RESORT SECTION ERECTED IX 1923 XLhc dftanor PINEHURST, NORTH CAROLINA ' Open November to May w A luxuriously furnished hotel, catering to an exclusive clien tle. All rooms with bath. Unexcelled cuisine. Elevator H service. Telephone in all rooms. Grinnell Sprinkler System. H Pinehurst Country Club Privileges Apply for Rates and Reservations MRS. E. C. BLISS H 3 H 3 H 3 H 3 H 3 3 *9 3 3 N 3 H OWNER AND MANAGER «3HSHSHSHSB€3l33B33H3S$3HSH3Ba3Bfi3&i!3H3B93l3SHSHSH3HSHSHS SHSB9SB