y ; t-y: ; y : yyyy ■■ -i y ;-*>■> -a : :■ ■: ■ j is * ' ■ ; -• - "U;; ; ; ■■' • ■: ^yy^yyyyyy.yy-..: yy-y . • • ■ . RESORT SECTION SSMSraSBMKMa&aSHSHBHSSHSHBHSHaMSMSHSME&aaMSMKMaMKMaMKraSMaMaMSHSMKMSMEMBM ....Rest Haven.... A Permanent or Winter Boarding Home for Elderly People at Winston-Salem, N. G., two and one-half hours' drive from Pinehurst. Complete Freedom from Care for elderly people from sixty to ninety years of age, whether in good health or con firmed invalids. Rest Haven is a private institution with every modern con venience, beautifully located, where everything is done for the comfort and pleasure of every guest, day and night. Under the supervision of physicians and nurses. Visitors to the North Carolina Sandhills who are inter ested in finding a restful, suitable place for their relatives far advanced in age, are invited to communicate with the Superintendent, Mrs. Gladys Posey Kern, Rest Haven, P. O. Box 1132, Winston-Salem, N. C. Travelers inquire at Robert E. Lee Hotel, Winston-Salem, for way to Rest Haven. KHXIIXIIXHXHXHZHEHEHZHEHZHZHXHEHEHXIIEHXHE1IXHXHZHE HXHXHXHEHXHXHZHENX!XHEHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHEHEHXH*MXHXHXI 0gSS&S&SS&9§3S3:£&3Sg3SSS£B3£Hggg£g«£B9£HSHSH£HSMSe>9£HS&3S§a£H;5&gSMSHSH£H2HSHSHSHSH3H Is Open Until May And April is the Height of the Season! The “9 Day Plan” offers an attractive opportunity , for your friends to join you at Pinehurst during APRIL H3H 3HSHXHEHSHSHEHSHEHSHSHXHIHXHSHIH1HIHSHSHSHS ■ HXHZMIlSIlaEHXIIXHBMSHXIIXHXHXHSIIXIIXIIXIIXHXimiaEimiXHXHXHXHIHXHXHSHSHSHI gZHEHZHZHEHEHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHE BY-THE-SEA - PORTSMOUTH, N. H. Season June 25 to Sept. 10 The Hotel de Luxe of the North Atlantic Coast A modern resort hotel catering to an exclusive clientele and furnishing every attraction for recreation and enjoyment OFFICE, STATLER BLDG., BOSTON, MASS. GOLF - TENNIS - DANCING - MOTION PICTURES SALT WATER SWIMMING POOL - BOATING Moderate Tariff. Courteous Service. Illustrated Booklet on request. H. H. BECKWITH, Pres. A. E. RICHARDSON, Mgr. EHEB9EBSg63S64Z6iZHZBaEBaEHEHZHEHEHEHZE3ZHEHZHZHEHZI«Zll£ The WENTWORTH £M£M£H£H£MZH£H£H£H£H£H£H£H£ gMBHBMBMBraBHBHBMBMBHBHBHBHBHB&aBMBHB&gBBgBHB&aBHBHBWBHB&SBMBHB&flBMBMB&aBMB SHEHBHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHXIIXIIXHEHEHEHBHSHBHBH3HSHXH1 A Home, Bought and Paid For, Rarely Goes Into the Hands of the Receiver The man whose money is in properly selected home property does not watch the decline of the stock market with a frightened antici pation. Land is never supplanted by some newer in vention that puts it into the obselete class. It is as enduring in its values as the hills around about Jerusalem, which in Biblical vernacular, “standeth fast and abideth for ever. A bit of ground in the Pinehurst Section should look attractive now. Prices are prob ably as low as they will ever be, and probably lower than they will stay very long. Some opportunities in Village property and in outlying acreage that are worth considering by the careful investor. Examination invited. I-I. B. E M E R Y GENERAL OFFICE BUILDING Pinehurst, N. C. nhxhehxhxhbhehshxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhehxhshxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxnxhxiixhxx