KNOLLWOOD HEIGHTS 'The Community of Good Neighbors ^ ’ ■ Krfollwood Heights is that ridge of ground rising above the Pine Needles Inn at Knoll wood. Itus a community of desirable neighbors who have been establishing for themselves winter homes of the highest type, where they may enjoy the facilities for recreation and rest afforded by the Pine Needles center, and by those other surrounding playgrounds at Pinehurst, Southern rines and adjacent territory. Knoll wood Heights was Planned with a Purpose It is created along intelligent designs that are definite. It didn’t happen. It is an engi neering project. Its development was thought out in advance. Knollwood Home Making has advanced to such a state that its aims are clear and its accomplishments are certain. Every home in Knollwood Heights is near enough to the golf courses to be its own club house. The fairways are a park system that give added value to the residences. Knollwood Heights invites inspection, and is worth it. For a location for a home see KNOLLWOOD INCORPORATED, Pinehurst, N. C., or any Accred ited Real Estate Agent in Pinehurst or Southern Pines. YOU ARE INVITED to visit the delightful year-round seaside resort of the Carolinas Located on the Atlantic Coast of Sunny South Carolina where the forest meets the sea in midst of Carolina’s most historic section. Picturesque golf course, grass greens. Elegant Ocean Forest Country Club offers guests’ cozy rooms and delightful meals. Fishing, hunting, riding. Only four hours ride from Pine hurst on excellent highway. For reservations address: OCEAN-FOREST COUNTRY CLUB Myrtle Beach, S. C. The WENTWORTH BY-THE-SEA PORTSMOUTH, N. H. Season June 25 to Sept. 10 The Hotel de Luxe of the North Atlantic Coast A modern resort hotel catering to an exclusive clientele and furnishing every attraction for recreation and enjoyment OFFICE, STATLEE BLDG., BOSTON, MASS. GOLF - TENNIS - DANCING - MOTION PICTURES SALT WATER SWIMMING POOL - BOATING Moderate Tariff. Courteous Service. Illustrated Booklet on request. H. H. BECKWITH, Pres. A. E. RICHARDSON, Mgri