MA THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK also a putting competition -which was only exceeded from a standpoint of in terest by the championship, at which Miss Xellie A. Hubbs and Mr. Kenneth Mc Ctihe won first and Mrs. J. P. Williamson a in I Mr. C. B. Hollingsworth second. Arrivals at The Holly Inn include jn:iiiy who come for April, among them Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Voorhees, Dudley A. Voorliees, and the Misses Vorhees of East Oniiige. HMr. E. H. Giles of Philadel phia returns for a fortnight, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ailing of Plainfield spent the week here, and Miss Barbara Blatchford of I'oughkeepsie joins her parents. Mr. II. P. Cristy of Detroit comes for a fortnight, Mr. E. II. Gwaltney of New York returns for the Championship, and Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin N. Disbrow and Miss Norma L. Wagner and Miss Jose phine L. Disbrow of New York will re main until well into April. Mr. and Mrs. James Jamison of East Orange spent the week here, Mr. and Mrs F. L. Ghipman and Miss Laurada Chip man of New York are making a short visit, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mcl Funstell and Mrs. L. II. Maxfield of Nor folk, are rounding out the week. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Chapman of Jamai ca are spending two weeks here, and Mr and Mrs. William L. Juhring and Miss Mabel L. Juhring of Brooklyn come for a fortnight. Mr. II. M. Griest . of New Haven re turns for several weeks, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hawes of New York come for the month, and Mr. G. D. Packer of Pitts burg comes for a .fortnight. Mrs. A. L. Brewster, Miss A. Brewster and Mrs. F. L. Wanzer of Rochester conies for April, Miss Mary Gertrude Brownell of Providence joins her sister, Mr. Edward S. Frith of New York comes for a fortnight, and Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Pendreigh of Glen Ridge are here for the coining week. The Ilerkfthlrw Ilonaetaold Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Worthington and their child, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Emery and Miss Emery, Mr. and Mrs. Philo S. Clark, Judge and Mrs. E. F. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. William Briggs, Mrs. A. J. Mood, Miss Lambie, Miss Long, and Messrs. W. B. Chase, John A. Carr, J. II. Herring, E. O. Thomas, F. E. Rogers, F. L. Derrah, Horace F. Sise, J. H. Miller, G. A. Betz, E. G. Wright and Dr. Richard T. Taylor make up the con genial household at The Berkshire. . Gueati at Pine Crcit Inn Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Webster of New York, Mr. and . Mrs. H. E. Lake of Keene, N. II., Miss Ethel DeMent of Kaleigh, and Messrs. G. D. Letcher and 3. E. Vaughn of Lexington, Va., and Ci. R. Harvey of Hamilton, Ont., are late arrivals at Pine Crest Inn. Guests at The Iiexing-ton Messrs. B. Nafis, Miss Fannie Nafis :ind J. L. Smith of Washington, Harold M. Ball of Philadelphia, Miss Harriet Dean and Miss Minnie Coughlin of Provi dence, and Mrs. L. C. Gates, Mrs. D. 0. Johnsorfnd Mr. Howard Rapp of Boston are late arrivals at The Lexington. FISHING AT THE MILL POND (.Concluded from page nine) of this sort than of any other kind under the sun. You simply get the fish log run as they say in the woods, and you get them. It is a right certain conclusion that you will get fish if you go in after them, and that you will get a big share of what fish do not get into the channel and hide. The uncertainty is who is to have the enthusiasm to go in after them. Not that here is any backwardness. You go to a mill pond draining and you may be sure that the crowd in the water will be plenty big enough to make the perform ance wortn the price of admission. The whole length of the pond you will see a muddy mass of men, and you never saw more fun in your life. The fellow who would gethot in such a place would have to behave or be doused in the mud. You are forced to be happy when you are in such a good natured crowd. Of course you do not have to fish unless you want to, and maybe if you really want some thing to eat you can buy your fish. Speaking of something to eat, here is where you see eating. People come to a thing of this sort for miles, for they want the fish, and they also want to share in the fun. They come a foot, in cars, in buggies, in wagons, and they bring feed for themselves and for their mules and stay two or three days. The crowd is as interesting in its civic life while the picnic is on as is the fishing. The hetero genous mixture of automobiles, and every kind of vehicle parked in the woods and lined along the road affords a study of character, and sometimes a study of un tangling of traffic problems. The country fair is not in hearing distance in some respects. The event presents a lot ot interesting phases, and if it cannot, be looked upon as exactly what you would expect from a fishing tour it has some other features, for it is romantic if not in line with precedure. Going fishing in the mud of the mill pond is not the only way of fishing in the Pinehurst holiday belt. If you are in clined to the other practice you can go over to Little River around Thaggard's, or down to Drowning Creek or over to Deep River, and fall in with some of the folks who know where the pools are, and who know the language of the craft, and you can fish and lazy around, and eat an put door dinner, and mix with the fel lows of the order until you are sated, for there are fish and a lot of them, and a lot of good places and a lot of good fish ermen in Moore County. H Pass the sign some morning that you want to go fishing and you will find the infection in the air, and shortly you will pick up some man who will go along and snow you all the roads to the fishing holes and how to fish,' and before you come home you will be loaded up with enough local history and tradition to write an inter pstinff volume. 11 You can fish around here in any language, and if that does not suit, when you have caught all the fish in the neighborhood streams you can go down to the sounds and hire a steam craft to go out and catch them by the ton. HFolKS in mis wuuw; please and get you what you want. THE CAROLINA PINEHURST'S PREMIERE HOTEL Season: November 20 to April 14 XHiV? L 'it ys THE NEW ADDITION CONTAINS SIXTY-TWO BED ROOMS, EACH WITH PRIVATE BATH, AND SIXTEEN SLEEPING PORCHES Every modern comfort and convenience, including elevator, tele phone in every room, sun rooms, steam heat night and day, electric lights, pure water, and a perfect sanitary system of sewerage and plumbing. The interior is a model of elegance, with appointments cal culated to suit the most luxurious tastes. The cuisine and table service are unsurpassed. Music hall and excellent orchestra. Capacity 500. H. W. PRIEST, Manager, Pinehurst, N. C. -Jlmf '"sS",.. ?7??l'mt7v" Ui"! FJZ2Jc!t4 I HOTEL WENTWORTH NEW CASTLE PORTSMOUTH N. H. The Leading New England Coast Summer Resort. Every facility for sport' and recreation: Golf, tennis, riding, driving, yachting, fishing, bathing and well equipped garage under competent supervision. Fine livery. Music by symphony players. Accommo dates 500. Local and long distance telephone in every room. Send today for illustrated booklet. WENTWORTH HOTEL CO., H. W. Priest, Manager Address Until May 1 , The Carolina, Pinehurst, N. C. THE COLUMBUS BETHLEHEM WHITE MOUNTAINS, N. H. An attractive hotel with several bath suites, adjoining the Country. Club and centrally located. Accommodates 80. JUNE TO OCTOBER H. A. Lewis, Owner Address EDWAED FITZGEEALD, Mgr. The Lexington, PINEHUEST, N. C.