I PAGE jjjjg&QUlllt E PINEHURST OUTLOOK .. "j THIS $18 INDIAN RUG With Free Zuni Basket. For lO.OO. THE MERRY TIN WHISTLES Warranted genuine handwoven from pure handspun wool by Indian weavers; fast colors In rich red, black and white, or in blue and white, if desired; finest weave; last a genera tion. Size, 30x6' in.; worth $18. To Introduce our genuine Navajo and Pueblo Indian Blank et we will deliver this rug prepaid by express for $10, and will include free this month one hand woven $2 genuine Zuni Indian Basket, n in. gffeggs? aloirof Indian Blankets sent free. Any size, color or design woven to order. 108-page Art Catalog of Indian and Mexican handicraft, 10c. THE FRANC'S E. LESTER COMPANY. Dept. KH12, Mesllla Park , New Mexico. WEDDING CAKE in handsome ribboned, pre sentation boxes. Expressed anywhere and guaranteed. Old English recipe we have used 38 years. Brides cakes, birthday cakes. Beautifully illustrated booklet shows styles and prices. WrLe for it. 454 Main Street Worcester, Mass Established 1871 THE weminPtoti. Iautoloading shotgun f REMINGTON genius combined safety and II shooting comrort in the Auto loading Shotgun. The Rem ington Solid Breech Hammer less Idea places 1 wall of thick solid steel between your face and the smokeless powder. The recoil does all the work of reloading. You have five shots under control of trigger finger, giving three shots to get cripples which other wise would die unrecovered In the Remington Autoloading Gun you get the most up-to-date and modern ideas embodi ed in any gun in the world, yet the price is moderate. If your dealer can't $how one, write us for catalogue. The REMINGTON ARMS I COMPANY, Ilion, N.Y. Agency, 315 Broadway. New York City INDEPENDENT BRANDS OF HAVANA CIQARS Sold at PINEHURST ( (Fartagas) ) r( e n yn I " I I S. PIERCE CO. established 1831 IMPORTERS AND GROCERS recoEpoBATED BOSTON Tremont and Beacon Sts. Copley Square Coolidge Corner, BBOOKLIKR The National State Bank Rich m ojidjVIrg lnia Capital. $500,000 President, John S. Ellett .Surplus, $350,000 Cashier IV m M Mill Assistant Cashier, Julien H. Hill There is mo Jollier Company Than Thoae Belonging: to TnU Clan." AN you tell me what the Tin Whist les mean?" inquired a new comer and many have been the queries into this myste rious order which has taken such a deep hold on' Pinehursters. The organization is understood to be a concentrated effort to get the "tin" by a large class of men who failing to do so have learned a "whistle" which soothes all disappointment at failure! We have all heard of men "whistling for their pay" and now we are told that still lives happily! The ups and downs of the average golfer are at times almost unendurable filled with ambitions never realized hope always deferred and almost invariable disap pointmentsand the Tin Whistlers have solved the problem, blazed the way to a consummation of almost communistic golfic bliss ! "Can I get into such a desirable society?" is often queried. Yes, if yon can stand the test! Can you go into a tournament and feel no disappointment if you fail to get the cup? Can you get a score of 82 for 18 holes and tell no living man? Can you wipe out all am- r?JI?l?3?lto (X " f k lL , '.v'l ::-:( II - M a J' v. ; l 1 9 go go go go go go go 9 go go go go go go MR. D. N. CLARK. At eighty-one years of age he makes 18-hole golf round in one hundred. tCg30Jt3 Cg3Cg3Cgp CgpCg3r33C)Cg3 13 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C&JCg3Cg3 there is a "whistle which pays when you can't get the tin." Certainly no jollier company has been seen than those belonging to this clan and most of them act as if they not only have the cheer and comfort of the "whistle" but also have the "tin." The tin-tinabulation of the whistle is a quality heard only by the initiated Tin Whistler himself, and is said to be the most delightful melody in the sphere of sound. When a member can't get a tin dipper he knows how to get along with a cut glass goblet ; when he can't pucker up for a whistle he gets along with the "tin" and thus golfing life is made endurable and the Tin Whistle votary bition to see your name blazoned ' in bronze as a "North and South Cham pion" (over the fireplace)? Can you honestly own up to playing a "six" when your opponent thinks you have only played "five" and when five wins the Tournament? Are you "modest" about your "game" and do you really realize that you are but a "chump player"? Can you whistle pleasintly and never use adjectives (or collateral expletives) when you miss your putt? Is "tin" the last thing in the world you desire or think about? Tell me (for this a straight-from-the-shoulder talk) answer me (and I will then announce other requirements) and decide if you are eligible for this most