i T ii STERLING SILVERWARE ENRICHES BOTH THE HOME AND YOU At this period of the year when womankind, taking her cue from Spring, is busy re-arranging the home and finding new opportunities to add to its attractiveness and to improve its service GORHAM STERLING SILVERWARE is both an inspiration and an investment, tor it enriches , the home by its utility and beauty, and enriches the possessor by the lifetime length of its service and its permanent intrinsic worth. GORHAM STERLING SILVERWARE is sold by leading jewelers wsorjAere and mg, bears this trade mark, .tIx:.. n f rj THE GORHAM COMPANY SILVERSMITHS AND GOLDSMITHS 1 0j39 NEWYORR ESfflft m m M REWEMBER NOW THE BOYS IN THE SERVICE Our attractive "Blighty Bundles," carefully packed, containing the articles which satisfy the craving, - have de lighted thousands of boys in the Service and encouraged them with the knowledge that they were remembered at home. Ask us to send a "Black Cat" Kit now and mail you a list of other "Blighty Bundle" assortments for future shipments. S. S. PIERCE CO. Cor. Tremont & Beacon Sts. j And Cooley Square I BOSTON "Black Cat" Kit Carefully packed, ready for mailing. Welcht 3J Pounds. CONTENTS 1 tin of Tobacco. 1 package of Cigarette Papers 2 pkgs. of Cigarettes. 2 Cakes of Soap 1 pkg. Fancy Crackers 1 tin of Sugar Wafers 2 Cakes of Sweet Chocolate 2 pkgs. Chewing Gum. 1 pkg. Mints 1 pkg. Candy 1 pkg. Wafer Lozenge 2 pkgs. Nut Fruit Ration 1 Acknowledgement Postcard PRICE Including postage abroad, $2.50. returned when sent to Home Cantonments SEND US A CARD TO BE ENCLOSED Difference ("The World's Best Table Wafer" U.S. NEWCQUB. TJaqI Uotofn and TnniivinriAA General Offlci r: mm m l. rm. m 1 w mm - . w w v JAVJU1 JJUIUIU UUU liiouiaiiuu Plnehurst four and three. SIXTH DIVISION, CLUB TROPHY L. I. Prouty beat Jay Hall two and one, M. Brumbaugh lost to Matt Grau four and two, G. E. Mabbett beat M. B. Brynes one up, I. Bosse beat C. H. Schmidt seven and five, H. G. Waring beat Chas. Horton four and three, M. Burke beat C. W. Walter by default, G. A. White beat S. R. Smith three and two, F. P. Lee beat Robt. Foote eight and seven. Second round, Grau beat Prouty four and three, Mabbett beat Bosse three and two, Waring beat Burke three and two, Lee beat White six and five. Semi-final round, Mabbett beat Grau four and two, Waring beat Lee two and one. Final round, Waring beat Mabbett three and one. consolation division First round, Jay Hall, beat M. Brum baugh by default, E. H. Schmidt beat M. B. Brynes five and four, Chas. Hor ton beat C. N. Walter two . up, Bobt. Foote beat S. R. Smith five and three. Semi-final round, Schmidt beat Hall six and five, Horton beat Foote five and four. Final round, Schmidt beat Horton four and three. seventh division First round, N. Y. Worrall beat W. L. Verlenden four and three, F. East man beat R. Y. Bernard by default, J. W. Cassell beat N. B. Hersloff two and one, H. P. Burt beat A. E. Thomas four and three, C. W. Billings beat G. S. Hendrickson four and two, H. H. Cutler beat E. J. Phillips six and four, B. V. Covert beat W. G. Lawrence four and three, H. H. Buckley beat Dan Darriff four and three. Second round, Worrall beat Eastman one up, Burt beat Cassell two and-one, Cutler beat Billings four and three, Buckley beat Covert three and two. 'Semi-final round, Worral beSt Burt one up, Buckley beat Cutler two and one. Final round, Buckley beat Worrall six and five. consolation division W. L. Verlenden beat R. Y. Bernard by default, N. B. Hersloff beat A. E. Thomas two up, E. J. Phillips beat G. S. Hendrickson three and two, Dan Dar riff beat G. W. Lawrence eight and seven. Semi-final round N. B. Hersloff beat Verlenden four and three, Phillips beat Darriff one up. Final round, Phillips beat Hersloff one up. eighth division First round, H. W. Alien beat J. C. McLaughlin three and one, H. H. Rack ham beat D. S. Brassill three and two, S. P. Heywood beat D. A. Casey five and three, D. G. Wing beat H. P. Wood four and three, H.; J.. Frost beat E. J. Daehler three and one, H. P.. Howes beat Jas. Barber two and one, J. R. Chadwick beat C. H. Stevick eight and seven, F. A. Hodgman beat D. D. Ackerman three and two. Second round, Rackham beat Allen four and three, Haywood beat Wing five and three, Howes beat Frost eight and lMfi THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK,Rifn seven, Chadwick beat Hodgman three ana one. Semi-final round, Rackham beat Haywood five and three, Chadwick beat Howes four and two. Final round, Chadwick beat Rackham four and three. " consolation division First round, J. C. McLaughlin lost to D. S. Brassil four down, D. A. Casey beat H. P. Wood four and three, E. J. Daehler beat Jas. Barber one up 19 holes, C. H. Stevick beat D. D. Acker man two and one. Semi-final round, Brassil beat Casey three and two, Stevick beat Daehler four and two. Final round, Brassil beat Stevick one up. ninth division G. A. Boman beat C. M. Prince three and two, A. E. Pickard beat E. B." Sher man one up 19th, S. M. Steele beat J. Ebb Weir one up, J. E. Jones beat T. E. Jones four and two, P. Esselborn beat G. T- Handel two and one, E. S. Whitney beat Thos. Neal one up 20 holes, Hiram Marks beat W. Newsome two up, W. M. Briggs beat R. B. Over baugh seven and six. Second round, . Boman beat Pickard two up, Jones beat Steele two up, Whit ney beat Esselborn one up 19 holes, Marks beat Briggs one up. Semi-final round, Boman beat Jones four and three, Whitney beat Marks seven and six. Final round, Boman beat Whitney one up 19 holes. consolation division C. M. Prince beat E. B. Sherman by default, J. E. Weir beat T. E. Jones four and three, Thos. Neal beat G. T. Handel one up, R. B. Overbaugh beat W. Newsome by default. Semi-final round, Sherman beat Weir four and three, Neal beat Over baugh seven and six. Final round, Sherman beat Neal five and four. tenth division D. L. Anderson lost to R. L. Walkley three and one, R. C. Blancke beat E. M. Slayton eight and seven, W. M. Keelen beat F. F.Buckins four and three, C. Gulliland beat T. S. Walker three and two, C. L. Holmes beat H. C. Morse three and two, J. T. Small beat B. H. Sanborn four and three, S. T. Crane beat J. E. Brodhead seven and six, C. R. Anderson beat A. E. Atherton three and two. Second round, Blancke beat Walkley five and three, Gulliland beat Kellen six and five, Holmes beat Small six and four, Crane beat Anderson one up 20 holes. Semi-final round, Gulliland beat Blancke two and one, Holmes beat Crane three and two. Final round, Gulliland beat Holmes five and three. CONSOLATION DIVISION First round, D. L. Anderson beat B. M. Slayton by default, F. F. Bucking beat T. S. Walker by default, B. H. Sanborn beat H. C. Morse by .default, A. E. Atherton beat J. E. Brodhead three and two. Semi-final round, Anderson beat