- - '- : - VOL. XI, No. 21. "GOOD ROADS! THE SLOGAN SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL EIGHTEENTH, 1908. Throughout County the Cry Announces Hew Era of Progress. Moor County Good lloada Aaaocia tlon Formed iind Township Committees Appointed. fLL through Moore County the slogan is now "Good roads; good roads and quickly !" and largely as the result of the con ference of those particu larly interested, held here Friday last. All Moore County came, as far as the good roads movement is concerned, and all Moore County saw. Previously Moore County had Jicartl, but Moore County, like the world at large, does not believe all it hears. It was, however, open to argument, and through its representatives, has been convinced just what a good road is and iust what it means. Moore County now knoics and the result is activity which will be felt throughout the entire State. Interest has been awakened and a score of men are finding the days only too short in their eagerness to spread the good news among those less enlightened. There is friendly competition among townships, there is a well defined plan, there is efl'ort and there is cooperative organization ! Moore County is alive to the issue from one end of its territory to the other; North, South, East and West. "Good roads ; good roads and quickly !" is the slogan. THE CONFKKENCE. The conference called by President Leonard Tufts of the Pinehurst Good Roads Association, included the road supervisors, commissioners and those particularly interested in the good roads movement, in the townships of Green wood, Carthage, Mineral Springs (Pine hurst) and McNeil's (Southern Pines) the four townships which have gone in under the good roads special tax law, and the response to the invitation was general, the company including : 1). A. McDonald, Dr. G. McLeod, G.C. Graves, J. N. Powell, II. P. McPherson, M. L. Morris, John Horner, M, D. Me Crimmons, I. II. Caddell, A. S. Neweom, J. W. Moore, N. A. McKeithen, A. C. Kelly, T. D. McLean, 11. W. McLean, Mcl. Kennedy, M. A. Monroe, A. A. Mc Caskill, D. R. Bunnell, J. R. 3IcQueen, R. G. Fry, Dan. Blue, L. Tufts, G. N. McMillan, W. P. Mundy, Dr. W. P. Swett, Jas. Boyd, John Y. Boyd, J. A. Freeman, J. L. Currie, W. L. Spence, Prof. J. A. McLeod, Geo. II. Dumber. The program of the day included a general discussion of the subject in Mr. Tufts' office in the morning, followed by an inspection of the roads in the Village and an illustration of the use of the King road drag. Next in order was a trip, men jumped and awaited the return of the empty carriage to the main thor oughfare wiser men. "Why," remarked one, "those horses have trotted every foot of the way down and back over this new road, and the traoes haven't even tightened. They couldn't trot more than a few rods at a time in the old road and they'd have to back to slack the traces. On the new p, "3 "i 8 I "I "I vXTv vv it r .,. . ... , r . jjp. ' iJkuA ' J. , ... j y "Sir; ; mf9 pmlr vp,. 4 2S" 8 go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go Xl g go go go go MR. JOHN E. rOKTEK. in carriages, over the new Tinehurst- Southern Pines Boulevard as far as John Wickers, and a critical examination of the roadway. One oC the striking re sults of the trip was a comparison of the new road with the old, portions of which e found at the sides, the head team avinsr the new road and entering the old only to advance a short distance, when the carriage stalled and tne noi ses ere unable to move it. Out six stalwart road the carriage coasts down hill, the heavier the load the faster; on the old road the horses pull down hill, the heavier the load the harder. "I'm for good roads from now out; put me down for that. It's just as plain as a buzzard against the sky; but previ ously I couldn't see it any plainer than I can a 'possum in a hollow tree. Good roads are what we want and quickly." (Continued on page 2) SPRING AWAITS AD REVOIRS Peace and Pleasant Memory With the Closing of Season of 1907-08. , Dollg-htful Hour, hy Far Too Short, Itieylluve Deen; Ilourofltro ollectlon and Anticipation. HE Winter has been wafted away on the wings of happiness and radiant Spring awaits au revoirs. Peace and pleasant memory to the Season of 1907-08 ! Delightful hours, by far too short, they have been ; days of recreation in The Opei, evenings of pleasant association; hours of recollection and anticipation. u Bumpers " to the Season of 1908-09 ! Never have guests come earlier or lin gered later; never has the demand for accommodations been larger. Never has there been greater activity; never has Progress been more indelibly written upon the pages of history which mark Pinehurst's remarkable growth in popu larity. Here's to the Future and what it has in store ! Most gratifying of all have been the many evidences f the solidification of Village character, notably the Church organization, the good roads movement, Village Club work, and additions to the list of private cottage owners those who have selected Pinehurst as a permanent place of winter residence. Most marked, also, has been the gen eral activity and broadening out; the bringing together of the entire Village and the further development of the com munity spirit, which has always been one of the most attractive features of the place. Along all lines there has been unity of effort on a well defined plan ; harmony and cooperation. The Village has grown as it has never grown before. Successful the Season has been beyond the most sanguine expectations, but suc cess which may be measured in other ways than financially; Success which will be the keystone upon which the Future builds. Best of all, the Village has made new friends, and friends have and will always govern its real success. Friends who leave delighted, planning to return with friends. Friends whose friendship is real because they have found in Pinehurst a friend a helpful friend a resort com (Concluded on page 3)