VOL. XI, No. 9. SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY TWENTY-FIFTH, 1908. PRICE FIVE CENTS THE MIDWINTER HANDICAP Fifty Expert Amateurs Representing Conntry's Best are Here. VUitora Turn Out Xa fflaMe to Watch Shooting Snap and Go the Special Feature. II K first annual Midwin ter Handicap trap shoot ing tournament is in progress as this issue of The Outlook goes to ' press, and its success is gratifying beyond the expectations of the most sanguine, fifty expert amateurs, representing the very best in the coun try, and a liberal representation of well known professionals, participating and record scores keeping interest at high pitch. As . an entertainment attraction the event is being enjoyed by the entire Vil lage, crowds of several hundred people assembling daily to watch the sport, with the attendance of women very large; a special feature being the rapidity and precision with which events are being run oft", so excellent being the arrange ment and organization that it has only been necessary to use three, or a part of the Club's splendid equipment of four sets of traps. Preliminary to the tournament proper, which began Thursday, were two hundred-target races, the first event on the regular program being a hundred and fifty-target event, run off in ten-fifteen bird sweeps, the Preliminary being shot yesterday, and the Handicap today. A novel and entertaining feature of the week was an exhibition of trick shooting given Wednesday by "Annie Oakley," in which this well-known ex pert Nvas seen at her very best. NOTES Al'.OUT PARTICIPANTS. Prominent among the amateurs partic ipating is George L. Lyon of Durham, N. C, winner of the Preliminary in the Grand American Handicap last .June, and second in the Handicap of the same event the year previous; this event being recognized as emblematic of the World's Amateur Championship. Another brilliant star is John Martin of Brooklyn, the Metropolitan Champion and High Average winner in the Pale Face Handicap, at Boston, in December. Equally as prominent is G. S. McCarty of Philadelphia, winner of the Southern Handicap at Richmond, last May, and the Pale Face Handicap, in December. In the same class is George H. Piercy of Jersey City, and Andrew Lindley of Newark, the New Jersey State Cham pions. Also one of the country's ex perts is W. M. Foord of Wilmington, Del., former State and New York Athletic Club Champion, and Dr. E. F. Gleason of Boston,this year's New York Athletic Club champion. Among the prominent State represen- K. Mekpeace of Sanford. Others here include C. W. Hillings of New York, former New York Athletic Club Champion, one of the country's fast amateurs; andT. J. O'Donohue of the same club ; J. H. Hunter of Wash ingcon, one ot tne old scnooi who is keeping place with the new; Lowell M. Palmer, Jr., David A. Leahy and C. A. Lockwood, of the Crescent Athletic o?oo?c& o?jo?oc&) o?jc&jc&)c& o?io?to?3 c&c&c&j o?3cSfcc&) c&jo?oco I 8 J-. ..;s I ' "l .1.. -i'V 15l X3 9 go go S3, go go go go S2, EDWIN A. FREEMAN. tatives is R. G. Stokley of Wilmington, winner of the Preliminary in the South ern Handicap at Richmond last Jam, who heads a delegation of North Caro lina shooters, including E. Boushee, G. W. Penny, Cft" L. Boylan and Dr. J. tf Dreher of Wilmington; William Walls and W. Simms of Wilson; John W. Todd of Charlotte; J. II. Mcllhomin of Gibson ; W. G. Weatherspoon, M. A. Mourar, S. P. Hatch, C. R. Preddy, J. Club ; W. J. Simpson, E. II. Thorn? on and Frank L. Hall, of New York; Dr. D. L. Culver of Jersey City; E. S. Rogers of Cleveland; F. IJk'Crary of Crawford, N. J. ; John K. Burgess of Dedham, Mass. ; W. A. Wiedebusch of Fairmont, W. Va.; L. W. Colquitt of South Orange ; A. H. C. Chapman and L. S. WTalker of Brooklyn; Warren Somers and Tsaac Bacharach of Atlantic (Concluded on page 12.) E. A. FREEMAN THE WINNER Carries off Championship Honors in Advertising Tournament. Front Start to Flnlali Contest Pro vide Interesting: Varletj and Keen Play. DWrIN A. Freeman of, Brooklyn, carried oft' the first division or Cham pionship honors in the an nual Advertising Men's golf tournament, defeat ing W. E. Shackelford of Atlantic City, by the liberal margin of C and 5. Mr. Freeman was going very fast, having the match well in hand from the start and rounding out a seventy-six card, which was the medal play record for the week. The card : Out-5 5 3 4 4 5 4 4 3-37 In -4 4 4 4 6 4 5 4 639-76 Approximated. The contest of the day came in the first division consolation, where L. A. Hamil- ou of New Y"ork, the Florida East Coast Champion, and G. B. Adams, also of New York, winner of the gross score qualifi cation trophy, fought it out stroke for stroke to the home green, Mr. Hamilton winning by a putt. The remaining divisions saw close matches, the introduction of handicaps in all divisions but the first equalizing matters considerably, "Willis R. Roberts of Philadelphia, whose allowance was fourteen, winning the second division finals from I. S. Robeson of Rochester, whose handicap was ten, by 7 and G ; R. E. S. Carlisle of Buffalo (8,) taking the consolation. W. J. Ryan of New York (12,) won the third division trophy from C. II. Rosenteld, also of New York (20,) by one up in a red hot match ; D. Herbert Hostetter of Pittsburg (14,) winning the consolation. R. R. Mamlok of New York (16,) led the fourth division, defeating S. L. Allen of Mo'orestown, N. J., (18,) 4 and 3 ; W. C. Kimball of New York (12,) winning the consolation. R. C. Wilson of Sum mit, N. J., (35,) won the fifth division from Stephen B. Ayres of New Yrork (18,) 2 and 1 ; Stephen C. Lowe of Bos ton (20,) taking the consolation. The sixth and last division (eight) went to W. F. Smith of Brookline (25,) who de feated O. II. Blackmail of New l'ork (25,) 6 and 5 ; J. II. Killinger of New York (25,) winning the consolation. From start to finish, the tournament (Concluded on page 12)