Uy Except Monday — Member of Associated Press Price 3 Gents THE PINEJHURST OUTLOOK, PINBHURST, N. C. SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 1940 f(S.P. Randolph lloted Sportsman FatallyStricken Ois Colors Oldest On American Tracks HERE 20 YEARS p g p. Randolph, sportsman j pinehurst, Narragansett, R. I. d Philadelphia died last night froin a heart attack with which jewas stricken as he was about t0 step out of his automobile to into The Carolina Hotel to en joy the evening at keno. He was H years old. Although Hr. Randolph had complained of indigestion early yesterday and had called on , a physician, he paid little atten tion to this ailment, and latei in today went quail shooting. Fol lowing dinner at his home, he left with Mrs. Randolph for The Carolina. Mrs. Randolph was driving, is the automobile was stopped m front of the hotel, Sam Lack?, to doorman, went to the car, nd, has been a years-old custom, Ir, Randolph handed his cane to Ms. As he started to get out of the automobile, he fell back to the seat. Dr. Myron W. Marr was called, and drove with Mr. and Mrs. Randolph to the hospital. The veteran sportsman succumbed be ore arrival at the hospital. * Mr. Randolph, member of an d Philadelphia family, was own of one of the oldest racing col ®s> if not the very oldest, in taerica. For a half century the ue, pink sleeves, pink and blue ttp of his stable have been seen ® Eastern tracks. During all (Continued on page three) ID CLUB TRIALS SCHEDULED TO START N PINEHURST MONDAY trials will again occupy a *ajor part of the winter sports !%am of Pinehurst with the IJnn®^ Che 23rd annual events ! 7 Pinehurst Field Trial Club, ?mning Monday and continuing 0 *e latter part of the week. Jointers and setters from many 1 s of the east will compete in * events, which open with the 3eur stakes tomorrow. The Jn stakes will begin Wednes James Tufts, secretary ftnehurst club, has made gements possible to fac matters so that spectat ^enloy the trials. face' J681 u8tarting points Taft, haVe been 0UClined by 1 on courses 1, 3, 5, 8, 10 £ bar^:orber> are loca ft, J he Carolina Hotel,’ n C“° b*™ on the old C Count- h’ behmJ the Mo foa