( The Oldest Sandhills Publication Daily Except Moiiday During the Winter Season VOLUME 44, NUMBER 77 Price 3 Cents THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK, PINEHURST, N. C. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1940 -X”-—-- “ leading golfers are entered in FEBRUARY TOURNEY Event, to be Played Today, This Year is 18 Hole 'i Handicap Medal Play Best Ball of Pair Competition The 36th annual February golf tournament will be played at the Pinehurst Country Club to day. The method of playing this event has been changed this year to a best ball of pair medal play, 18 hole, with handicaps. Last year it was contested at match play. Eleven pairs had entered up to last night, but post entries will be accepted, and players will be awarded starting times at 1:30 p. m. and thereafter. Last year the event was won by Hilles R. Pickens Jr. and Rob ert E. Harlow. Harlow is enter ed this year with George Dun lap Jr. James and Bing Hunter, a fa ther and son combination, is a formidable entry. H. F. Lesh and F. C. Robertson, C. B. S. Marr and W. H. B. Ward, E. C. Keating and W. T. McCullough are among the teams the experts declare will be hard to beat. . STARTING TIMES 1:00 ' G. T. Dunlap Jr. R. E. Harlow J. T. Hunter Bing Hunter 1:05 H. F. Lesh F. C. Robertson S. H. Cook J. R. Sibley 1:10 "" Clifford Sloan H. G. Phillips A. T. Safford Thomas Hall 1:15 Chester Williams C. A. Warren C. B. S. Marr W. H. B. Ward 1:20 A. C. Aborn Dr. Howard Chidley G. W. Dodd Dr. H. E. Cushman 1:25 E. C. Keating W. T. McCullough WHAT TO DO AND SEE Today Thirty-sixth annual February tournament at Pinehurst Country Ciub today. Medal play, 18 holes. Bridge luncheon at Pinehurst Country Club today. Keno and dance at The Caro lina tonight. AT THE THEATRES - Southern Pines - Today at 3:00 and 8:15, “The Marines Fly High,” with Rich ar(i Dix and Chester Morris. - Aberdeen Theatre - Tonight at 7:15 and 9:15, “In visible Stripes,” with George Raft. - Pinehurst - Tomorrow at 3:00 and 8:30, “The Light that Failed,” with Ronald Colman. LOSES CITIZENSHIP BERLIN, Feb. 12 — (ff) — Fritz Thyssen, German indus trialist who was one of Adolf Hitler’s early financial back ers, today was deprived of his German citizenship. His wife also lost her citi zenship through a decree pub lished in the official gazette. Thyssen split with the Nazi regime not long ago and Went to Switzerland. BRAGAW WILL SHOW PLANTATION VIEWS AT FORUM THURSDAY Beautiful Scenes in Color to Il lustrate Talk of Young Horti culturist on Flowers of North Carolina H. Churchill Bragaw, who will show his color pictures of Orton Plantation in Wilmington, North Carolina, at the Forum on Thurs day, February 15, is a native of Washington, N. C., and a gradu ate of North Carolina State Uni versity. Although he is only 26 years of age, he holds the envi able position of being manager of one ol the most famous arid beauteous of all Southern plan tations. Those who attended the art ex hibit at the Pine Needles Inn last week saw many pictures of Caro lina flowers, particularly the ca mellia japonica. Mr. Bragaw shows many of these same rare beauties as they grow at Orton. The Forum this week is send ing no notices by mail, but urges that those people in Pinehurst who are flower-conscious—and that includes a majority—add Thursday evening’s show to their program for this week. CHECKER ENTRIES Checker players are urged to enter the Moore County cham pionship which will be played at the Amusement Center, starting this Thursday. Eighteen have already paid the fifty cent entry fee. Entrees are being taken by Frank Dupont, at Dupont’s News Stand. MEETING TONIGHT There will be a meeting of the Sandhills Kennel Club at the Carolina Hotel at 8:00 o’clock to night. All