PAGE THE .PINEHURST OUTLOOK Mahonia, a real tree of box, fine ivy carpets, red cedar, mock orange or cherry laurel, and on the end of the cook house near by one can see what English ivy can do in two seasons growth. At the entrance court are camellias,the fragrant honeysuckle, the finest youpon of the town with its small evergreen leaves and brilliant bead-like berries, banana shrub, the hemlock tree of the North, the Chinese arbor vitaea, Japan quince, which is so subject to the San Jose scale that it is going out of use,the big leaved Japanese privet, the small leaved Chinese privet, the winter jas mine, yellow jasmine, roses, Indian cur rant, holly, dogwood, red bud, gall berry. On the eastern piazza is a noticeably fine curtain of ivy and a big plant of the climbing Eleaganus. Here too is a Chinese Wistaria, the gift of Mrs. Mc Kenzie, of McKenzie's Mills, to Mrs. Priest, who planted it with her own hands. At that Spanish structure, the Casino, are appropriately placed the four yuccas, Spanish bayonet (Y. aloaefolia), bear grass or Adam's needle (Y.fillamentosa), the great bear grass (Y. glorisa) and the Colorada yucca (Y. augustif olia) . On the slope and roadside northeast of The Carolina is the European corsican pine which grows even more rapidly than the native long and short leaf pines, both of which are here, together with red cedar, dogwood, red maple, red bud, plum, callyanthus or sweet shrub, calli carpa or mulberry shrub, all natives. N. b. This list of Carolina plant neigh bors could be doubled yes, tripled, by a critical examination. Concord A fine Spanish bayonet and Dttfder cedar is here and in the back ground the Bootan pine, Pinus excelsa. These two foreign cone bearers grow with great vigor here. Craddock The value of the Chinese privet as a porch screen is indicated here. Cypress Tree planting here is a va ried one with many species represented upon a small area. Cedars Fine hardy olive, Japan quince, and McCartney rose plants are here and a cedar of Lebanon. Dartmouth The beginning of a gar den plau is represented by the line of shrubs that sit back from the sidewalk, in which are choice varieties of old camellias that came from the Mass achusetts Agricultural College conserva tory. Dogwood This cottage has two of its namesakes on either side of the en trance path. Elm The tall and low gall berry are here in creditable groups, but the elm has yet to be planted. Holly Inn The two holly trees at the entrance are the finest in the Village and the Las Tunas cactus so common in Cali fornia gardens, is here. Ivy ground cover about the buildings and in the roadside plantations is particularly good. There is also under the wax myrtle on the inside of the curb of the sidewalk a cover of the creeping St. Johns wort. The cedar and pine grove back of The Inn and the varied plantations at the end of the Village Green in front are among the earliest made and represent a growth of about twelve years. Hale It would seem that the flowers were striving their utmost to keep an open smiling face in memory of the great good man for whom this cottage was named. There were flowers in the old New England bridal wreath, on the winter Jasmine and on roses not far away on December 10th. Honeysuckle There are honey suckles here but the notable feature is the careful training of Cherokee roses and ivy to form a piazza screen. Hazelwood Not a hazel in sight. There is a patch, however, not far from the station that would be happy in a new home. One of the best English laurels in town is here, however. Ivy A privet proposition. There are ivies in sight on other cottages but so far this one seems to have forgotten why. it was so named. Juniper The finest McCartney rose in town is on the piazza. It is also dis tinguished by an ivy on an old pine, a gardenia and a native cyrilla plant. Laurel One of the best Akebia vines in town is here and a rose running into the arms of a forked black Jack oak makes this grim reminder of the sand barrens a happy object. There are fine evergreen wax myrtles here, and the ivy ground cover under roadside shrubs is fine. Lenox Here are the best specimens of Phillyrea augustifolia and Osmanthus illicifotia in town, both rare, slow growing evergreen shrubs that are worthy of more extended use at Pine hurst. Magnolia Near this aspiring struc ture are more fine magnolia trees than are to be found elsewhere in town. Marlboro The evergreen mock or ange and evergreen honeysuckle pre dominate here. Two round topped bunches of honeysuckle branches at the end of long stems above the piazza eaves suggest the use of this plant to secure decorative effects similar to that of for mal plants in tubs. Mistletoe The Deodar Cedar in front of this cottage is probably the fin est exotic conifer in the Village. In the roadside shrubbery are several Chin quapin chestnuts. Maple Chiefly privets here. Palmetto Here again privets pre vail. The house may have its palmetto, however, for young plants from Florida (Concluded on page six) f X&i - &4 LAS TUNAS CACTUS (SPANISH BAYONET) SEE Him RUNI Just Lilco ei Jack. ReifDlbit OolLff 33 so, IL 3L Try a Bunny, the best ever--Ask your Professional SELLS FOR 75 CENTS EACH Beating an apponent appeals to your pride the trophy to your eye. Recollection of Vic tory Is eternally pleasing If the prize Is made by REED & BARTON COMPANY Two New York Stores 320 FIFTH AYE., AT 32d STREET 4 MAIDEN LANE Thousands of designs for thou sands of events to fit thousands of pocket books. NATIONAL STATE AND CITY BANK RICHMOND, VA, Capital, Murplua, 1,000,000 000,000 Wm. II. Palmer, John S. Ellett, Wm. M. Hill, J. W. Sinton, -Julien II. Hill, - President Vice President Vice President Vice President Cashier BERMUDA Hamilton Hotel Capacity 600 Enlarged and Improved. Strictly High Class W. A. BARRON, Manager. ALSO OF Summer Resort Crawford House WHITE MOUNTAINS, N. H. Royall & Borden Furniture Co., 127 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. G. Leading Dealers in Furni ture and House Furnishings. BRETTON pure air health andcomfort pure water WOODS BRETTON WOODS IN THE HEART OF THE WHITE MOUNTAINS Golf Count full 6,450 yardi TUB JMLOUIfT P17BJLS AIV T TUB JttOUIfT WUHMCTOS luneDenuff. DRir.P M1NACERS. & Information at Hotel Ormond and Bretton Inn atOrmond Bkaob -f Also at The New Clarendon at Seabreeze, Florida. Bretton Woods Saddle Horses at urmona mis winter. L