MMl THE F1NEHURST oUTL0OK1i 2 I ES Bl THE JEFFERSON THE MOST MAGNIFICENT HOTEL IN THE SOUTH RICHMOND, VIRGINIA A' '- I1'' U k ' ' , 1 I i i V if cTiiW- 1 Etgliteen Hole Goll Course of Country Club of Virginia Nearby f The many points of historic interest in, and around the City, and its central location make Richmond a very desirable stop-over point for tourists, f Rooms single and en suite, with and without baths. Turkish and Roman Baths. Every comfort for the tourist, every convenience for the traveling man. f For handsomely illustrated bookletor reservations, address THE JEFFERSON, Richmond, Virginia O. F. TOISIGER, Manager CHRISTMAS SHOPPING DO IT AT PINEHURST DEPARTMENT STORE We have made special arrangements this year to take care of our Christmas Trade. Our stock of Toys is the most complete selection ever seen in this vicinity. You will be surprised at our beautiful assortment. Our holiday goods suitable for presents have been selected with great care. You will. have no difficulty in making a selection to suit all occasions and any pocket book. Toilet Articles in Parisian Ivory, Chaffing Dishes, 5 O'clock Teas, Useful Leather Goods, Silk Waists, Silk Sweaters, Golf Coats, Sporting Coats, Tennis Goods. Also we carry a full line of Dry Goods, Men's Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Wools, Embroidery Silks, Groceries, Hardware, Sporting Goods, Guns, Ammunition, Fruits and Vegetables. NOW A WORD TO THE WISE COME NOW SHOP EARLY Hf sou plan to visit flMneburst You surely want THE OUTLOOK in advance of your coming. Why not nd your subscription NOW? A post can! secures a sample copy. THE OUTLOOK PUBLISHING CO., Piielmrtt, North Carolina. WAR NEWS FROM THE FRONT! in Purelr Praonal atlirl Ilj Our Special Correspondent WE AEE printing the following from our Spec ial War Correspondent who very wisely remains at the front, occupying a bomb proof trench. TfHe is amply supplied with mufflers and wrist lets, but sends word that he would like a sixshooter. Editor. Stonewall Jackson has arrived. lie's J. B. B for Bunker Bowen's very special caddy. H G. F. F for Benjamin Franklin Brown, uses a retriever; picks up and brings the ball back. If J. E. R for Caruso Goodall contents himself with Master Henry Going Some. 11 C. B. Hudson H for Sir Heinrich is bestow ing his attention upon a kindergarten pupil, who is even now able to indicate the location of the ball with a "Ba-ba" Dr. C. P. Wilson 's fondness for ' ' casual water" is undoubtedly responsible for his nom de plume H. (2) O. No indeed, a ball on the sand doesn't bother Chisholm Beach. It is quite natural that quail hunter Parker W. Whittemore should call '.'mark watch 'em light," instead of "fore! " You're incorrect; liichard Garlick does not drive 500 yards. His best tee shot is 350 but he's still practicing. Yes, B. Warren Corkran hails from Baltimore. 1f Nifty well some! E. A. Johnston is not the author of the classic jingle: "There once was a golfer, so exceedingly thin, that when he essayed to drink lemonade, he slipped through the straw and fell in!" Robert II. Hunt is no longer a vege tarian. Too much Garlick! James Barber J for Jim thinks a ferry across the tenth hole pond with dredger, would prove profitable. Stuyvesant LeRoy asserts that there is p:' 'vV-.-Vp' ..Sr ." THE NEW HOME OF MR. AND MRS. GEORGE T. DUNLAP of almost human intelligence. If William L. L for Leander, glory of the army Hurd, pins his faith on a veteran who enjoyed an intimate personal acquaintance with George Washington and General Lafayette. Once 'twas "Pop," later "Colonel" and now "General"' Ormsbee. If A small boy bestows the brevet. If Are you a general?" he asked. Thus was the title won! Col. E. A. Swigert will undoubtedly get into the game as soon as the rough riders leave for the front. Scout 0. B. Wickham reports a satis factory condition of affairs in the Com missary Department in spite of the existing embargo. "What's the use?" declares C. H. Hanna--' ' Inspiration today ; perspira -tion tomorrow! " M. B. Johnson, Esquire, is undoubtedly right. He insists that you can't argue with a golf ball. Take a club. J. Appleton Allen says he just loves the "baby dimple." no impropriety in using a Sunday golf bag on the Sabbath. Robert Hunter is not related to Davy Crockett, but the "coons" all know him. James DeWitt Clinton Eumsey is not Mr. Eumsey 's golfing, but his society name. C. L. Becker is not the man who in vented golf, but that stirrup driver of his is, perhaps, the first club ever made. What's in a name? Cheatham loses two ninetcen-hole matches, and Shannon was not good to Parson. E. Adams Balfe is developing his golf vocabulary even more rapidly than his game. Now it's G. W. Johnson of Areola; Hackensack was too much like Petrograd. Toppin might have beaten Hunt if he hadn 't been slicing also, O 'Brien 's defeat by Balfe was surely ' ' pat, ' ' and Howard was done Brown. Walter L. Milliken, author of "Tin Whistle Memories," interned at Indian apolis, is expected back early in January. Concluded on page three)