members are request ed to attend. The public is also invited. tin whistle meeting K. B. Trousdell, president, pre sided at the meeting of Tin Whis tle directors yesterday. Ringland Kilpatrick and Stan ley D. Fobes were elected to membership. , The following nominating com jmittee was appointed: Warren Bicknell, chairman, H. J. Blue, F. A. Powdrell, J. C. Musser and J. K. Love. SOUTHERN PINES WINS t Southern Pines defeated the Pinehurst 0 u tlo o k basketball team 29 to 19 last night in the Pinehurst high gym. Dawson, coach of the Southern Pines high team, scored 11 points for the winners,* while Horner led the scoring for the Outlook five with 7 points. WINNER IN LEAGUE COIF EVENT BERT NICOLLS, Pinehurst Country Club professional, who paired with Lloyd Yost yesterday to win the third tournament in the Sand hills amateur-professional golf league, played at The Southern^ Pines Country Club. PINEHURST OUTLOOK'S AMATEUR-PRO SANDHILLS GOLF LEAGUE CHARTS FIFTY-FOUR HOLES IN CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP Team Turner-Dunlap Pine Mid So. Club Needles Pines Pines Total Pine Needles 65 68 68 201 Callaway-Tufts Callaway-Sloan Pinehurst Pinehurst 68 — — — 65 68 201 Ferree-B. Hunter Ferree-H. Maples Ferree-Andrews Pinehurst Pinehurst Pinehurst 70 66 — 65 201 B. Nicolls-J. Hunter B. Nicolls-Yost Pinehurst Pinehurst 69 70 — 64 203 Schoonmaker-Keith Schoonmaker-T arlton Schoonmaker-Keith H6we-Cosgrove Howe-W. Dunlop Howe-Cosgrove Grinnell-Stevens Grinnell-Sporborg Grinnell-Barron Bronsdon-Fitzgerald Bronsdon-Clemson Bronsdon-Nelson and So. Pines So. Pines So. Pines Pinehurst Pinehurst Pinehurst So. Pines So. Pines So. Pines Mid Pines ♦ Mid Pines Grauer Mid Pines 69 — — — 67 — — —* 69 69 — — — 69 — — — 69 72 — — — 66 — — — 71 70 — —' — 69 — — , — 71 205 207 209 210 FIFTY-FOUR HOLES IN PAIR CHAMPIONSHIP Scores of these pairs are also alive in the club championship Team Turner-Dunlap B. Nicolls-J. Hunter Schoonmaker-Keith Ferre-B. Hunter Ferree-H. Maples Howe-Williams Howe-Cosgrove Grinnell-Barron Club Pine Needles Pine Needles Pinehurst So. Pines Pinehurst Pinehurst' Pinehurst Pinehurst So. Pines 65 69 69 70 71 70 69 74 Mid Pines 68 70 68 69 66 71 75 71 So. Pines 68 66 69 67 71 71 69 71 Total 201 205 206 206 208 212 213 •216 BY O. B. KEELER IN THE ATLANTA JOURNAL MIAMI BILTMORE CLUB, Coral Gables, Fla.—Louise Suggs, 16-year-old schoolgirl from Lithia Springs, Ga., made such an im pression on the golfing populace of this sector, in the Miami Biltmore Women’s Invitation, and so many persons have asked me so many questions about the kid, that I think I’ll just get some of the answers out of my system right now. Because, for another reason, I think there will be a lot said and written about Louise in golf before she is much older. (Continued on page three) COUNT CASSINI WEDS FREDERICKSBURG, V a.," Feb. 12—(A*)—Count Igor Cas sini, 24-year-old Washington newspaper columnist, and Miss Austine Byrne McDonnell, 21, daughter of Austin McDonnell of New York, were married here today. ' • Cassini figured in a case which attracted wide atten tion last year when he charged J that three socially prominent ' Warrenton men tarrerf and feathered hinu POLO TEAMS DIVIDE VICTORIES, LAST TILT OF SERIES THURSDAY Sandhill Takes Sunday Contest 7 to' 2, Blind Brook Captures Monday Skirmish 7 to 4; Cam den Coming" on Weekend The Blind Brook polo four de feated Sandhills in a fast riding game at No. 3 fiel^ yesterday afternoon, to the tune of 7 goals to 4, making it turn-about for the 7-2 win of the Sandhill men I on Sunday. In yesterday’s game Fred W.ilmshurst oLHastyK. Jg. C.