iHBHZHZHZHZMXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXIIXHXHXIIXHXHXIIXHXHX! M X M X M Z H n z M X H Z N Z N X H (rr\mMkJa pal y Pinehurst,N.C. DELINEATOR OF FASHION ^Distinciide creations and adaptations from t&e Ceadincj. designers of tfia Warfd. (llottjas fax tl&c mast discximinatin^ and. Aaitalife |aa occasion. N X N Z N X H X N X H X H X H Z H Z N M Z M S « CAROLINA g HOTEL X Sbmzmzmzhzhz&szmbhzmzhzmshsmzhzmzmzmsmzmzhzmzhzmz VILLAGE SHOP HARVARD BLOCK Next to Bank of Pinehurst N S z H XHBHZ&SZHZHXHZHZHZHXHZHZHZHZHBHXHXHZHXHZHZHZHXHZN Z M M Z H Z H Z « z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H If Coffee Keeps You Awake Cafe des Invalides does not produce the usual effects Yet “Cafe des Invalides” pleases the most critical coffee connoisseurs This compound contains about seven-eighths coffee, of the finest grades, blended with vege table substances, which counteract the wake fulness producing effects, but do not affect the delicious coffee flavor. Sold at the 3 Pinehurst Department Store SAMPLE SENT ON REQUEST S. S. PIERCE CO. BOSTON, MASS. reenoner and Cottages /White Sulphur Springs ' "West Virginia $-/. * % ~ * . t ' rr, _ - ■ ' /' America’s Most Beautfful h All-Year Resort |p-;> *1 b % fk K X \* , / ’/ Complete ^ Hydrotherapy i Ppw£s&$& 7 One of the highest villages east of the Mississippi River (elevation nearly 2000 ft.) .tvangeley Lake Hotel A Most Delightful Summer Resort for Discriminating People Here every known sport in nature’s wonderland is at its best. Golf on our own 200-acre estate. Salmon and Trout Fishing. Boat ing. Hiking and Horseback Riding. Fine Motor Roads. Tennis. Accommodates 250. Elevator. Rates $10 per day up. A Christian House—References required. Open June 27 to late Sept. Cottages for rent fully furnished and cared foi. Meals at hotel or cottages. No-finer summer climate on the North American Continent. No Hay Fever. * \ Charles B. Day, Managing Director, RANGELEY, MAINE. i WWBIIWItlWIlBWIWWIIIWIWIWW RECORDS ARE FALLING FOR HOLHI Under the HOL-Ill cover is a center of amazingly low compression, wound by an exclus ive Wilson high-tension winding process. This gives it the true click that lasts, the incredibly long flight and the short game accuracy that mark it as a champion. Play HOL-HI. You'll not find a ball to equal it. Dimple or Mesh. Price 75c. GOLF EQUIPMENT WILSON-WESTERN SPORTING GOODS CO: Chicago New York Boston Los Angeles San Francisco Portland