f Daily The Oldest Sandhills Publication * Except Monday During the Winter Season VOLUME 44. NUMBER 54 Price 3 Cents THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK, PINEHURST, N. C. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1940 THE PRESIDENT OF THE DAIRYMEN E. L. WHITE of Wilmington, who has led the North Carolina Dairy Products Association through a successful year. (Story in Convention section of Outlook.) \ Photo by Humphries of Hemmer Studio — Outlook Engraving PlNEHURST SCOREBOARD Golf Tips—By Nelson , ' ' Many players seem to be in such a hurry to hit a bad shot and get it over with that they almost always get their wish. Never be so anxious to start the downswing that you may fail to finish your backswing. Let your wrists get cocked at the top of the backswing and let your hands pause momentarily and then with the club head under your full control start your downswing. * * * Mrs. Glenna Collett Vare Wins Mrs. Edwin H. Vare, Jr., Merion Gun Club, captured high-gun laurels over the snow-covered traps of the Valley Forge Gun Club, opposite the Pickering Hunt Club, Phoenixville, breaking 46 out of 50. * * * Golf Tips—By Nelson k Purely as an aid to relaxation and to concentration, still the entiie value may be completely lost by an awkward meaningless WaSgle, so see that your waggle makes sense by making it entirely al°n? the desired line of flight so that it begins a rythmic, swing, don’t ever waggle more than a few times, for a prolonged WaSgle generally means a poor shot. If you cannot relax and con centrate after three or four waggles it is better to walk entirely "ay ^10m the ball and start anew. Behold The Mighty Dinosaur “Behold the mighty Dinosaur, Famous in prehistoric lore Not only for his weight and length But for his intellectual strength. You will observe by these remains, The creature had two sets of brains; One in the skull—the usual place; The other at his spinal base. Thus he could reason ‘a priori’ As well as ‘a posteriori.’ No question bothered him a bit— For he could see both sides of it; And he could think without congestion Upon both sides of any question. As he thought twice before he spoke, He had few judgments to revoke. Oh, gaze upon this model beast, Defunct ten million years,"at least!” * * * Th 15 Wont},6 ^*each Daily News reports that Tommy Goodwin ment ae.!Jualifying round in the 33rd annual Lake Worth touma Brooki} h a 71, and "Robert W. Knowles Jr. of The Country Club,