i&a&MEMKMa&aaMiS&aKHHMS&aaHB&as&aBs&ssHSHg&asMaHaMaHaMBMB&aH&saMgMEMBMSMaHaHSH Importers Semi-Annual SPRING SALE offers liberal discounts of 20, 25 and 331-3% on entire stock Including Mrs. Franklin's Hand-Knitted Suits Studio Building, Pinehurst IHSHSHZHZHZHZHXHZHZHZHBHBHXHXHZHXHEHZHXHZHXHXHZNa [xHXHZHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHZHXHZHBHXMXHXHXHXHXHXIIXIiaHXHSHXMXHXNXMXHXMXHXH: Is Open Until May 1 B &a g ^4nd sipril is the Height I g of the Season! 1 H ' B The “9 Day Plan” | g$ offers an attractive opportunity 1 , K3 for your friends to join you 1 & at Pinehurst during | APRIL I E&SS^gMgMSMBHSMgMBHaMSMSHSMaHaHaHSMSMaMSMgMSHSMSia jXNXHXHXHXHXHXNXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXII X H H S H X H S H X H E N X H X H X H X H X H X H H X H X H X H X H ESTABLISHED 1111 IM‘S ^rotirfitra# ^uraialjing ^ooia, MADISON AVENUE CON. FORTY-FOURTH STREET NEW YORK X H X N X N X H X N X H X N N X N H S i X H X 3 H X H X H X H X H X N X H X H X H 6 SROOKS MOTHERS Clothes for Lawn Tennis, etc. H X H X N X H ju NEWPORT PALM BEACH 2 HXHXHXHXHXHXHXNXNXHXNXNSHXNXNXNXHXHXNXHXHXNXHXHSi BRANCHES NEW YORK: ONE WALL STREET BOSTON: NEWBURY COR. BERKELEY STREET NEWPORT PALM BEACH lispsa o5aooOc 8©?oc HOL-HI great from core to cover Three things make a golf ball great—exception al distance, exceptional accuracy and exception al durability. These qualities of greatness are built into HOL-HI—from first to finished winding—by an exclusive new Wilson process, involving high tension winding? that guarantees extreme and uniform low compression. Play HOL-HI this year. Every round will convince you that it’s a wonderful ball. Price 75c. IDiB&on GOLF EQUIPMENT WILSON-WESTERN SPORTING GOODS CO. Chicago New York Boston Los Angeles San Francisco Portland