The WENTWORTH BY-THE-SEA PORTSMOUTH, N. H. Season June 25 to Sept. 10 The Hotel de Luxe of the North Atlantic Coast A modern resort hotel catering to an exclusive clientele and furnishing every attraction for recreation and enjoyment OFFICE, STATLER BLDG., BOSTON, MASS. GOLF - TENNIS - DANCING - MOTION PICTURES SALT WATER SWIMMING POOL - BOATING Moderate Tariff. Courteous Service. Illustrated Booklet on request., H. H. BECKWITH, PRES. A. E. RICHARDSON, Mgr. The • • PINEHURST, NORTH CAROLINA SOUTHERN CUISINE Privileges of Pinehurst Country Club SAME MANAGEMENT AND STAFF AS THE CHALFONTE, CAPE MAY, N. J. Calvin Satterfield, Jr., Managing Owner ROCK FISH PARK FOR SALE One hundred acre tract of land three miles east of Southern Pines. Through the heart of this territory flows Rock Fish Creek, into a beautiful lake in the Centre. Giant pine, dogwood, azalea and holly trees, a carpet of ferns and pine needles, and rolling hills and valleys, form one of the most interesting tracts of land in the entire region. Fully developed, with building sites in abundance. • * GEORGE L. CALLERY, Owner S. B. RICHARDSON, Agent SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. TELEPHONE 5181 DOOoj o ero A p D O O O r 0 HOL-HI Distance when you need it and durability at all times. The gentleman from Missouri who judges distance by former standards is in for a pleasant surprise. His drives will lengthen out, and many an iron second will become an easy pitch. IDifoari GOLF EQUIPMENT Wilson-Western Sporting Goods Co. ' New York Boston Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco CLUB SKYLINE \ GOOD FOOD DANCING HOT MUSIC EVERY NIGHT ALL NIGHT w TELEPHONE 902-4 1 The Southern Pines Country Club Invites visiting golfers to play the two most interesting courses in ■ . the Sandhills. • EMMET FRENCH, Professional. Club House Dining Rooms in charge of Mrs. Grover. Ask your real estate agency to take you through the Country Club property, 500 acres with the most charming home sites in the Sand hills, located on fairways or winding roads. mrwmnwrwwwwwTiMiiwM^TiTitlTliri