9 iiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM Vol. XXVII EARLY SEASON NUMBER Number 1 Entered as second class matter at the post office at RICHMOND, VA. Subpcription, $2.00 per year. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM Autumn Tournament Opens Golfing Season THE winter golfing season at Pine hurst was officially ushered in on November 5, 6, 7 and 8, with the playing of the nineteenth annual Autumn tournament, the first of a long and interest ing series of tournaments on the Country Club's schedule. Donald Parson, of Youngstown, Ohio, a member of Pinehurst's winter cottage colony, Was off" to a flying start in the qualifying round of this event, winning the medal with a card of 39-41-80, and kept up his victorious march to the finals where he met and defeated Halbert J. Blue, of Aberdeen, by the comfortable margin of 4 and 3 for chief honors and the first division trophy. Parson's nearest opponents in the qualify ing round were John D. Armstrong, of the Shennecossett Country Club and Blue, who finished out the day with rounds of 81 and 82 respectively. Then followed F. C. Mc Lain, Brookside, 86; Francis T. Keating, Pinehurst, 93 ; R. D. Cutler, Hartford Golf Club, 93 ; Rev. T. A. Cheatham, Pinehurst, 94, and Alexander Julian, Cincinnati, 96, those eight making up the first division. Four divisions qualified. Addison Boren, of the Sound Beach Golf Club, won the second division trophy by virtue of a 2 and 1 victory over P. B. O'Brien, of Detroit, and C. L. Becker, of Phila delphia, N. Y., took the measure of H. N. Card, of the Canoe : Donald Parson, of Youngstoivn, Who Opened the Golfing Season at Pinehurst by Win ning the Annual Autumn Tournament. Brook Club, for chief honors and trophy in the third division. The trophy in the fourth division went to M. E. Nussbaum, of Bain bridge, Ga., who defeated R. C. Blancke, of Montclair, 2 up. In his match with Blue, Parson was but 1 up going to the seventh hole, but he took that hole, halved the eighth and won the ninth, making the turn 3 up, and from then on the final outcome of the match was never in doubt, each player holding his own and with the exception of the eleventh, which Parson won when Blue required a 7 after driving into the pond, every hole on the inward journey was halved. The most unusual match of the tourna ment occurred in the . third division where Becker came through victoriously after be ing 4 down at the sixth tee in his match with Card. He gained two holes between there and the tenth, making the turn 2 down, and evened the match on the thirteenth. He lost the fourteenth, then made a clean sweep of the fifteenth and sixteenth and ended the match by winning the seventeenth. Nussbaum had a similar experience in his session with Blancke in the fourth division, but it was not until the last hole had been played that the match was decided. He was 1 down at the turn, evened matters on the six teenth and then scored successive wins on the seventeenth and eighteenth. .... c 3 y r. " e A 4 " r -IB r nw njil is" 0 J!) J - JJUnHllllliliiiipfw 1 1 ""' ' 'fill ,iT" "in i I ' ' - 'mini ii n i t "."..(Mifiina t--a. .I - ' ' " , I t f ., ij ' ""ai"'"'lPSii-3"i"M 1 ' ' ' -Bfa' ff mmmuiimiMkwm iri m mwiW "lliiiiii mtk iiw n nan iiMhMiiJinii ..li mjuiWM. im iwili.lhiiw .iii iiwjiimi hkiiiiimiii wiihwii The First and Last Word in Pinehurst Country Clubs. The Small Insert Shozvs a Viczv of the First Club Built Here.