( The Oldest Sandhills Publication Daily Except \Monday During the Winter Season VOLUME 44, NUMBER 83 Price 3 Cents THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK, PINEHURST, N. C. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1940 OFFICIALS amazed HfHEN NELSON QUITS WESTERN open golf national Champion Walks Out On ■ Tournament After Putting Poorly; Action Causes Much Adverse Comment. SNEAD, 143, LEADING HOUSTON, Feb. 19—Byron Nelson, national open champion, defending his Western open crown today, walked out on the tourna ment after missing a two foot putt on the tenth green. He re turned to the club house to the astonishment of spectators, of ficials and fellow professionals. Nelson is North and South cham pion. His action caused more talk than the fact that Sam Snead holed putts from all over the greens, and with a 68, added to his 75 of yesterday, had a total of 143 to lead the field by a single stroke. Clayton Heafner was in second place with 72-72-144. Nelson walked out after missing a two foot putt on the tenth green. He said: “I missed twelve putts that I should have holed in the last 28 holes.” He had turned the first nine in 40 and probably would have failed to qualify for the, final rounds tomorrow. Spectators thought that the open champion should have played out the round regardless of his bad putting, and position behind the leaders. Scores: Snead Heafner Guldahl Grout McSpaden L. Mangrum Demaret Penna Dodson Warga R. Mangrum Runyan Hogan Wood Gibson Williamson Metz Hines Far low Little 75- 68-143 72-72-144 76- 69-145 75-70-145 74- 71-145 75- 71-146 72-74-146 75-71-146 78-68-146 75- 72-147 76- 71-147 72-75-147 76- 71-147 72-75-147 75-73-148 72-76-148 78-70-148 74-75-149 78-71-119 77- 72-149 Karl Recor Again Wins Checker Championship Karl Recor again proved .his r'&ht to the title of top checker Ptayer of Moore County at the Rinehurst Amusement Center last tight, by defeating Frank Dupont three games straight. * Earlier in the evening Dupont tiW out Emerson Humphries, 39 runner-up, three games to ,Wo' Recor also won the title last year. Pinehurst Competitor Qualifies at Miami MIAMI, Feb. 19—Frank Allan, 1 ston, Pa., score(j a 74 to win e medal today in the qualifying t Un the Dixie amateur golf H Mament Beading scores: W. arin * ley’ wetherfield, Conn., 76 BJUn° Minkley> Boston, with jj’ , rank Strafaci, New York, BohK an^ champion, 78. and n Dunkelbe,W> High Point 79 r ka'v Pittman, Pinehurst, HORSE SHOW LUNCHEON The entertainment commit tee of the Southern Pities Horse Show announces that all res ervations for luncheon at the horse show, which will be held Friday at the Southern Pines Country Club, must be ma$e in advance, the deadline being one o’clock tomorrow. Tele phone the Southern Pines Country Club for reservations, as luncheon will be served only to those doing so by the spec ified hour. Music will be by the Dunes Club Orchestra of Jerry Mack. BOXING CONTESTS HERE SATURDAY TO BRING RING STARS Fast and Colorful Bouts Will Be the Rule at Fistic Show in Amusement Center, With Bra boy-Terrell Mixup Topping Bill. Pinehurst sports fans will get an opportunity to watch some first class boxing duels at the Pinehurst Amusement Center on the night of February 24. Local boxers will display their ring prowess in the five preliminary bouts. Feature bout of the evening will be between two colored lads, Ralph Terrell, Rome, Ga., and Ham Braboy of Hartsville, S. C., who will battle it out in the heavyweight class. Both boys are confident they will fight a winning match in the winner take-all, ten-round bout. Swinging their