VOL. XVII, NO. 1 EARLY SEASON NUMBER, 191314 FIVE CENTS COME SOOTH IS THE SLOGAN Transformation of Sand Hills is the Result of Pinehurst's Example Men Wli do Dig Things are Vesting: Theory and Practise on II road and Comprehensive .Lines blCilblUAJNT as an example of Pinehurst's widespread influence, is the agricultural develop ment of the immediate section, for the Village is now the Heart of ac tivities in this direction as well as the Hub of its good roads. "No use tryin' ter grow ennythin' in these heah Sand Hills," commented the Native who reckoned he knew, when Mr. Leonard Tufts set about clearing land in the immediate vicinity of Pinehurst for test purposes. "Even tough ole wire grass finds ther pickin' so scant thet it can't even 'sociate with its neighbors, an' ez fer krops, why they hez 'bout ez much show ez er snow ball in er hot skillet." Mr. Tufts, however, was confronted with a problem and like the man from Missouri, he preferred to be shown in view of the fact that farming roundabout had, upto that time, been mostly of the "con versational" order. Land was cleared with surprising ease and cow peas were grown as cow peas had never been grown before. Corn was a success from the first, rye, oats,and vegetables all did well, with cotton as a big dividend payer from the start. But this is another story ; a story by the way, of which the average resort visitor has little comprehension in spite of some 500 hundred acres of farm land within the very limits of the Village and visible evidences of accomplishment everywhere, f "Never knew you raised anything but golf courses,'commented a Northern man of prominence who had learned of Mr. Tufts' notable achievments along agricultural lines through a South ernor. And here you have it; most of us are "colorblind" and the strange thing is that so few of us know it ! However, somebody did discover that Pinehurst was raising something beside golf courses. The first was the Native who reckoned he knew. When he found he didn't he stopped chewing the medita tive straw of tradition and sat up and took notice and nourishment ! 'Twasn't long before all Moore County knew what "Tufa from New England" was doing "over beyant." Pretty soon the State was talking, then several. states, and in due season, somebody who didn't golf and who did farm, heard about it way up above the Mason and Dixon line, and it looked good to him ! f The big ship starts slow on the ways, but it burns 'em some when it once gets going. That's the far ming situation roundabouts it's well un der way and its going some ! Launched little more than a year ago, the "big ship" is now cleaning up its "twenty-two knots" every hour of the working day, and the log book shows re sults on every page of the bulky volume, T Frederick T. Gates of financial fame, was early in the field and some twenty thousand acres was his stunt . Last sum- are also in the game. Energy plus ideas, is transforming the Sand Hill Desert, f It is not the purpose of this article to go into specific detail. Suffice it is to show that men who do things are trading capital for experience and reclaim ing waste lands ; testing out both theory and practice on the broad and compre hensive lines of modern methods ; deliv ering results not explanations; object lessons for the benefit of all mankind. Cotton raising has thus early attracted national prominence through the super iority of the product, corn is forging ahead into the very front ranks, rye and oats are being grown successfully ; peaches, pears, plums, grapes, strawberries, and 4 J5T it milium .-in linn """ - iiMiiMiM iii in TTni i I- .i T'fi't:. FOUR MULE TEAM HARVESTING OATS HARROWING TWENTY FEET WIDE WITH C ATERPILLE R TRACTION ENGINE mer over five hundred acres, cleared during the winter, were under cultivation and "Hoffman" i3 now a community in it self; poking its nose through the sand "in a night". IT Over Samarcand way R. W. Pumpelly, once mining engineer, has a country gentlemen's estate of over two thousand acres, and just beyond Jack soil Springs, Roger A. Derby, Harvard man of leisure, is developing a plantation of equal size on extensive lines. Hard by Aberdeen, Ralph W. Page, son of Ambassador Page, has a two thou sand acre farm, and not far away, his uncle, Henry A. Page, is also working a similar tract. And, mark me, these are only the show places ; Marston, Maurice, C tter, and others all Northern men dewberries have all passed the experi mental stage. Vegetables offer oppor tunities and some go so far as to assert that Moore County could equal Aroostook County in potatoes under proper treat ment. Cattle, horse and hog raising is coming as a natural consequence, pros perous homes are beautifying the land scape, "health, wealth, and happiness" are the ideals which beckon at this the beginning of the transformation of a sec tion which has hitherto figured largely as a producer of golf courses ! If Agri cultural accomplishments future issues of The Outlook will strive to show through interesting special stories of general interest, f "Come south young man !" is the Moore County slogan. THE GREATER PINEHURST It Becomes Reality of Present and Future Through Summer's Accomplishments llotel and Cottage Gxtvmlon, II e frigreratinsr Plant and Country Club Improvement, the Feature OlrS GREATER Pinehurst is the reality made a potent factor of both present and future by the sum mer's accomplish ments. Tf E a r 1 y last May the whine of saw and bark of hammer were resounding through the Village and November's coming revealed a transformation to early comers, f The most marked evi dence of growth noted in Mrs. E. C. Bliss' new hotel, The Pine Crest Inn, which comes as a delightful addition to the list of hotels ; its comfort but suggested by the charm of exterior. Modern in every particular, it provides for fully fifty guests, offering several suites with private bath ; radiant with freshair ; sunshine, good cheer, and"homi ness." Opening from the entrance foyer, at the left, is the daintiest of dining rooms decorated in soft Nile green and white, with music room and parlor at the right, all in refreshing tints which, prevailing throughout the house, contrast happily with mission furnishings and rug covered waxed floors. Spacious Colonial pillared verandas, glass entrance doors, and the decorative treatment of the building it self make it a sparkling note of color against the distant sky and pines. For the opening on Saturday evening, No vember first, the entire colony gathered. Among the first to register are those who will linger for the closing in May, and return for the opening next October. The cottage extension is also most marked ; the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Parker W. Whittemore of Brookline, one of the finest houses in the Village. Changes in the interior of the building, formerly owned by Mrs. W. C. Peet, have been general, including a new kitchen, laundry, pantry, and maid's rooms with connecting bath, and delight ful "den" of quartered panelled oak. A heating system has also been installed. Upon the upper floor a vast sleeping porch, two sleeping rooms and two baths have been added. The garage, completed last spring, is a model of comfort and convenience. (Concluded on page th'.rteen) f