HBHBHXHBHBHBHBHBHBHSHBHBKBHBHBHKHBHBHSHBIMHBHBHBI FINEST WINTER GOLF Come to Augusta this year! Here you will find a de lightful climate, warm hut invigorating. Sports to suit 8 every liking and mood. Golf on a superb course built by Donald Ross — grass greens—green fairways cut through tall pines. Tennis, Riding, Polo, Trap Shoot ing, Quail Shooting. Augusta is close to you by rail, plane or by motor over all paved roads. And—the FOREST HILLS HOTEL offers you the last word in a modern and completely fireproof hotel. Opens Jan. 8th. Until Feb. 20th hotel tariffs and greens fees substantially reduced in keeping with present day conditions. For rates and booklet, address New York Office, FOREST HILLS HOTEL, Mayfair House, Park Ave., at 65th St., N. Y. C. ,f] Under the personal direction of Edward H. Crandall, President, Mayfair House, New York City. ggKISItfgeag&flgMgKISCfBMSHSMSHSMaENaCIIXHaElfXHSHaEMSHXHSH&MBHaCMXMXHaEHSEHXlIXMXIim. 3SK1SMSI Coats, Dresses and Sports Costumes for Town and Resort Wear Hand Knitted Suits—an important feature of our collection _____._from $49.50 Polo Coats of Pure Woll Fabric, all silk lined from 29.50 Angora Dresses in all the new shades __from 19.50 The New Striped Blazers and Sweaters—with a very definite appeal________from 2.95 The Newest in Hosiery, Mesh and plain__ from 1.00 All These Lovely Things Make Charming Christmas Gifts. Studio Building PINEHURST 19 2 99 99 99 3 O (iiooks brothers Send for "Christmas Suggestions* 99 3 99 3 99 99 3 99 3 BRANCHES NEW YORK: ONI WALL STREET BOSTON: NEWBURY COR. BERKELEY STREET NEWPORT PALM BEACH 99 3 99 9929929939929929939929929929929929339929929929929929939929929929929929931 29939939929929929329939939S299399399299399293299299299293399399299E99ZIV 3 99 99 3 99 99 3 99 3 99 3 99 99 3 99 3 99 99 3 99 3 99 3 99 19 3 19 3 H Years ago, when grandfather was a lively young chap Minstrelsy was popular. . Billy Kersands, with a mouth that opened like a furnace door and a voice that seemed to come from down cellar sang, “Every day’ll be Sunday bye and bye.” He was singing of the days when we wouldn’t have to work, and when play would be the rule. Note how he was forecasting Pinehurst, the great play ground of the conti nent, with its extended facilities for classical and simple sports and games. 99 3 99 3 99 99 3 99 3 99 3 99 3 99 3 99 99 3 99 99 3 99 H 3 SS 3 99 99 hshshshshshshshshxhshshbh: Once you get sand in your shoes you always come back, and you might as well provide for a permanent year after year stay in Pinehurst^ by securing a home location of your own. Village sites or larger areas outside may be obtained from— - H. B. EMERY Real Estate Section General Office Building Pinehurst, N. C. H SHEHZHSHSHSIISHSHXHSHSHSHSHBHXHEHSHXHSHSHSHSHSHEH