgotten for the most part, but stroke for stroke bat tles were the rule rather than the excep tion, and in many cases a single putt on the home green, decided the right to bear away the coveted prize. A number of those who qualified for the third division had never before tried to hit a ball as a glance at the qualifica tion scores will show, but they persevered the spirit , of close contest keeping interest at high pitch. Amusing features there were without number, one of the most laughable being the pair which landed at the tenth or the pond tee, and pelted balls into the still water until forced to turn back for an additional supply. The contestants qualified by gross scores in divisions of eight, the winners and runners-up in each receiving cups. Cups were also given to the winners of the consolation divisions made up of the losers in the first round of match play, in addition to the prizes offered in the medal play handicap. The division winners were Frank 13. Pottle, Dr. C. D. Jones and Thos. J. Lyons. Chas. Baxter, Henry J. Carroll and E. Winslow secured the consolation cups. The runner-up cups went to Tom Pollett, M. Swinnerton and Dr. B. W. Norton. THE SUMMARY. The full story of the tournament is told in the following summary: QUALIFICATION SCORES. Tom Tollett 52 Harry Stillings 54 Chas. Baxter 55 A. Peppard 56 P. J. Ward 56 Ernest Berry 57 Frank Pottle 57 Jack Mulcahey 59 William P. Murphy , 60 M. Swinnerton 60 E. R. Ellis 61 E. L. Merrow 6S A. C. Loud 64 Henry J. Carroll 66 Joe Lawson 67 Dr. C. I. Jones 68 Berry beat Feppard, 1 up (19 holes); Pottle beat Baxter 4 and 3. Semi-finals Pollett beat Ward 5 and 4 ; Pottle beat Berry 4 and 3. Finals Pottle beat Pollett, 3 and 2. CONSOLATION. Semi-finals Stillings beat Mulcahey 7 and 6 ; Baxter beat Peppard 1 up (10 holes.) Finals Baxter beat Stillings 1 up. SECOND DIVISION. First Round Jones beat Ellis 6md 77V A F7 J1 M. II. Turner 9 Thos. J. Lyons 70 Dr. B. W. Norton 72 J. R. Coleman 77 C. A. Warwick 89 S.E.Walker 93 G. A. Woods 12 E. Winslow . .135 MATCH PLAY SUMMARY. FIRST DIVISION. First Round Ward beat Mulcahey 3 and 2; Pollett beat Stillings 2 up; WHEN THE OAK LEAVES UNFOLD. 7 ; Loud beat Lawson 4 and 2 ; Swinner ton beat Carroll 7 and 6 ; Murphy beat Merrow 8 and G. Semi-finals Jones beat Loud 1 up; Swinnerton beat Murphy 3 and 2. Finals Jones beat Swinnerton 4 and 2. consolation. Semi-finals Ellis beat Lawson 2 and 1 ; Carroll beat Merrow 1 up. Finals Carroll beat Ellis, 2 up. (Concluded on page two. ) GOVERNOR GLENN A GUEST Visit of Chief Executive's Party Notable Event Enjoyed by All. Reception and Ball at Carolina Sea ton'i in oat Picturesque and Hrll llant Social Function. HE visit of His Excel lency, Governor R. B. Glenn of North Caro lina, accompanied by Mrs. Glenn, staff and party, was a notable event of the week which was enjoyed by all of the guests of the Village, and the reception and dance tendered at The Car olina, Saturday evening, was the season's most picturesque and brilliant social func tion, guests from the various hotels and cottages crowding the drawing room and music hall to their capacity. The festivities began soon after eight thirty with the reception, Governor and Mrs. Glenn and the following party, re ceiving in the drawing room : Lieut.-Governor F. D. Winston and Mrs. Chalmers Glenn. Capt. J. F. Cannon and Miss Rebecca Glenn. Col. F. G.James and Mrs. C.W. Glenn. Col. Roberts. Young and Mrs. Young. Col. A. 1). Ward and Miss Lillian Thompson. Col. Wescott Roberson and Miss Julia Robertson. Col. Alfred Williams and Mrs. Leonard Tufts. Col. Charles E. Johnson and Mrs. T. B. Cotter. Col. D. M. Hodges and Mrs. George S. Hill. Col. F. J. Coxe and Miss Grace Brown. Col. G. F. Henkins and Mrs. M. A. Crockett. Maj. John II. Andrews and Miss Mary Wilbur. Capt. II. N. Tucker and Mrs. Charles Hansel. Mr. J. G. Brown and Mrs. E. G. Hayes. Mr. C. II. Gattis and Mrs. Herbert L. Jillson. The scene was a most fascinating one the striking uniforms of the staff officers contrasting with the evening toilettes of the women and the more sombre evening dress of the civilian guests. Adjt. Gen. T. R. Robertson acted as master of cere monies, the visitors being presented to him by Mr. Leonard Tufts and Resident General Manager T. B. Cotter. Follow (Concluded on page seven.) Si i-i, t:. t, ; ll In l