VOL. XVI, NO. 10 SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 8, 1913 FIVE CENTS MIDWINTER TENNIS TOURNEY Interest of Week's Play Culminates in Keen Final of Men's Singles Lawrence Cowing of Cincinnati Divide Chief Honors with It. A. Balfe of Brooklyn INTEREST in the third annual Midwinter Ten nis Tournament culmi nated in a keen four set final in men's singles which Lawrence Cowing of Cincinnati won from R. A. Balfe of Brooklyn, 6-3, 3 6, 7 5, 60. l"The battle was not only very fast, but one in which endurance figured largely, with a struggle to gain the net, which brought forth frequent. applause; Balfe's passing strokes and Co wing's deadly kill ing of lobs the features. Balfe's win of the second set urged him on to keen effort in the third which he lost by a nar row margin, only to go out on a love set in the fourth, through evident fatigue as a result of his hard morning win. f In the semi-final, Cowing won from Norman Johnson of New York by 57, 75, 75, and Mr. Balfe advanced on a 64, 61 win from A. EI. Grier of Montreal. 1 In the first round Cowing won from Henry C. Bridgers of Tarboro, N. C, by 63, 75, Mr. Johnson defeated Howard J. Barnett of Boston, 60, 62, Mr. Balfe beat Isaac Adler of Genessee, 62, 62, and Mr. Grier advanced on the default of J. C. Watson of Fairmont, VV. Va. In the men's doubles final Cowing partnered with Bridgers, defeated Messrs. Balfe and Grier, 26, 64, 61. f Messrs. Balfe and Grier made a brilliant start in the opening match, outdriving and outplaying their opponents, but the winners rallied in the second and rapid play at the net advanced the score to four all. Cowing and Bridgers then broke through Grier's service for a win. In mixed doubles, Mr. Cowing and Miss Agnes Blancke of Essex Fells defeated Mr. Balfe and Miss Helen Barnett of New Haven, 61, 63. fin the semi-final, Mr. Cowing and Miss Blancke won from Mr. Grier and Miss Jeanne Pushee of West Newton, by 46, 62, 62, and Mr. Balfe and Miss Barnett from Mr. and Mrs. John N. Huyck of Albany by 64, 63 in the final. Miss Barnett was the winner of wom en's singles, defeating Miss Blancke 62, 63. fin the semi-final, Miss Barnett defeated Miss Pushee by 61, 6 3 and M'hs Blancke won from Miss Louise Pat terson of Plainfieldby 6 3, 61. In women's doubles Mrs. Huyck and Miss Pushee were victorious over the Misses Barnett in the final, 7 5, 61. f In the semi-final Mrs. Huyck and Miss Pushee won from Miss Blancke and Miss Hazel Shannon of Buffalo, 26, 61, 6 1, and the Misses Barnett advanced on the default of Mrs. A. II. Grier of Mon treal and Mrs. A. S. Newcomb of Bidde ford Pool, Maine. N. C, chairman of the tournament com mittee, is enthusiastic about possibilities for 1914. Mr. Bridgers believes the Southern entry for the event will be large, and he anticipates that in future the tournament will draw very impor tant representation from Norfolk, Rich mond, Wilmington and other Southern points, gradually increasing its scope until it includes a national area. "Winter tennis is coming on," says Mr. Bridgers, " and Pinehurst is bound ' . - . . ..pi ; J 1 In V- j " ' t f 'it 1 t" C"? f," TIN WHISTLES AND TRUE BLUE : Club Captain, J. G. Nicholson Ex-President, C. B. Hudson Other events on the program include women's singles for the Washington birthday sterling cups, February 19, 20, 21 ; men's singles for the February cup, February 26, 27, 28 ; and the annual Club championship, March 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, not to mention several special and invitation events of the coming month. T Henry Clark Bridgers of Tarboro, to be a leader in making it popular. Your three years' start has given you a national reputation which is important capital in working for the future, f One of the most conspicuous features in con nection with this event is the beauty of the trophies offered, and I can assure you that the reputation building value of these prizes is inestimable. REYNARD PLAYS NEW TRUMP Finds Woven Wire Fence Useful in Hide and Seek with Hounds Pack Finally Nays JPeek-aBoo, Uowever, and Chase Ends In Sight II ace to Death SOME NEW trump card sly lteynard is con tinually playing to en tertain the fox-hunters, and "tricks" are by no means as easy as might be imagined, f For the week's best hunt fully a score of riders turned out, and the trail was found close at hand and near the Allen place. Quickly warming, the pack was in full cry over as pretty a country as riders and horses could wish. 7 Cleverly laid the maze, however. Here and there through cover it lead as he pursued bunny rabbit ; then round about the open where the moles and field-mice burrow, and on through ravine and gully seeking out quail, and thence by twist and turn and double to snug retreat. Doubtless Reynard rested content, lis tening grimly to the music for a time, but ere long the confident note of relent less pursuers must have caused uneasi ness which soon grew into realization of imminent discovery. Swinging free, the fox turned back for a tangle of doubles which were of little avail, and with the pack close up on one side, and the hunt cutting in from the other, the fox found no opening left but the open hillside and the scant cover of its sedge grass and scrub oak. Discarding strategy and resorting as a final resort to speed, Reynard made a wild dash for liberty, but Master's sight cry brought the pack snug up and a race to the death it was, over hill side, down a country road, in and out through a meshed wire fence, which gave a few minutes leeway until the pack comprehended and dividing, took both sides, then on to nearby peach orchard where the race ended in victory for the hounds with the hunt close upon them. LIST OF BRUSH WINNERS GROWING The list of brush winners is growing weekly, at present including Messrs. Dayton, Roberts, McCadden, Lattimer, Copperthwaite, Burnham and Master James Mundy and the Misses Elizabeth Reed, Eleanor Reed, Browning and Mundy andMesdames Stark and Spencer.