TIIE SUIT CASE ITV CLIR Iu Pont Hand Trap Reduces Trap Shooting- to Simplicity The reduction of Gun Club equipment to dress suit case capacity in the form of the Du Pont hand trap, is just the impet uous trap shooting has needed to make enjoyment of the "sport alluring" gen eral. Briefly this little machine brings the sport always within your reach where before the time required to go to and from it often corresponded exactly with the time at your disposal. Further this new device introduces the individual element with its never ceasing facina tion in any and all. conceivable com binations, and it comes as near to actual brush shooting conditions as it is possible to bring an artificial target. The rising flight of the woodcock, the swift get-away of the quail, the ripping quarter of the grouse, the down-the-wind cross-cut of the duck, or the flashing overhead of the pigeon, not to mention upside-down twisters and incomers, f Your ' ' Gun Club ' ' is, indeed, now a part of your outfit, and all outdoors is opportunity! The Samoan Island Group The part played by the German islands of the Samoan group, in the international relations of the Orient is told in a state ment prepared by the National Geo graphic Society : tf The islands of the Samoan group, acquired some years ago by Germany, occupy a position in the South Seas which would make their per manent loss a serious blow to the Ger mans. These islands lie in the direct line of mail steamers between American ports, Hawaii and Australasia. Upolu and Savaii are the German islands, while Tutuila, and its adjacent small splotches of green are possessions of the United States. The German possessions have been, temporarily, at least, wrested from her. The soils of this island group are luxuriantly fertile, and copra dried cocoanut is produced here in large quan tities. Tropical fruits, yams, arrowroot and other agricultural products are brought forth in abundance. If "It is, however, as a strategic port of call, an advanced harbor in the Orient, that Ger many set her highest value upon these South Sea possessions. For a time the Samoan Islands were under the control of i , 1 ""-""Ww, ft f .. , ,, .. ,ni ,mt 111 Ml T n 1 i II i llHllllii tMiaumwWmmtoi,mm:-mt II lit m rr-1 atnn.it THE SUIT CASE GUN CLUB "Just the impetuous trap shooting has needed to make enjoyment the .'sport alluring' general" of SIVEATl-lOlll IS GOOD Mrs. II. II. Stockton's Card Best In Selected Score Competition Mrs. II. E. Stockton and Mrs. J. V. Hurd divide honors in the all-season selected, score competition of the Silver Foils with cards of 74 and 75: MRS. STOCKTON 45445434 53345453 MRS. HURD 44555334 437 Out In 4 37 5 3774 Out In 43445463 53875 Piazza luncheon at The It one Happily in keeping with Spring days was a piazza luncheon tendered by Mrs. George F. Blake at The Eose on Tuesday for the dancing class of which she is a member. The guests were Miss Foster and Miss Blanche Foster, Miss Holmgren, Miss Moore and Miss Eoss and Mesdames McDonald, Langdon, Dow, Ormsbee, Ellison and Houston. the British government and German con suls. The control of the islands which existed before the war was affected by a treaty made in 1899. The total area of of group is about 1750 square miles of wiiich the German share is 1610 square miles. There are eight inhabited islands in the group, with a total population of 37,000 of which 33,478 live within the confines of the German islands. These figures include only the native population. The number of European settlers is negligible. H ' ' The climate of Samoa is found by some to border upon perfection as far as climates go, and by others it is dismissed with a vague notation that it is supportable. Perhaps the delightful descriptions by Eobert Louis Stevenson, who, on account of lung trouble, took up his permanent residence there in 1866, and who lived and worked eight years after the doctors had given him up, can best be trusted among all others. Ger many found it difficult to persuade her sons to settle in the group." THE CAROLINA PINEHURST'S PREMIERE HOTEL Season: November 20 to April 14 THE NEW ADDITION CONTAINS SIXTV-TWO BED ROOMS, EACH WITH PRIVATE BATH, AND SIXTEEN SLEEPING PORCHES Every modern comfort and convenience, including elevator, tele phone in every room, sun rooms, steam heat night and day, electric lights, pure water, and a perfect sanitary system of sewerage and plumbing. The interior is a model of elegance, with appointments calculated- to suit the most luxurious tastes. The cuisine and table service are unsurpassed. Music hall and excellent orchestra. Capacity 500. H. W. PRIEST, Manager, Pinehurst, N. C. - A HOTEL WENTWORTH NEW CASTLE PORTSMOUTH N. H. The Leading Mew England Coast Summer Resort. Every facility for sport and recreation : Golf, tennis, riding, driving, yachting, fishing, bathing and well equipped garage under competent supervision. Fine livery. Music by symphony players. Accommo dates 500. Local and long distance telephone in every room. Send today for illustrated booklet. WENTWORTH HOTEL CO., H. W. Priest, Manager Address Until May 1, The Carolina, Pinehurst, N. C. THp COI IJMRIIS An attractive hotel with several bath 1 VVLJAT1LHJ4J suiteSj adj-oining the Country Club and centrally located. Accommodates. 80. BETHLEHEM WHITE MOUNTAINS, N. H. JUNE TO OCTOBER H. A. Lewis, Owner Address EDWAKD FITZGERALD, Mgr. The Lexington, PINEHURST, N. C. J