I ti?5fV'2 ,r.TTTTnrii ATTTT lllr SS3li . - 1 I CHAMPIONSHIP BRIDGE THE BLACK PltlNCjE. If PlaYed ( ? that Ball J-Jzy-':- y For Tw0 Years It's as good today as when I bought it. 1 ' lify y r3r put it out of business and that There is just one way to is to Lose It ! Because It's THE PNEUMATIC Golf Ball The Ball you can't Cut or Gash the Ball that's best for the drive and most deadly for the putt. Try it yourself and Prove it. It made only by The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., , (Ciolf 1111 Dept.) AKRON, OHIO. m iiv.. wM& 1 BETTER THAN COFFEE. RICHER THAN COFFEE. SEVEN-EIGHTHS COFFEE. 3, S. PIERCE GO., ESTABLISHED 1831 Trcmont and Beacon Sts. Copley Square. 1S5 Milk (St., (Wholesale) IMPORTERS AND GROCERS INCORPORATED 1894 BOSTON. Coolidsre's Corner, BBOOKIOB THE SHOREHAM & WASHINGTON, D. C. American and European Plan, Absolutely Fireproof. Located in the most Fashionable part of the city and within five minutes walk of the Executive Mansion, Treasury, State, War and Navy Departments. John T. Devln, Proprietor. Tournament Play at Carolina Much En Joyed by Participants. Mrs. II. S. Denny and Mr. . McK. Uoyd Carry off Fir Honor by a liberal Margin. CIIAMPIONSIIIPbridge tourney, suggested by Miss Kuhnen of Daven port, Iowa, occupied a portion of the week at The Carolina, and pro vided an interesting series of games, forty-four taking part. Through an arrangement whereby North and South were stationary and East and West progressed after playing four hands, every couple met every other couple in equal play, and an ex cellent test was the result. Mrs. U.S. Denny and Mr. D. McK. Lloyd, both of Pittsburg, carried off the Fourth of Miss Olney's Historical Talks at Tlie library. The fourth of Miss Elizabeth Olney's historical talks was delivered in the Li brary room yesterday morning, the sub ject being, "Edward the Black Prince." Miss Olney characterized the Black Prince as the ideal gentleman of his time to whom the glory of the victories of Crecy and Poitiers belonged, referring to Froissart's fascinating stories which tell of these battles and of the chivalrous gen erosity of their hero. lie was the first Prince of Wales to adopt the familiar emblem of the three black feathers and the motto "Ich dten,". and his untimely death paved the way for the dissensions which culminated in the dethronement of his son. PAPER CHASE TUESDAY. A Score of Itldeis Will Participate in Next Weeks Chase. The fourth paper chase of the season is planned for Tuesday afternoon, next, I . . - u. j i 1 , . r-' . W ... f -1 1 i - I A GYMKHANA FROLIC THE PIG RACE. first prizes with a total of 1,432 points, Mr. G. S. Dexter of Boston, and Mr. Henry Lloyd of Pittsburg, taking second with 1,25)0. Four couples made over 1,000, five over 900 and seven over eight. The success and enjoyment of the af fair has led to arrangements for its repe tition in the near future. the scores: Mrs. II. S. Denny and D. McK. Lloyd, 1,432 Mr. G. S. Dexter, Mr. Henry Lloyd, Jr., 1,290 Mrs. J. E. Wood and R. B. Carpenter, 1,084 Mrs. J. D. Climo and Mrs. M. B. Johnson, 1,064 Mrs. Allan Lard and Lucy K. Priest, 1,060 Mr. and Mrs. Judson Williams 1,036 Mr s. R. B. Carpenter and J. C. Neff , 942 Mrs. E. J. Stevens and Mrs. A. E. Curren, 936 Mrs. D. McK. Lloyd and J. O. H. Denny, 916 Mrs. W. G. Hawkins, Mr. G. Worthington, 908 Dr. F. T. Hyde and Mrs. M. A. Crockett, 904 Mr. A. C. Aborn and Mr. J. II. Goodspeed, 890 A. Hale and Miss Hale, 870 Judge J. C. Hale and Mrs. M. II. Wilson, 858 Miss Mary and Jane Lloyd, 812 Miss Macleod and Mrs. M. M. Gibbons, 808 Mrs. G. O. Russell and Helen Taft, 802 Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Trainer, 802 Miss F. McNeely and Miss Gertrude Gilbert 784 Mrs. II S. Gordon, Mrs. C. II. Rosenfeld, 704 Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Converse, 650 Mr. and Mrs. William Sleicker, 466 with the start from The Carolina at 3 :15 p. M., sharp. Everybody who rides is invited and it is expected that a score or more will participate. nig" North Carolina Poplar. Last week up in the mountainous part of Elk township Molt Jones, who is in the logging business, cut a large yellow poplar a week or so ago and from it he got fifteen cuts. Ten of the cuts were 12 feet long, four were 14 feet long and one was 10 feet long. The butt cut was 6 feet in diameter and the top cut at the little end was 20 inches in diameter. The tree will make more than 5,000 feet of lumber. The IBravest Lover. How bravest that brave lover is Who loves all things beneath the sun, Then finds all women in just one, And finds all fortunes in one kiss! How wisely born, how more than wise, How wisely learned must be that soul Who loves all earth, all paradise, All peoples, places, pole to pole, Yet in one kiss includes the whole ! Joaquin MXUr in Smart Set.