lBiMI HE pinehurst omLooKSM2 & Si THE JEFFERSON THE MOST MAGNIFICENT HOTEL IN THE SOUTH RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. ' A 8! I I ? "i n ,1 1 . 'It t mi .nails . Eighteen Hole Golf Course of Country Club of Virginia Nearby T The many points of historic interest in, and around the City, and its central location make Richmond a very desirable stop-over point for tourists. S Rooms single and en suite, with and without baths. Turkish and Roman Baths. Every comfort for the tourist, every convenience for the traveling man. T For handsomely illustrated booklet or reservations, address THE JEFFERSON, Richmond, Virginia O. F. WEISIGER, Manager PINEHURST DEPARTMENT STORE BELGIUM RELIEF WORK SUPPLIES We have in stock Yarns, Flannels and other articles recommended by the AmerU can Red Cross for Relief Work. GOLF AND SPORTING GOODS Shoes of the most approved style for men and women. See our new "Trot Moc." Our stock of Sweaters offers over 200 to select from. Toilet Articles in Parisian Ivory, Chaffing Dishes, 5 O'clock Teas, Useful Leather Goods, Silk Waists, Silk Sweaters, Golf Coats, Sporting Coats, Tennis Goods. Also we carry a full line of Dry Goods, Men's Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Wools, Embroidery Silks, Groceries, Hardware, Sporting Goods, Guns, Ammunition, Fruits and Vegetables. Quality Service Price Ut saves letter writing! THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK Senb copies to frienbs FRUIT CAKE AND ICEWATER They Ilwviv winomiiic TIIER possum am er most mysterious indi widual loves the moon light and The Unknown ! If So do the young peo ple, and, in consequence, this i ' annual ' ' by Master a of Fox Hounds Twitty is always a glorious sue- --v , -i m j j i 1 cess. .But mai-K ivir. iwixxy nas umy one 'possum hunt a season. Not that the woods aren't full of Ex-President Taft's ing, there gathered Mrs. Philip K. Far rington, the chaperone, and Mrs. Far rington's husband; the Misses Blanche and Barbara Farrington, Julia and Mary Barber, Lillian Gillette and Marjorie Hooker, and the Messrs. Mighty Hunters Twitty, Barber, McCaddon, Alley, Roths child and Hathaway, not to mention Old Nat the real hunter two hounds, meat axe and lantern. Merrily caroling "Jaunita, " so that the o-possum might not be unduly surprised, the party wended its way to alleged haunts and wended again; the dogs very considerately pre- t-e - it' ..jr.. C ,r ft vHit Dry. ,C.-1 mm- M v ci1:' - ill t;p -ffl 1L ,1;. WHAT THEY DIDN'T GET pets certainly not, they're as plenty as white blackbirds but mainly as sweet Miss Jones would express it ' ' because ! ' ' Fact is the best known 'possum here abouts o-possum if you wish it belongs to little Sophie Snowball. Sophie is very proud of his excellency and she don 't care to loan him just to amuse "dem society folks." It is also barely possible that this pet also shows a collar mark which some too observant hunter might detect, and it's as certain as taxes that this do mesticated wild beast will positively refuse to play daid on request, fearing that the loving marks of the teeth of ignorant hounds might be more or less prominently impressed upon its anatomy. 1fWe can't blame Sophie or the o-possum! But we are wandering and why not, at a cent a word ! If At bugle call, just as night sung its goodbye lay to even- tending, at least, to take the affair seri ously. The pleasure of life is, doubt less, pursuit and thus the hours sped quickly, but the mind does not wholly make up the ideal. In consequence news that the dogs had one treed in a posi tively impossible swamp was perfectly satisfactory to the group which gath ered 'round a camp fire, sung songs, looked at the watches, gasped in astonish ment, and wended its way circuitously homeward. The lights are low, watchman on his rounds, night clerk preparing to sup. The hall clock strikes one; store room closed. 11 Positively nothing served at this hour; breakfast very shortly," is the crisp reply. But hunger laughs at locksmiths, and, presently, a huge fruit cake is gleaming in all the immaculate perfection of parcels post n