.-fej&SVV JftUViiilHI I THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK PAGE THE HOLLY Iflfi- The Holly Inn is one of the most attractive hotels in the South. Since it was built in 1895, it has been necessary to enlarge it several times to meet the constant ly increasing demand. The interior is elegant, cheerful and tasteful. No modern convenience is lacking. There are bath rooms, electric lights, steam heat and open fireplaces. There is a call bell in every room, and all beds are furnished with best hair mattresses. An orchestra furnishes fine concerts daily, and also provides for dancing. The cuisine is unsurpassed. The waitresses are all white girls from the North. Rooms for billiards and other games are provided in the hotel. A. I. CREAMER, Manager. The Harvard, PINEHURST, N. C. TlNLHURST.Ti.Cw This recently completed hotel is modern In every re- ipect, having electric lights, steam heat and several suites with bath, and with its oottage annex, accommodating seventy-five guests. F. C. ABBE, Manager. FIRST OF SEASONS SERIES Usual Progressive Bridge Parties are Inaugurated at The Inn. 1 jfSlii HOTEL ROYAL, PALM, Fort Myers, F?la. BOATING, FISHING, SHOOTING, GOLF. Those wishing to enjoy the most tropical spot in Florida, should visit this winter retreat, beau tifully located on the svlph winding: Caloosahachee twentv miles from thA fjnif nf Mvixn Hotel Royal Palm is one of the most attractive and palatial hotels in south Flo ida. Since last season inn noiei na oeen inorougni v,renovatea ana newly furnished and a mnsic room, sun parlor, dutch room, ani fifty bed rooms, all with nrivate bath, ha. hen nrlrtpd Th ,nr.aa h.. aA been improved br the addition of a swimming pool, sulphur baths and a large number of private F. H. ABBOTT, Manager Dinner and Dances Enliven a Busy Week Indoors and Out Holiday Merrymaking- Planned. JOYED by hotel guests and cottagers was Tues day evening's progres sive bridge party at The Inn, the first of the series annually enjoyed, six tables being necessary. Details of ar rangements were in hands of an active committee including Mrs. Guy Metcalf of Providence, Mrs. Charles Todd Parks of New York, Mrs. A. I. Creamer and Mr. F. A. King of Northboro, and the prizes in exquisite taste ; the list of winners in cluding, Mrs. William Lewis Washing ton, Mrs. John Bassett Moore, Mrs. V. R. Lansingh, all of New York, Mr. E. A. Tracy of South Coventry, Mr. A. I. Creamer and Prof. Moore. Many dinners have also added to the pleasure of the week and dancing is gen erally enjoyed by the younger set which is actively planning Holiday gayeties, the first of which is to be a cotillion for Christmas night, Saturday next. Wondrous days of crisp air and sun shine are keeping all out of doors, in terest centered in the large handicap mixed doubles tennis tournament, in pro gress as The Outlook goes to press. Eiding and driving were never more popular, and the golfers are resorting to the usual novelties to wind out happy days as is evinced by Thursday's "Monkey-tourney." AMONG THE GUESTS. Every train brings its quota of arri vals, the house count mounting merrily upwards and distancing all previous rec ords. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hay ford of Phil lips Beach, the Misses Theodate and Margaret Clough and Miss Blanche Tap ley of Lynn, return; welcomed by a large circle of acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. George W. K. Taylor and Miss Anna C. Taylor of New York, spent the week here. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie C. Bruce of New York, return for their usual sojourn; Mr. Bruce devoted to shooting. Mr. Wilbur C. Johnson and Mr. Spencer Waters of New York, return for their. usual Holiday visit. Mrs. M. L. Bishop and Mr.1 Julian T. Bishop of Bridgeport, are welcomed back for -December. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Wesson of Spring field, are here for an extended visit. Mr. Wesson will spend much time in the quail covers. Mrs'. Van Rensselaer Lansingh of New York, spent the week with her husband. Mr. Harry J. E.' Thomas of Baltimore, is here for riding and shooting. Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Holman of Atlan tic City spent the week here. Mr. E. II. Robinson of Merchantville, is a late addition to the ranks of the golf ers and will remain some time. Mi John J. Kennedy of Boston, is here for golf. Mrs. M. E. 13. Heffernan and Miss Katherine Heffernan of Providence are late arrivals. Dr. E. W. Pierce of Meriden and Mr. II. T. Bartlett of Ansonia, are making a short visit. Mr. LaFayette Lentz, Mr. Wm. Lentz of Mauch Chunk, Pa. return for shooting. Mr. Samuel L. Feiber and Mr. C. C. Phillips of New York, are enjoying golf. Mr. C. M. Brett of Brookline, returns for golf and shooting. , . Mr. Mahlon Pitney of Morristown and Mr. Chas. A. Reed of Plainfield, spent a portion of the week in the quail covers. Mr. Ayres C. Greening of Montclair, is here for golf. Mr. J. S. Fanning "Jack? to trap shots everywhere, one of DuPont's ablest rep resentatives, spent a portion of the week here. Mrs. James B. Richardson of High Point and Miss Reid 'of Reidsville, N. C. spent the week here. Mr. Ellery J. Wilcox of Providence, is a late arrival. Mr. David Maclaren, and Dr. S, R. Cooke of Oitawa, are spending a fort night here. Mr. Harry Martel of Montreal, returns for golf. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sanford and Mr. J. P. Robertson of New York, are late arrivals. Mr. R. H. Channing Jr., and children of New York, will remain some time. At Ihe Lexington. Mr. J. F. O'Connell of Marlboro, Mass., is spending the season here. Mr. Henry Gilling of Fall River, is making a long sojourn. Mrs. p.. F. Weidman of Chicago, leaves after three weeks here. Mr. George Bingley of Ottawa, was a recent visitor. Sunday Services. Protestant services will be held in the Village Chapel tomorrow including morning service at eleven and Sunday school at three-thirty. On Christmas Sunday, Holy Commun ion at ten and morning service with sermon, at eleven. Catholic services well be held tomor row morning at six oclock and on Christ mas Sunday at six and eight in the morning. Wanted. Tutor A young man who would in struct boy of seventeen, backward in his studies, also accompany him in out door sports; golf, horseback riding, etc. Address S. R. Young, care The Out look, stating qualification, salary, etc. Trap Shooting- Popular. Trap shooting is rapidly coming to the fore and many are enjoying it. "Jack" Fanning set the pace Monday with a string of forty-eight ' out of a possible fifty. n