THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK THE JEFFERSON THE MOST MAGNIFICENT HOTEL IN THE SOUTH RICHMOND, VIRGINIA .--vi Mil "J 4: s wr f I? 'I i?"f A. Eighteen Hole Golf Course of Country Club of Virginia Nearby f The many points of historic interest in, and around the City, ard its central location make Richmond a very desirable stop-over point for tourists, f Rooms single and en suite, with and without baths. Turkish and Ronun Baths. Every comfort for the tourist, every convenience for the traveling man.. -J" For handsomely illustrated booklet or reservations, address THE JEFFERSON, Richmond, Virginia O. F. WEISIGER, Manager PINEHURST DEPARTMENT STORE BARGAINS (Says Montague Glass) COME IN THREE GRADES: STICKERS, SOUVENIRS and HEIRLOOMS We know that Mr. Glass has never paid us a visit during our big Spring Sale, for we offer values that are real bargains. Come and see for yourself! Toilet Articles in Parisian Ivory, Chaffing Dishes, 5 O'clock Teas, Useful Leather Goods, Silk Waists, Silk Sweaters, Golf Coats, Sporting Coats, Tennis Goods. Also we carry a full line of Dry Goods, Men's Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Wools, Embroidery Silks, Groceries, Hardware, Sporting Goods, Guns, Ammunition, Fruits and Vegetables. Quality Service Price FLORIDA : EIM Ridge inn 25 MILES NORTH OF Hunting, boating, fishing, bath ing, tennis, golf. Write for folder. PALM BEACH . T B, Hamby, ' Hobe Sound, Fla , Box 25 9 THE SOUTH S OPPORTUNITY State Decf Breeder and Feeder Will Convene at Plnehur-t April lO THE North Carolina Beef Breeders and Feed ers ' Association is a big event for Saturday of the coming week, very largely through the in terest of Roger A. Derby of nearby Draw ing Creek plantation, president of the Association. From the tourists standpoint the " cattle show" will be the big feature, but there are several prominent speakers, also, among them Frederick A. Delano of the Fed eral Reserve Board, Dr. Bradford R. Knapp of the United States Bureau of Farm! Demonstration Work, George A. Hblderness of Tarboro, N. C, and President Benjamin Joy of the Shawmut National Bank, Boston, whose subject will b!e "The Possibilities of the Finan cial Development of the South from a Northern Bankers Standpoint." ; President Joy, a Harvard classmate of Mr. Derby's, is one of the best informed financiers in New England and his speech will be a careful analysis of the situation which; offers a new field and great oppor tunities not alone for the immediate sec tion but the entire South; a point, by the way, which was made much of by Secretary of Agriculture Houston during his visit. , Headquarters will be at The Carolina hotel, ! the program closing with an even ing banquet. If The object of the meet ing isjto interest the bankers of the State in the production of beef cattle and to bring; them in close touch with the State and Government beef cattle experts and the country demonstration agents. WO, .WOT lOH TUB COLONEL! The Invincible Slake for Tall Timber In Women' Invitation Handicap An .invitation bogey handicap for beau tiful prizes contributed by Messrs. Fred Herreshoff:, Fred Inman, C. F. Parrish, and J. R. Hyde of New York and W. S. Morse of Rochester, proved one of the most popular of the seasons golf tour naments among the women, on Tuesday. 1f Heading the field was Mrs. H. R. Stock ton of Plainfield, who with an allowance of plus three, recorded an eighty-eight gross and trounced the colonel good and proper to the tune of seven up. Mrs. R. H. Barlow of Merion at plus five, re corded eighty-six for the best gross of the day, and Mrs. J. V. Hurd of Pittsburg at plus four, made eighty-seven, both finish ing six up in a tie for second. Miss E. Marie Sinclair, of New York, aided by thirteen strokes, won fourth with five up, and the field numbered an even thirty-eight contestants; Mrs. W. J. Faith, Mrs. Guy Metcalf, Mrs. William West, Mrs. C. B. Hollingsworth, Mrs. J. P. Williamson, Mrs. Fred Herreshoff, Mrs. H. H. Van Cleef , Mrs. William Sey f ert, Mrs. I. S. Robeson, Mrs. W. J. Foss, Mrs. J. P. Gardner, Mrs. II. J. Topping, Mrs. R. L. Whitman, Mrs. G. M. Howard, Mrs. Donald Parson, Mrs. S.C.Jones, Mrs. J. D. Hathaway, Mrs. E. C. Beall, Mrs. C. B. Lawrence, Mrs. W. S. Morse Mrs. J. T. Newton, Mrs. W. F. Howell' and the Misses Blanche and Barbara Farrington, Priscilla Beall, Florence Croft, Elsie Jones, Henrietta Brownell, Helen Barnett and Florence Howell among those who participated. War Hukj Aixla-Cliapelle "Among all the places on the map of Europe that have been made scenes of feverish activity, none surpass Aix-la-Chapelle Aachen the Germans call it," says the National Geographical Society's statement. "Here endless supply trains start out over the fan-like system of rail roads to the front, and from the front converge the trains bearing their vast loads of wounded, converting the Aix region into a great hospital camp. If ' ' With the return of spring a more fitting and more charming place could not be chosen for convalescence of the suf ferers from the trench and shell torn fields of Belgium and Northern France. Aix-la-Chapelle is set into the hills, sur rounded with superbly green-notched sky line, and sheltered by terraced forests,, broken here and there, in pleasing variety. "Aix-la-Chapelle is a place of scenic beauty, a home of modern industry, a city of churches and of relics. Moreover, it is a health resort, and has been such since the days of the disease-worried high-life of Rome. There are no better known or more oppressive curative springs in Europe than the hot sulphur springs of Aix-la-Chapelle. Perchance Charlemagne endured the healing offices of its waters whenever his health became impaired through his strenuous, bloody exertions toward the conversion of the heathens. Tf "Since the establishment of the Empire, Aachen has sought to forget and obliterate its advanced age by the adoption of a sleek modern dress, and its large business of cloth, silk and metal manufacture has won it prominent place in the scramble of modern, cities for in dustrial and commercial renown. Yet Charlemange was crowned here, and here is his tomb. Further, the modest cathe dral near the center of the town has been the scene of the crowning of thirty-five emperors and of eleven queens." Silver Foils Elect Officer The Silver Foils elect the following officers for the season of 1915-16, and are already busy with various details: Presi dent, Mrs. R. C. Shannon, 2nd; Secretary treasurer, Mrs. Herbert L. Jillson; Tour nament Committee, Mrs. Jillson, Mrs. James P. Gardner, and Miss Louise B. Elkins; Governors, Mrs. John Tyler New ton, Mrs. Malcolm B. Ormsbee, Mrs. J. Raymond Price, Mrs. J. G. Splane, Mrs. Irving S. Robeson, Miss Lucy K. Priest, and those previously mentioned. Get the Habit: Send The Outlook to friends. It saves letter writing.