VUl, X, No. 7. SATURDAY MOUNING, JANUARY TWELFTH, 1907. PRICE FIVE CENTS WAS BRILLIANT SUCCESS M. and M. Minstrels Return Engage ment Takes Front Rank. Local Hit Galore, Snappy Chorus Work and .Excellent Solo Happily Combined. S 8 I1URSDAY evening's re turn engagement of the Megacephalic and Mas todonic Minstrels takes front rank among the aLS entertainment features of its class given here, a brilliant success from start to finish, the memory of which will cause smiles for many a day. From the time the curtains parted until they closed there was not a dull moment, snappy chorus work, excellent solos, end men's gags, hits and roasts upon local things, conditionvjuidjjeepie combining to keep the company which taxed the .Music Room of The Holly Inn to its ex treme capacity continually entertained and most of the time, in an uproar of laughter. Long before the hour set for opening the Music Room was filled, and many lin gered after the performance to extend congratulations and to express their ap preciation, a significant indication of the character of the performance being an enthusiastic demand for its repetition during the coming week as an entertain ment feature for the visiting golfers who will be assembled here for the annual Midwinter and Advertising contests. Thus early the third engagement is being anticipated, for new hits, new songs and new features are promised if the company can be kept together. The curtain rose promptly at eight thirty with the gajr company seated in the usuil circle, the end men and women in fantastic garb, backgrounded by the chorus, the women in pink and white checked skirts, and the men in evening dress, with the interlocutor, white faced and immaculate in the centre. The usual opening chorus set the ball rolling, and jokes, hits and roasts inter mingled with solos, T. R. Newbold of Washington, opening with 'Do, Ra, Me, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do." Miss Capel of Pitts burg, sang "Robinson Crusoe's Isle"' ; Mr. Cyrus N. Gorton of Buffalo, "Go While the Goin' am Good" ; Mrs. W. F. Wilson of Pittsburg, "Friends that are Good and True" ; Mr. Charles Baxter of Boston, "The Bird on Nellie's Hat" and "I'd Rather be Outside Lookin' in Than Inside Lookin' Out" : Mrs. David Flem ing of Philadelphia, "Bill Simmonds," and Mr. Jay V. Hall of Pittsburg, "He Walked Right in and Turned Around and Walked Right Out Again," the first part ending with a grand medley finale, "Way Down upon the Suwannee River" and "Dixie Land." Encores greeted every soloist and the response was usually a verse with a local hit, Mrs. Fleming and Mr. Baxter being the particular stars of the evening. No bits, among them being first page stories denying that Manager Creamer was driven under a bed by an irate woman guest, and a detailed and graphic descrip tion of the annual Thanksgiving week golf tournment. There were also editorials (?) in the usual happy style of the paper, lost and found advertisements with sly pokes at people, and most entertaining of all the following query column : r-i 8 n W' 7 : r . L i " -J, 8 go go go go go go go go go go go T. S. LIPPY, SEATTLE COUNTRY CLUB, WINNER ANNUAL HOLIDAY WEEK GOLF TOURNAMENT. one was "slighted" in the roasts, the management receiving its share. The first of the second part was de voted to solo buck and wing dances by two colored caddies and Mr. Hall, the whole three appearing later in a break down which caught the crowd. Last but not least was the appearance of the Editor (?; of The Outlook with his famous sheet "The Outburst," peaked hat and all, from which he read choice OUR QUERY COLUMN. Note Under this heading the Editor is al ways glad to answer all queries of any nature, provided the full name of a paid subscriber ac companies the request. To Leonard T No, dearie, the rumor regarding a coal famine is absolutely without foundation, and you will, in good season, find that all things work together (Concluded on page 10.) MANY NOVEL FEATDRES Tin Whistles Tournament Program Is an Attractive One. Three Months CJolf With Club Cham, pionahlp Event a the Im portant feature. HE stated fixtures of the Tin Whistles were an nounced during the week and the program will keep the members busy until April. The pro gram is not only one of the most exten sive but the most interesting and varied ever arranged by this festive club, and a wealth of attractive trophies will be of fered, interest culminating in the annual club championship event booked for March 20, 21, 22 and 23. The program in full follows : January 23-4-6 Three-ball handicap match for club cup, silver and bronze medals. January 30-31 Four-ball foursome, handicap match play. Silver medals for winning pair, bronze medals for second. February' 6 Morning, approaching and put ting contest for box of balls given by Donald J. Ross. Afternoon, medal play handicap, for Herbert L. Jillson cup, silver and bronze medals. February 12 Mid-iron tournament for F. W Kenyon cup, silver and bronze medals. February 20 Four-ball foursome, handicap, against Bogey. Silver medals for winning pair, bronze medals for second. February 27 Swatfest handicap for club cup, silver and bronze medals. March 6 Mixed foursome, handicap. Silver medals for winning pair, bronze medals for second. March 12 Morning, invitation medal play handicap for women. Silver medal for best net and bronze medal for second best net 6core. Afternoon, medal play handicap for II. W. Priest cup, silver and bronze medals. 1' March 20,21, 22,23 Fourth annual club cham pionship. Eighteen-hole qualification round, with silver medal for best score. Gold medal for winner of first sixteen and silver medal for runner-up. Silver medal for winner of consolation, first sixteen. Silver medal for winner and bronze medal for runner-up of second sixteen. Bronze medal for winner of consolation, second sixteen. March 27 Medal play handicap for Leonard Tufts cup, silver and bronze medals. Note Regular tournaments are open to mem bers only. All tournaments will start at two o'clock in the afternoon, and all events will be eighteen-hole rounds. IIrkhire Defeats Inn. The Berkshire and Holly Inn base ball teams crossed bats again Tuesday, the former team winning by 5 to 2. A game with the Southern Tines nine is being arranged for the near future.