TMEMMEMU1ST I VOL. XX, NO. 19 SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 31, 1917 FIVE CENTS MISS ROSENTHAL'S MEDAL Mrs. Barlow Second and Mrs. Hard Third in Qualifying Round Fatteit Field Ever Entered In tbe Women's United North and South F1 EXPECTATION and interest almost equal to that pre ceding the National Championship pre- wl I fd vae( at tie lub fk H ( l.jjMonday morning. Assembled for the Women's Championship the United North and South was a cordon of champions, the veteran golfing world, each with their large and loyal following, the subject of endless comparison and debate, ready to decide the mooted ques tion on the links. Mrs. Roland H. Barlow was there to defend the title won these last years by such close and desperate margin from the old champion of the world, Mrs Dorothy Campbell Hurd. What man can guess the outcome between these two Airs. Hurd having,' as in former years, just taken the Silver Foil trophy from Mrs. Barlow in two rounds of medal play. And what of Elaine Rosenthal, that comes flushed with victory from Flori da and who has been the delight of the gallery for weeks .past by reason of a phenomenal driver? Can she still hold the odds against Miss Mildred Caverly, second only to Alexa Stirling at Belmont Springs ? Or can any girl however clever with the midiron start with any great confidence from the first tee with Mrs. J. R. Price in the game who came through to the finals last year and drove Mrs. Barlow to the eighteenth green? To discover the answer to this perplexing proposition all ' Pine- hurst and golfdom turned out in brilliant array of purple and gold, arid yellow coats and red Scotch caps, with score cards and wicker seats and opera glasses and white flannels that morning, when the medal round began. There was trouble ahead for the old stars. The skies had but recently ceased their sorrow, and heavy greens militated against grandstand putting. The last bunker on the course yawned for Mrs. Barlow, while a single un friendly trap it accountable for more astonishing her ' resultant score of 89, eked out by the steadiest approaching seen that day. Going out the favorites were about 'even, Mrs. Barlow being in the lead with 42, Miss Rosen thal and Mrs. Price even with 43, and Mrs. Hurd, Mrs. C. B. Hol hngsworth of Greensburg and Miss Caverly only one stroke behind. These and Mrs. M. J. Scammel of Oakmont and Miss Sarah Fownes, who has many times A WONDERFUL FINISH 2? I v . i r i i h i i - i k. J Xiiy 'leaders in the north and south Miss Elaine Rosenthal,' 'the Champion; Miss Mildred Caverly, Miss Eleanor Gates and Mrs. Eoland II. Barlow figured in the championship in years past, constitute the fast est first division ever enrolled in the classic. Summary. Played over num ber two course. no less than five strokes in Miss Caverly's score. The most consistent game and the medal belong to Miss Elaine Rosenthal. Wonderful in her drives, casual and successful on the greens, she made the course in 86, including a 6 on the 18th, two better than Mrs. Barlow and three better than Mrs. Hurd. The National medalist made two as tonishing exhibitions. For some reason her driver was not work ing, and she played wild and loose with her tee shots. All the Miss Elaine S. Rosenthal, Ravisloe 43 43 86 Mrs. Roland H. Barlow, Merion 42 46 88 Mrs. J. V. Hurd, Pittsburgh C. C. 44 45 89 Mrs. J. R. Price, Oakmont 43 49 92 Miss Mildred Caverly, Philadelphia Cricket 44 50 92 Concluded on page six) Miss Rosenthal Wins Spectacular Match from Mrs. Hard Final In All Ulvlilon of Women' Championship Marked ly Cloae Scores when all A MORE perfect setting for a golf match could hardly be imagined. Fair were the Spring f I skips nnd crentle and warm the breezes, Pinehurst in gala array lined up at the first tee on the championship course to see the grand finale between Miss Elaine Rosenthal, victor over Mrs. Bar low, and Dorothy Campbell Hurd known of old. The first balls driven gave intimation of the his toric struggle to follow. Mrs. Hurd is conceded to be master of the short and accurate game. But her drives have recently de veloped a most deplorable hook, and it was on this hook that the Rosenthal chances were sanc tioned. The Florida champion led off, true to form and a delight to the eye, with a long ball singing two hundred ana forty yards down the course. Alexa Stirling, what do you say to that? Does this maiden need any short course built for feeble women? The next shot showed that all hopes based on a Hurd hook were doomed to oblivion. True as a base line Mrs. Hurd sped her shot to within a span of the other ball, and the delighted gallery moved down the' course, like an army with banners. This is quite literal. It looked like new Rus sia's birthday. For the marshalls of the host, ever and anon order ing a premonitory halt, Fore, with Col. Ormsbee in the Van and Dr. Brown, on the right

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