VOL. XII, No. 8. SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 23, 1909. PRICE FIVE CENTS J. P. KNAPP THE WINNER Nineteen-hole Final Brilliant Close of Advertising Men's Tourney. Record Field of One Hundred and Tbree Participate and Good Fel lowship Itelerna Supreme. TRAIGHT down through from first rounds to final", the annual Adver tising Men's Golf Tour naraent provided fast play, with interest of the gallery centred on the first division, its special features daily nineteen-hole contests, with the home and the short seventeenth greens deciding it in the ma jority of cases. The field of one hundred and three contestants was the largest in the history of these tournaments, and as for interest and good fellowship, no event has ever provided moie to make dull days bright until Northern links smile a welcome in the spring; the week one of many social pleasures, dinners and dances combining happily with the "business" of the hour. J. P. Knapp of New York, captured the championship trophy from W. Smed ley of Philadelphia, on the nineteenth green, in a spectacular match ; by strange coincidence reversing the order of Mr. Smedley's semi-final play. At the turn the New Yorker was two down, the Philadelphian increasing his lead to three up on the thirteenth, but then the tide of victory turned, Mr. Knapp with alternate wins and halves, evening the score on the home green, and takinsr the extra hole with a fast four to five for his opponent. Mr. Knapp came down through to the finals rather easily, winning seven and five, three and two, and four and three, from W. L. Colt, Jason Rogers and L. A. Hamilton, in the order given. Just the reverse was Mr. Smedley's progress, his preliminary rounds with E. II. Silliman and II. V. Seggerman both requiring extra holes, the latter be ing won with the score three down at the turn, by taking four holes beginning with the fourteenth, Mr. Seggerman win ning the eighteenth to tie the score. In the second round Mr. Smedley defeated F. C. Jennings, two and one. Mr. Seggerman and Frank Presbrey fought it out to the nineteenth in the second round, Mr. Presbrey two up at the turn; Mr. Seggerman tying the score on the seventeenth, halving the eighteenth and winning the extra hole, Mr. Pres- brey's match with II. M. Adams was all even at the turn, the last hole deciding it. In the consolation also the battle waged, Charles Presbrey and L. A. Hamilton fighting it out to the home green in the first round, the score all even at the fif teenth which Mr. Presbrey won, the next two holes halved, Mr. Hamilton winning on the eighteenth. V. J. MacDonald of Chicago, and J. II Eggers of Summit, won the second di vision, and R. E. S. Carlisle of Buffalo, and W. C. Kimball of New York, the consolations. W. M. Sanford of Glen Ridge, and Maj. J. J. Morrow of Washington, took the third division trophies, and S. Keith Evans of New York, and Dr. E. Sense- man of Atlantic City, the consolations 8 8 8 8 -r V ,v V . ; " ,- , s . 7'.. i ' s , ' '." ail It 7 - if -hXr -r v;t-.- -I ,v- -, v, v-,'. o., I S1 MR. J. P. KNAPP. i i C3C3C3C3C3C3C3C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 03 C3 In the second round Mr. Presbrey de feated S. II. Patterson, five and four, the semi-final and final both won on the sev enteenth green from J. J. Hazen and Frederick Snare. The remaining divisions were played on a new plan, the cups going to the win ners of first and second four division and consolation winners, instead of to the usual winners and runners-up. V. A. Seggerman and R. R. Mamlok, both of New York, captured the fourth division trophies, and T. T. Rushmore of Garden City, and N. Wierman of Moores town, the consolations. Twenty and nineteen-hole matches de cided it in the fifth division, A. S. Hig gins and A. S. Brownell, both of Yonk ers, winning; B. D. Butler of Minne (Concluded on page 6.) THE MIDWINTER HANDICAP From All Points of. Compass Experts Come for Second Annual. JPIck of the Country's Amateur and Professional Represented on Firing' line. CHOESTG and reechoing through the Village is the sharp crack of smokeless powder,and for the time being, "pull" not "fore," is the war cry, the interest of the entire colony centred in the second annual Midwinter Handicap Trap Shooting Tournament. From north, south, east and west the experts come, and hundreds gather daily to watch the quick flying targets vanish in clouds of purple dust, and to note the scores as they rise and fall on the great bulletin board. It's trap shooting from early morning until dusk : makes the bright sky leaden, and Pinehurst, man, woman and child, is enjoying it. Interest of the gallery is centred on the shots of international reputation, among them C. W. Billings of the New York Athletic Club, winner of the Hand icap last year, and third in the recent Preliminary of the Championship of his own club; a clean, steady marksman whose call and whose shot are almost simultaneous. From Cleveland is D. A. Upson, win ner of the Preliminary in the N. Y. A. C. Amateur Championship last year, and the same event in the Eastern Handicap in lyu; witn mm K. s. Kosrers of Cleveland, who figured prominently in the Eastern Handicap last June, and who is generally regarded as one of the com ing men. R. D. Stokley of Wilmington, N. C, is also one of the Class A men,ruuner-up in the Preliminary here last year, and winner of the same event in the South ern Handicap in 1U07 and the State Championship; with him E. E. Boushee, Dr. J. II. Dreher, E. E. Boylan, G. W. Penny and J. E. Taylor of his home club. Dr. D. L. Culver of Jersey City, win ner of the Atlantic Coast Championship at Asbury Park last August and a fine trophy at Port Jervis in July, is another of the fast ones. F. W. Moffett of the Crescent Club, and champion for two years past, is here with A. R. Allan of the same club, winner of the high aggregate score in the inter-club (Concluded on page 6)