VOL. IX; NO 15. SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH TENTH, 1906. PRICE FIVE CENTS GALLOP HARD THR0D6H0DT Ho Let up From Start to Finish in Tuesday's Paper Chase. Moorman ami Todd Alake Thrilling Finish in ITecU and Neck II ace Hewn Home Stretch. UESDAY Paper Chase was gallop nam irom first to last ; gallop until the cool air was on lire, the winding road a van ishing ribbon; the sur rounding country a dim and fleeting pan orama, and fellow hounds pursuing demons ! Never from the time the eager pack gave the "strike" cry until their voices ended in a wild hurrah at the finish, was there a let up in the music or the pace, and the hares were figuratively, if not literally, "torn to pieces," long be fore they reached the warren. Thfi conditions were that the hares (Mrs. Leonard Tufts of Boston, and Mr. Horatio L. Whitridge of Baltimore,) should be alloted ten minutes start and that if the hounds should reach home within ten minutes of their time they would win. This was done to obviate any danger which might result from a wild race down the home stretch, and at the same time, to provide more time for the laying out of an intricate trail, nnd the result was the best run of the season. Instead of a race after the quarry the chase became a question for the fleet hounds to decide among themselves, and a prettier race than the leaders made down the home stretch has never been seen anywhere. The start was at three-thirty, several hundred people being assembled on the western porch of The Carolina to witness the fun. With the click of the watches the hares bounded oft', the horses a bit unused to the paper bags across their shoulders, going gingerly and scattering flakes of paper behind them as they went. Ten minutes later starter S. E. Buck's stern voice called "Are you ready !" and a moment later "Go !" was a signal for a general scamble of hoofs and a rush for the front. Close together the pack got away, Mrs. Horatio L. Whitridge, of Baltimore, in the lead with Mr. J. dish ing Todd and Miss Mary Dutton, of Boston, a neck behind, and the rest a length or so away. Over the Dickinson School hillock road the group went, in distinct in a cloud of dust, the rhythmic hoof beats in harmony with the vanishing picture. Clear and sharp the trail stood out at the gate, leading straight down the road, the leaders giving cry which the pack caught up, until the woods and hills rang with the merry music. Straight on went the trail, then suddenly, came to an abrupt end, the momentum of the pace carrying the hounds far beyond. They recovered in a moment, scattered on all sides, and a few seconds later the cry was taken up again, and once more the killing pace resumed. In and out through the burnt land the trail twisted, then out upon a woods road with straight going It was rough going for a ways, but the wood road was soon struck, and it was not many seconds before the clear stretch of the Dickinson School road lay before ; winding on and on. like a river, seen from a mountain through the mist and beck oning f The goal lay beyond! Instinc tively riders bent far forward and horses' necks straightened out, and from that moment until the end, the mad pace never lessened. Up in front the leaders were fighting it out to a finish, Mr. George L. Moorman, of Philadelphia, and Mr. Todd, in the lead, with Mrs. Whitridge alengthaway, mil y.'' mi I V v j) X t i - jT, I - . . 1 1 MM HAKRY DUTTON, OP BOSTON, TRAINER MORGAN, AND A RECORD STRING OF QUAIL. for half a mile, then another twist and turn, a double, and a maze, and once more the pack was on. Hound a small hole in a wire fence they went, through the scrub oak and out upon a road again, then sharply to the right through the burnt land, to a clever double, which was speedily worked out. A moment later the boys were found and the cry, "Now for Home !" rang . out from the leaders.. The others took it up, down the line it went and then the wild race began ! and Mr. Harold Tofiey, of Jersey City, and Mr. G. II. Simonds, of Boston, neck and neck, close upon her heels. Grad ually the leaders drew a bit ahead, Mr. Moorman and Mr. Todd, side by side, waiting for the final struggle. Thus they came to the turn in the road. Mr. Moor man took the straight cut ; Mr. Todd swung round the curve. It was hut a slight advantage, perhaps a gain of a fraction of a minute, but at the killing Concluded on page twelve.) RECORD BREAKING SEASON Quail Hunters Have Enjoyed Good Sport From First to Last. Itecord Bag and Generally Good Sport the Feature Plenty of tuail Ie It Over. HE QUAIL hunting sea son, just closed, has in every important particu lar, been the most suc cessful since the estab lishment of the Pre serves, and it is a pleasant prophesy for the future. From the first day of the season to the very last, excellent sport has prevailed and results in general have been most satisfactory. There were very few days when there were not one and generally several par ties in the field, the coveys started aver aging six daily to each party, with the bags ranging from ten to twenty birds. Best of all, however, a large number of quail have been left to breed, one sports man starting nine coveys averaging a dozen birds each, on the last day of the season. It is a conservative estimate to say that there are at present an average of from six to eight birds in every covey on the Preserves. In the high line kills for a single day Leonard Tufts and Harry Dutton, both of Boston, and John M. Ward, of Brooklyn, divided honors, Mr. Tufts making a bag of thirty-five, and Mr. Dutton and Mr. Ward each securing twenty-eight. Other good bags fell to Horatio L. Whitridge, of Baltimore, who secured twenty while hunting alone, and another of seventeen on a day's trip with J. V. S. Findlay, of Baltimore. II. W. Brown, of Boston, secured eighteen on a day's trip, alone and over his own dog, Cyrus A. Taft sixteen on his best day, J. D. Foot, of Rye, N. Y., II. II. Westinghouse, of New York, an even dozen each, and scores of others from six to ten each. Frank Presbrey of New York, J. S. Jopp, of Boston, and two Aberdeen friends, made a kill of fifty-eight, early in the season, and E. It. Johnson, of Merwin, Pa., and B. G. Royal, of London, England, sixty-seven in five days shoot ing, bags of eight, twelve, fifteen and eighteen. J. R. Such, of South Amboy, N. J., led with an individual high line string, making three visits during the season and always with good success. Concluded on page twelve. j