I PAGE 1MPTHE PINEHURST OUTLOOK PNE 5 mysterious and fascinating order in the golfing world. So here's to the merry Tin Whistles, may they live long and prosper ! Col. Tinminer. AWJL Ul TO COLONEL HOOEY, Bouiethlng- Concerning- the Ancestry of the King of tlie Link. Recently, while talking with the gal lant Colonel, he referred to his ancestry and remarked that he was half Scotch and half soda water ! He's a good fellow although apt to be a little upish; but there's no hard feeling between us, even though he's always putting me down. I do object to have any man insist upon his rights every time, and when I get to a bogey three hole in a four I believe it would be the part of a gentleman to raise the limit (once in a while!) of course, when I get a ten on a bogey five I admit the Colonel has a right to put me down and out, but when I make a hand some six on a bogey five, I claim it is rubbing it in to rub me out. There is one good point about the old man, he always keeps his mouth shut when I drive (which is unusual) and he never tries to show me why I missed, (which is usual). When I am up on him he nver explains that "he was off his game", nor tells me what he got for a score (yesterday) on the other course ! The Colonel confided to me that in his years of experience on the golf-links, he had only known one man who when he goc a low score, did not tell of it to every man he knew (but he is now dead) also that he had seen players who ought to be chloroformed and one of them who actu ally made a golf-ball blush. (now living). He said that he had made up his mind that the man who wanted the hole made the size of the green, couldn't get into it, even if the hole was as large as the moon. The Colonel's correspondence showed me he is up to date, among other letters, one from President L'aft, asking him frankly what he weighed to which the Colonel, as frankly replied: "You are up to me in diameter and avoirdupois two up." When he mentioned this to Mrs. Bogey in the evening she told him that he should not "talk shop." Speaker Cannon also wrote saying he began to surmie that he was "up against it" (insurgentically) and asking advice as to getting down and out one up. The Colonel replied that he had more experience with the ups, than downs of life and preferred not to get mixed up in any insurrection. The Colonel states positively that he has detected Japanese spies photograph ing the fortifications of the "Interna tional" fourth hole on the new course at Pinehurst. There has from the first been "trouble" at this hole (of domestic character) and it is hoped that no Inter national mixup will develop. The Colonel however is up on all sub jects, up to snuff, up to date, so here's all up to Colonel Bogey, as good as you are and as bad as I am, for as good as you are and as bad as I am, I am as good as you are, as bad as I am. I. DE. B UNKERTEAR. WOX ALOSK FOA THE YOVHG. . 1. Clark at .Eig-htr-one, Turn in fine Oolf Score, That golf is not alone for the young is demonstrated by Mr. D. N. Clark of Woodbridge, Ct., a visitor since the in ception of the Village and who observes his eighty-first birthday March 2nd. Mr. Clark rarely misses a daily nine hole round, sometimes playiDg two, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, with scores ranging from 49 to 51: his best recent record these two scores in a single day. The cards : Morning 5 6 5 6 4 6 7 4 649 Afternoon 6 6 4 6 5 6 7 4 751100 Supper at the Gun Club. The younger set at The Carolina en joyed Monday evening at the Gun club cabin, supper, songs and story telling 'round the blazing fireplace filling in the hours. In the group were Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Aymar, 3d, Misses Carolyn Fuller, lluby Sewall, Marcia Humphrey, Priscilla Beall, and Messrs. Paul Gard ner, Ralph Gardner, E. L. Scofield, Jr., and II. II. Kirkpatrick. Supper at Pinebluft. The "Lift-the-Latch" cabin at Pine bluft', continues a popular rendezvous, Misses Ruby Sewall, Marcia Humphrey, Priscilla Beall and Ethel Check, . and Messrs. Paul Gardner, E. L. Scofield, Jr., W. S.Dillon and Dr. W. S. Parker, driving over for supper early in the week. To Study Feathered Colony. Thus early Miss Olney, the Village Librarian, has many applications from those who wish to join her in the study of the local feathered colony. The "classes" will begin with the coming of spring now near at hand. I' ' ' j MR. W. L. IIURD OF PITTSBURG. One f the most enthusiastic of the "veteran golf en and a cottager. wmmEstm jrP mi THE BRAND TRADC MARK REQ. IN U. 8. PAT. OTP. REVOLVER AND PISTOL CARTRIDGES. Winchester Revolver and Pistol cart ridges in all calibers prove their sup eriority by the targets they make. Shoot them and you'll find they are iU ACCURATE, CLEAN, SURE Winchester Shells and Cartridges for Sale at the Pinehurst Store, Traps and Ranges, Look for the Big Red " W " on Every Box. For Perfect Health Mankind requires the material as well as the ethereal form of nourishment. j The virtues of the soft southern air and sunshine j when added to those of ! Shredded Whole Wheat! will produce results on the nervous, tired frame benefi cent and lasting. It is made of the good, whole wheat cleaned, shredded and properly baked and can be easily assimilated by the stomach in its most delicate state. Shredded Whole is Concentrated Life Wheat Two Shredded Wheat Biscuits with milk or cream and a little fruit will sup ply all the energy needed for a half day's work at a cost of five or six cents. Try it for ten mornings and you will feel brighter, stronger and happier. Your GROCER sells it. "There's Health and Strength in Every Shred" THE MOST DELIGHTFUL SUMMER RESORT IN THE WHITE MOUNTAINS A Modern Village 1600 Feet Above Sea Level is BETHLEHEM, N. H. No better place for rest and recreation. Every amusement and sport common to resort! la found here, while the natural advantages and scenic beauties are unsurpassed. a D I lMrTftM is one of the best of the many home-like hotels at a moderate THE ARLINGTON price. Splendid location excellent cuisine modern In all its appointments. Fine golf links, temnis, orchestra. Long distance telephone. Furnished Cottages for rent, $250 to $700. p. C. ABBE, PROPRIETOR. THE TOWOOD A now open Best Saddle Horses and Livery T. Edmund Krumbholz