*. and Red Bank, N. J., Henry Gibson Barnard Jr., U. N. C. star, and Earl Shaw of Chicago carded two goals apiece for the winning team, the other being placed by Coleman Meisner of Port Ches ter, N. Y. Sandhill goals were scored by Merrill Fink (2), B. R. Brown and R. B. Green. Yesterday’s match was the semi-final of a three-game series which opened Sunday. The final of the series is scheduled for Thursday afternoon. On Satur day and Sunday, Sandhills will play Camden in two games which promise to be outstanding in the season’s polo activity. NELSON WINS PLAYOFF SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Feb. 12 -—National Open Champipn By ron Nelson shot his first round of golf out of the 60s in two years of the Texas Open, but his flat 70 was good enough to beat out Ben Hogan by one stroke in the 1940 title playoff at Brack enridge Park today. The victory gave Nelson the $1500 first prize money and left Hogan with $750 for second. BELIEVE SHIP SUNK RIO DE JANEIRO, Feb. 12— (/P)—The German freighter Wa kama, laden with oil and other products on a gambling chance of running the British gauntlet to Germany, was believed by shipping circles today to have been sunk or scuttled when she encountered a British • warship. The 3,771 ton vessel, which slipped out of Rio harbor last midnight, broadcast an SOS this afternoon, and shortly afterward two rescue ships which raced to the scene reported they found nothing afloat. WEATHER Mostly .cloudy, slightly colder in extreme west portions Tues day. Wednesday cloudy and slightly colder. NICOLLS AND YOST WIN AMATEUR-PRO GOLF TOURNAMENT Pinehurst Team Turns in Net Score of 64; Ferree and An drews Second with 65, Nicolls and Hunter Thirtf with 66 Bert Nicolls and Lloyd Yost, representing Pinehurst Country Club, won the third tournament of the Sandhills amateur-profes sional golf league, held yester day at Southern Pines Country Club with a net card of 31-33— 64. Purvis Ferree and Karl An drews, Pinehurst, were second with 33-32—65 and Nicolls and James Hunter were third with 32-34—66. As the rules provide that a professional can take but one prize, third prize was divided among Harold Callaway, John Capello and Ted Turner, profes sionals in. teams which scored 68. Yesterday’s scores brought the competition for club honors in the complete league series of four tournaments into a three way tie at the end of 54 holes. Callaway and his partners and # Ferree and his partners both rep resenting Pinehurst, and Ted Tur ner, who, in the first three events has found George Dijttfep Jr. his best helper, are the Pine Needles team in the tie. ; In the contest for the club honors, a club professional may enter the lowest best ball score accomplished with any one of his three partners. In the competition for pair honors, Turner and Dunlap are out in front. In this section of the league only amateur-pro com binations which play through the four rounds are eligible. Nicolls received $21 for finish ing first yesterday in the South ern Pines event, and Ferree $12. (Continued on page two) SO. PIKES RESULTS B. Nicolls - Pinehurst with L. Yost 31-33—64 J. Hunter 32-34—66 R. Clemson 34-34—458 Purvis Ferree - Pinehurst with K. . Andrews 33-32—65 B. Hunter 34-33—67 H. Maples 36-35—71, Ted Turner - Pine Needles with G. Dunlap Jr. 35-33—68 A. E. Jones 36-33-—69 W. A. Lean 35-35—70 ( Harold Callaway - Pinehurst with C. Sloan 36-32—68 F. Norman 36-33—69 G. Murphy 38-33—71 John Capello - Pine Needles with G. Pottle 33-35—68 Bigelow 38-36—74 J. Marsh 37-39—76 Tom Howe - Pinehurst with F. Cosgrove 33-36—69 W. Dunlop 35-36—71 C. Williams 35-36—71 Schoonmaker- Southern Pines with < G. Keith 35-34—69 B. Tarlton 36-37—72 H. Burns .36-36—72 Roy Bronsdon - Mid Pinetf with * E. Nelson 36-35—71 D. Grauer k 38-33—71 J. Fitzgerald 36-38—74 / The net card of Nicolls and'' Yost: Out 443 334 343—31 In 343 434 444—33—64