U : sx? iww r I have played that Ball Two Years It's as good today as when I bought it. There is just one way to put it out of business and that is to Lose It Because It's THE PNEUMATIC Golf Bali The Ball you can"t Cut or Gash the Ball that's best for the drive and most deadly for the putt. Try it yourself and Prove it. Its made only by The Goodyear Tire Sr Rubber Co., (olf Ball Sept.) AKRON, OHIO. BETTER THAN COFFEE. RICHER THAN COFFEE. SEVEN-EIGHTHS COFFEE. TABLEAUX AND WAX WORKS S. S. PIERCE CO., ESTABLISHED 1831 Tremont and Beacon Sts. Copley Square. IS Milk St., (Wholesale) IMPORTERS AND GROCERS INCORPORATED 1894 BOSTON. Coolidg-e's Corner, BROOKI1IB the; shoreham WASHINGTON, D. C. American and European Plan. Absolutely Fireproof. Located in the most Fashionable part of the city and within five minutes walk of the Executive Mansion, Treasury, State, War and Navy Departments. John T, Deuine, Proprietor. Hovel Entertainment Provided in Honor of Yisiting'Golfers. Well Known Advertisements and Io cal Scenes to be Pictured Boxes to be Auctioned MONG the pleasantest of the entertainment feat ures planned for the coming week in honor of the visiting golfers, will be an evening of tableaux and Jarley's wax works at the Village Hall, Thursday. The active committee in which 31 rs. auctioning off of the front portion of the hall, which is to be divided up into re served boxes, and it is anticipated that "horse show" prices will prevail, as the proceeds are to be devoted to charitable and educational work. An auctioneer with a wonderful flow of language and tremendous purse pull ing power, will be selected and this event which will take place at The Carolina, Wednesday evening, at 8,30 sharp prom ises to be an entertainment in it itself. THE ZOO IS II EH E. Formal Opening- Announced for Next Saturday. Trainer John T. lienson, and his Zoo logical collection of animals and birds, reached here Friday morning and is now busy at the exhibition building getting 1 If IliSIf ( A .rJ W. J. TRAVIS, WINNER SECOND ANNUAL MIDWINTER TOURNAMENT. 1905. Leonard Tufts and Mrs. Montgomery A. Crockett are prime movers is fascinat ingly and mysteriously reticent as to de tails, but numerous rehearsals and an air of general activity,-give ample assurance that an evening of rare enjoyment is in store for all. The majority of tableaux shown will be reproductions of popular advertis ments, posters, etc., of special interest to the visitors, many of whom are directly connected with the subjects shown. The wax works will be unique in that most of the figures will have local or personal interest. One of the novel features in connec tion with the entertainment, will be the things in readiness for formal opening, a week from today, Saturday January 20th. The collection which came through by fast express on two Arms palace cars, includes over one hundred rare wild animals and birds, and as an entertain ment feature it is sure to be one of the leading attractions of the Village. The exhibition will be open daily and Sunday from ten to five and a nominal admission fee of twenty-five cents for adults and twenty cents for children, will be charged. A full description of the collection together with the numerous special fea tures to be introduced, will be printed in next week's Outlook.