RESORT SECTION The WENTWORTH BY-THE-SEA PORTSMOUTH, N. H. • Season June 25 to Sept. 10 The Hotel de Luxe of the North Atlantic Coast A modern resort hotel catering to an exclusive clientele and furnishing every attraction for recreation and enjoyment OFFICE, STATLEB BLDG., BOSTON, MASS. GOLF - TENNIS - DANCING - MOTION PICTURES SALT WATER SWIMMING POOL - BOATING Moderate Tariff. Courteous Service. Illustrated Booklet on request. H. H, BECKWITH, PRES. A. E. RICHARDSON, Mgr. | CLUB SKYLINE | | GOOD FOOD DANCING j HOT MUSIC W l EVERY NIGHT ALL NIGHT w TELEPHONE 902-4 and White Sulphur Springs .West Virginia America's PremierJlll-yearTZesort The Greenbrier, enlarged and beautified into one of the world’s finest year-around resorts . . . the superb golf and tennis . . . the picturesque mountain trails . . . the trapshooting . . . the archery . . . with the hospitable Casino as sports head quarters ... these are some tof the enchantments of White Sulphur. MASON & DIXON GOLF TOURNAMENT—April 13 MASON & DIXON TENNIS TOURNAMENT—April 20 (Entries to George O’Brien, Secy.) World-Famous Hydro-Therapeutic Baths On Main Line Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Excellent Motor Roads from Pinehurst . to White Sulphur Springs THE GREENBRIER COTTAGES Housekeeping or Non-Housekeeping, For Summer Rental at Reasonable Rates. Summer Temperature Averages 70° -c Attractive Literature on Request T. R :.TQT-nvc;-roTsr GENERAL MANAGER. VISIT Middleton One of the Show Places of North America. Rich in the memories of History and beautiful beyond expres sion. Japonicas and Azaleas planted nearly two hundred years ago blooming in their vivid colors amid aged moss hung oaks and sparkling re flection pools—a world fam ous spot of botanical beauty. Gardens CHARLESTON, S. C. OLI GAR IN (1741) : i >•: t ; ■ > i mmmwwmmmtu d eu s of MIDDLETON PLACE CHARLESTON, SOUT H CARO LIN A VIA. U.S. ROUTE NOT \7\ SOUTH CHARLESTON ■ ?.>T ' . . : v v