RT7 VOL. XIX, NO. 7 SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 22, 1916 FIVE CENTS FAP.TS FARLHS STATTRTir.Rlnew Mexican president, and the energy Song, Laughter and Contageous Fan at Dinner of the Advertising Golfers D. M cK( Iiloyd JSxpreaaes the purpose of the Leagrue and Many Brilliant Speech Are Made IT HAS been many a day since the Carolina Hotel has witnessed an occasion as vibrant with fun, brilliant to look up on and wholly diverting as the annual dinner of 3 advertising fraternity which took place here last Friday night. There was Colonel Tread well wrapped in the new dignity of office, capped with a diminutive imitation of a Third Avenue dicer, advancing down the hall to the uproarous applause of queens and marshals all wonderfully arrayed, resplendent as rainbows and drunk with delight, followed by Butler, the majestic, and Hamilton the inimitable, to the tune of the penny pipe, and Get Out and Get Under, rendered by the infatuated band. The kettle drum, the sparkle of the laugh ing vintages of champagne, soft lights, bright colors, lightsome partners and a merry feast, songs and banter and the fox trot between entree and ices warmed the hearts of the multitude and fortified them against the coming oratory. The verdict was unanimous that Uncle Davie McK. Lloyd, dean of the Adver tising Golfers and vice-president elect stated the platform of the occasion. That golf was a magnificent thing, and prizes in nowise to be despised, but that association, friendship and fond recollec tion were the ultimate objects of the league, and the whole world. "and statistics" President A. G. C. Hammesfahr dwelt on the dry subject of statistics. Some one must attend to these vulgar details. The. result of his figures were of great and lasting value, and caused the utmost astonishment. It appears that in case of invasion the members of the league alone, driving from a parapet 5 miles long could be depended upon to mow down an army of 50,000 men. Drafted they could dig a trench 100 feet wide, 10 feet deep and 2 miles long in an afternoon with their niblics. The time pent by them looking for balls would find the lost Charlie Boss or a expended by them during a day's play would beat 100,000 carpets, while their remarks in the same space of time would (and doubtless do) occupy the exclusive effort of 160 recording angels. MATCH PLAY The immense impression made by these discoveries was dispelled by the wild demonstration accorded Colonel II. H. Treadwell. The glee club led the volume of "He's a Jolly Good Fellow," and the tuneless screamed with rapture. The Colo nel, true to his title, laid emphasis upon the love of battle that imbues the Anglo Saxon, and voiced the consensus of opin ion that medal play would have to give way to match play, in which a fellow has someone handy to beat. This was received with fervent approval except in Pop Freeman's quarter. This was greeted by Hank and Hi with three rousing cheers. THE MESSAGE OF CIVILIZATION Afetr accurately describing St. Peter the president then introduced B. D. But ler, who deposed and said that he was somewhat overadvertiscd. Nevertheless, he proceeded to make a serious and very substantial contribution to the philosophy and ethics of golf, and the purposes of the league. His subject was Caddies, and his message one of the utmost moment not only to golf players, but to every thoughtful citizen of the Republic. In the United States the caddies are boys the young manhood of the Country, in whose hands lie the future of our inheri tance. There are 400,000 of these young sters, who come daily under the influence of the picked men of our time. He urged that the golf club be made the lighthouse v ;w; -w . L'U -''' ;- J-lv. '.' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' I j T--1lfj - ' f j- . '.--- 1 ''-. ' P y '' PHILIP CARTER, GRANTLAND RICE AND ROY BARNHILL Amid scenes of the wildest enthusiasm it was announced that Frank Gauss had been elected secretary and Don M. Parker treasurer. . The last named was hoisted upon the table and allowed to compliment Uncle Davie upon his sentiments. Then the Western Union joined the debate, and in the words of Among Carter arose to remark : "Please have Associated Press cover Lou Hamilton and Hank Milholland's speeches verbatim for Star and Telegram. Tell Bichard Canfield Spizzerintum Thor sen to uphold our flight. My absence should enable Maxwell to win the putting contest. I am riding m a car named 'air- chance. Have the gang bear in mind Jack Martin sits in the poker game. Tell Hank and Hi Green to come to New York as I have a large juicy due-bill on the Astor and will provide them with free grub, they having no oceassion for beds as they never use them. Regards to all." of moral influence in the community. That the boy be taken as he is generous, im pulsive, headlong, mischievous but as a mattes of fact the finest product extant of 6,000 years of civilization and the responsibility for his standards and ideals placed squarely upon the player. That here is the vital point of contact between our generation and the next. These boys are the next runners to take the message of civilization. We had better look to it that they get a message straight, and clean and manly, and remember that they never fail to react to a kind word and a touch on the shoulder. LOU HAMILTON, THE INIMITABLE No terrestial being can presume to say what Lou Hamilton's varied and rippling discourse was about. With proper indignation- and sorrow he rejected five cent cigars in $50 bandages. He placed the (Concluded on page fourteen) GRANTLAND RICE CHAMPION Hrs. Ryan Wins a Close Contest from Mrs. Dntton and Hrs. Russell Fall Acctount of the Week's Advertising: Tourney with Scores and Summary SEVENTY-TWO holes in 337 strokes, the grand championship and the congratulations of the multitude was the record made last week by Grantland Bice in the annual tournament of the Advertising inter ests. There was a week's play, on an in genious schedule which resulted in eight or more prizes every day, and scenes around the great scoreboarrd resembling Herald Square on Election Night every evening. The main game was 72 holes of medal play lasting over four days, in three classes for men with a reward each day for the best gross and net score of the day in each class, with the grand prize on the total both net and gross. And no man could win but one of the lesser prizes. The women played on the same system, doing nine instead of eigh teen holes per day. Rice's victory was very close, E. T. Manson of Framingham ,last year's win ner, finished right behind him in 341. But his record was in all respects the best of the week. His score of 77 the last day was the best recorded in the tournament, as follows: Out- 45543345 437 In 35455454 54077 This is the best kind of golf on Number 3 course for anybody, anyday. C. McCormick of New Brunswick cap tured the major trophy, for the best net score of the tournament with a total of 302. He and Eice, and indeed most of the final winners were also trophy lifters in one of the days' play. C. T. Russell, Ardsley, carried off the championship of the second division with a gross score of 385 97, 99, 98, 91; J. C. Todd being his nearest comeptitor with 393. The best net in this division went to William Camp-, bell of Detroit, 360, who also won the prize for the best net score on the first day's play in 90. In Class C, F. E. Nye, Dunwoodie, by the margin of one point took the tophy from under the guns of H. J. Frost with a gross of 402 points for the week 's play, as follows: 10992100101. The net (Concluded on page lour)