"Jage .IHSWPSlfra pinehcrot outlook TgS&jBM-; "1 American Itvtl Cron has' shown its appreciation of the contri butions made to its relief funds, the pro ceeds of Miss Priscilla Carver 's concert under the patronage of the ladies of the village in a letter that speaks for itself. AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS CHICAGO HEADQUARTERS March 30, 1916. llrs. Francis S. North, 565 Sheridan Road, Winnatka, Illinois. of our country. We are deeply appreciative of this most signal assistance, which comes at a critical period. May I call your attention to an article in the American Red Cross magazine (April issue) by Mr. E. P. BickneU, about the relief of Serbian, Montenegrin and Albanian refugees in Corfu, Corsica and France, where thousands of home less and destitute people have found tem porary havens. Expressing to you, and through you to all who assisted in the concert, our appreciation for your kindness in send ing this check to the Chicago Chapter, and thanking you in behalf of the suf- " . - t ANNIE OAKLET Who Has Taught Eight Hundred Ladies to Shoot This Season. Mr Dear Mrs. North: In Mr. Sprague's absence from the city it gives me much pleasure to acknowl edge and thank you for your kind letter of March 27th with enclosure of your check for $221.30, which we note is to be equally divided among the children, home less and destitute people of Serbia and Poland. We note that this sum is from the pro ceeds of a concert given in the Carolina Hotel, Pinehurst, N. C, for the relief of sufferers in Poland and Serbia, and that it represents contributions from all parts ferers in Poland and Serbia, and of the Red Cross, I am, Very truly yours, J. J, O'Connor, Director Central Division. p. s. Official voucher from Orson Smith, Treasurer, enclosed herewith. Send The Outlook to your friends. It saves letter writing. Ask for mailing envelopes. m mi 1 D If m a .11 a DBDBDHDIDBDBDBDnD D a ALPHAKO M UM Off. Sure Way to Prevent Hills and Hollows in Your Greens fl KEENS' Keeper Flynn of the Marion Course says that "one of the greatest objections to the use of stable manures for making or renovating greens; is its tendency to produce hollows. The decay of the litter and consequent shrinkage causes the turf to sink in spots, often requiring bothersome and costly underfilling to restore levels." The base of Alphano being a thoroughly decomposed rich soil humus in dry finely granulated form; it can be benely incorporated with the soil, giving a compact, firm, lasting surface. Ton for ton, its humus value and plant food content is about five times greater than average barnyard manure; with the added advantage of being free from weed seeds and odorless. As a top dressing mixed with two-thirds soil, it is highly useful. Do not confuse it with the raw unprepared humus (sold under various brand names) which is being taken direct from its watery bed and shipped to the purchaser. Send for the Alphano Book. Get full facts and figures. $12 a Ton in Bags $10 a Ton in Bags by Carload $ 8 a Ton in Bulk by Carload a D r o a AlpKano H umcLS D n Established 1905 17-N Battery Place NEW YORK o Pinehurst Department Store rVtfLLEd IT "" EVERYTHING YOU WANT OR NEED Dry Goods, Men's Furnishings, Pharmacy, Groceries, Hardware, Shoes, Fruits, Toilet Articles, Books, Etc. taffeJliMe Smokeless Shofun Powder Dry Cold Storage forFurs G. G. SHAYIIE & GO. 126 Wist Fortj-Mcond St. New York Worthington Ball Company Manufacturers of the Celebrated DIAMOND BRAND GOLF BALLS ELYR1A OHIO BRETTON INN At Ormond Beach Facing the Ocean and Adjoining the Golf Links. Address inquiries to James P. Vining, Ormond Beach, Florid