The Oldest Sandhills Publication 0y Except Monday — Member of Associated Press Price 3 Cent^ THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK, PINEHURST, N. C. SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1940 •ifi* W Chamberlain Deposes British War Minister More Belisha Replaced by Oliver Stanley, After Reported Conflicts with Associates Over Policies - + Sir John Reith Named Minister of Information as Lord Mac Millan is Removed in Depart mental Shakeup CENSOR CRITICIZED Prime Minister Chamberlain replaced War Minister Hore Bel isha yesterday with Oliver Stan ley, president of the Board of Trade. Sir John Reith was named as Minister of Information to re place Lord MacMillan. Hore Belisha was reported to have been in conflict with the air ministry and with Lord Gort; bead of the British expeditionary forces, over matters of policy. Lord MacMillan had been crit icized by newspaper publishers for his methods in censoring in formation. Sir John Reith, an official of the British Broadcast ing Corporation, has had newspa per experience. BRITAIN AIDING FINNS Reports from London stated that Great Britain was sending arms to Sweden and was aiding Finland in the wab against Rus sia. WTO DO AND SEE Today Putting tournament for ladies this afternoon at Pinehurst Coun try Club. All invited. Tin Whistles tournament to medal play, best ball of pair. Silver Foils tournament con tinued today. Keno at The Carolina tonight. AT THE THEATRES ■ Southern Pines - Tonight at 8:15, matinee at ;15’ matinee at 3:00, “What A ^e> with Jackie Cooper and % Field. Also the Blue Dan- j !,e 0verture with the National 1 armonic orchestra. ■ Aberdeen Theatre - knight at 7:00 and 9:00, mat 'Ce!” uT)ays of Jesse WEATHER davai%and Sl'"htly colder Satu: '■ undav, increasing clout ^and not quite so cold. SOUTffr N'°ISES WITH H CAROLINA QUAKE CHARLESTON S . 1 w o earth neither a • y doin£ any rumKiaCCOmpanied b C"8noises> w''r< mt in Sum men s‘iUhauahmil,0n’ >bont R rem