The Oldest Sandhills Publication Daily Except Monday —- Member of Associated Press NUMBER 44 ¥ Price 3 Cents THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK, PINEHURST, N. C. FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1940 • 2i_. the WORLD of TODAY By the Associated Press Foreign rFPORT hospital burned SHANGHAI, Jan. 4—W—Offi cial British sources today said wf)rd had been received that Jap anese troops had burned the British Methodist hospital at Chuchia near Wuting in northern Shantung province in “retalia tion-’ for hospital treatment of Chinese guerrillas. The burning took place Christ mas day, these sources said, and the Japanese also threatened to burn a church and foreign houses later. , The British consulate at Tsihg tao was said to have made repre sentations to the Japanese. BOMB NAVAL BASE HELSINKI, Jan. 4—(A5)—Rus sian places bombed the south continued on page three) POLO TEAMS NAMED AND LINE-UPS PICKED FOR GAME ON SUNDAY Competing Outfits Will be Known as Sandhills and Blue Hill Farm Gubs; Herb Swan, Noted Player, In Squad The definite line-ups for Sun day’s polo game were formed yes terday, and all preparations are being made to make the first of a series of these thrilling games one of the best. The two com peting teams were named yester day as the Sandhills Club anpl the Blue Hill Farm Club, The Sandhill, quartet in play ing position order will be, R. B. Green, Durham; B. R. Brown, Durham; Earl Shaw, Pinehurst and Chicago and Capt. Dave Der vine of Fort Bragg. The Blue Hill line-up will be Lieut. C. R. Murray, Fort Bragg; .Fred Wilmshurst, Red Bank, N. J.; Merrill Fink, Rye, N. Y., and Pinehurst and Herb Swan, Phil adelphia. Mr. Swan is a noted polo player, being captain of the winning team of the Sherman Memorial National Indoor cham pionship for the past two years. Judge James D. Moore and Col. e°rge P. Hawes Jr. will be the referees. WHAT TO DO AND SEE Today Bridge luncheon at The Berk today. Silver Foils tournament con tlnued today. AT THE THEATRES - Pinehurst - at 8:30, matinee a » Swanee River,” with Doi meche and A1 Johnson. ■ Southern Pines - *** and tomorrow nigh 3:00 '“ii.matlnee tomorro^ a C00nPvWhat A Life’” with Jacki( th°;pe and Betty Field. Als, the ^anul)e Overture wit] ®stra 3 10na^ ^’Iharmonic orch ■ Aberdeen Theatre - wcar«ht at,7:is and 9:00 -b« ^ Baxter'6 ^ United States BUDGET TRIMMED WASHINGTON, Jan. 4—Pres ident Roosevelt presented Con gress today with a message, con templating the second smallest deficits of his two administrations as he read his fiscal policies and challenged his critics to show where any further cuts could be made in federal expenses. Specifying in his budget message that $460,000,000 of emergency national defense ex penditures should be - offset by special taxes, he forecast a net deficit for the next fiscal year— beginning July 1— of $1,716,000, 000 as against $3,933,000,000 for the current year, ending June 30. The reduced budget means, Mr. Roosevelt said, that the govern ment has “prepared to move for ward on reduced rations” and that any further cuts would re sult in ‘ “undue hardships on in dividuals and economic groups.” The public works program, linked closely with the relief ag encies in supplying jobs for the needy, felt the presidential prun ing knife. Mr. Roosevelt said that the ad ministration expected to spend $1,100,000,000 on public works in the year starting next July 1, a reduction of about $300,000,000. (Continued on page three) DOG SHOW REVIVAL GIVEN UNANIMOUS OKAY OF MEETING Harry W. Norris Named Tempor ary Chairman of Organization to Arrange Exhibition; Date and Location Named Later Judging by the enthusiasm shown at the dog show organiza tion meeting held at Dr. J. I. Neal’s veterinary hospital Wed nesday night it appears certain that the Sandhills will have a dog show in the spring, after a sev eral-year lapse of the event. Plans for the show were dis cussed at a well-attended meet ing, with the reception room of the hospital packed. The meet ing was 100 per cent in favor of the return of the show. Harry W. Norris was elected temporary chairman, Dr. L. J. Pegram, secretary, and the fol lowing named as a membership committee: Samuel G. Allen, Emmett E. Boone, Dr. Francis L. , Owens, Mrs. Owens, Elmer Simpkins, David Coffey, Glenn Davis, Col. George P. Hawes, Dr. Neal, Mrs. Norris, Mrs. John J. Fitzgerald, W. M. Hern don, Dr. Alice Presbrey, Curtis Wigg, S. D. Fobes and Mrs. Mar ion Phillips. Another meeting will be held next Wednesday evening at 8:30 in the Carolina Hotel, at which permanent* officers will be elected, and the definite^ date and location of the show will be determined. All those interested are cordially invited to attend the meeting. For any information desired, dial the secretary at Pinehurst 2693. Weather Rain Friday. Saturday, part ly cloudy and cooler. ! TWO GOOD GOLFERS TALK IT OVER James* Barnes (left), former United States and British open golf champion, and Henry C. Fownes 2nd of Pittsburgh - inspect the club with which Mr. Fownes made a hole-in-one at the ninth of the cham pionship course on Wednesday. Many golfers make holes-in-one, but few do it when a former national open champion of America and Great Britain is in the game to gallery the performance. Photo by Hemmer . Outlook Engraving DINEHURST SCOREBOARD ■