dukes in the preliminaries, will be James Ar thur of Andover, Pa., and Leland Daniels, son of Dr. L. M. Daniels of Southern Pines, in the 135 lb. class. Ellis McKenzie of the Pinehurst laundry, and Red Houghton from the Pinehurst Racetrack stables, will battle in the 172 lb. class. Two more col ored boys will put up a scrappy exhibition in the 180 lb. class, with Joe Tyson and Ma/vin Por- j ter of Taylortown fighting. One other preliminary bout is still to be arranged. LARGE AUDIENCE ATTENDS RECITAL BY MARK HOFFMAN A large and very appreciative audience gathered to hear con cert pianist Mark Hoffman in a recital at the Mid Pines Club yes terday afternoon. Mr. Hoffman, who comes from the Conservatory of Music at Greensboro College, where he is director, showed excellent taste in his selections, presenting a nicely varied program. His skill as n pianist was attested by the large number of encores his heare .‘s demanded. Particularly well re ceived were his “Sighs, on the Maiden and the Nightingale”, by Granados, and a novelty, “Tango Americaine”, by J. A. Carpenter. Over 100 persons attended the concert, which was arranged by Miss Florence Campbell wNose untiring efforts on the part of the Southern Pines Civic Club are well known. Part of the proceeds of the concept were donated by Miss Campbell to the Civic Club. WONDER HORSE TO JUMP IN SHOW (Outlook Engraving) LITTLE SQUIRE, the jumping marvel owned by Mrs. W. J. Kennedy of Pinehurst. This National winner will be a highlight of the Southern Pines Horse Show on Friday. PINEHURST OUTLOOK’S AMATEUR-PRO SANDHILLS GOLF LEAGUE CHARTS M■!I,> ill Team SCORES IN CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP Pine Mid So. Pine Club Needles Pines Pines hurst Total Ferree-B. Hunter Ferree-H. Maples Ferree-Andrews Pinehurst 70 Pinehurst — Pinehurst — 65 66 — — — 65 266 Turner-Dunlap Callaway-Tufts Callaway-Sloan Pine Needles 65 68 68 68 68 269 Pinehurst Pinehurst — — 72 65 68 — 273 B. Nicolls-J. Huntar B. Nicolls-Yost Pinehurst 69 Pinehurst , — 70 — 71 — 64 — • 274 Schoonmaker-Keith Schoonmaker-Tarlton So. Pines 69 So. Pines — 67 69 72 — — 277 Mid Pines Mid Pines Bronsdon-Fitzgerald Bronsdon-Clemson Bronsdon-Nelson and Grauer Mid Pines Bronsdon-Clemson and F. Maples Mid Pines 70 — 69 71 — — 67 277 Grinnell-Stevens Grinnell- Sporborg Grinpell-Barron So. Pines 72 — — So. Pines — 66 So. Pines — — 71 75 281 SCORES Team Turner-Dunlap Ferree-B. Hunter Ferree-H. Maples B. Nicolls-J. Hunter Schoonmaker-Keith Grinnell-Barron ' IN PAIRS CHAMPIONSHIP Pine Club_ Needles Pine Needles 65 Pinehurst 70 Pinehurst 71 Pinehurst 69 So. Pines 69 So. Pines 74 Mid So. Pine Pines Pines hurst Total 68 68 68 269 69 67 65 271 66 71 ' 67 275 70 66 71 276 68 69 72 278 71 71 76 292 DINEHURST SCOREBOARD ■ by ROBERT E. HARLOW Nicol Thompson, a guest at the Holly Inn, has been the profes sional at the Hamilton Country Club, Canada, for 40 years. He spent 20 winter seasons in Bermuda. Mr. Thompson comes from one of the foremost golfing families' in North America. With the aid of his four brothers, three sons and a daughter, Nicol and the other Thompsons have made a great mark in golf. (Continued on page two) HANGAR COMPLETED Harold Bachman, manager of the Knollwood Airport, an nounced yesterday that the housing facilities for planes at the airport have been increased with the completion of the 86 x 86 foot hangar, work on which was startedseveral months ago. The new hangar, with a cap acity of eight average sized ships, was erected through the cooperation of Southern Pines, Pine Needles, Mid-Pines, Pine hurst, Aberdeen and the Coun ty of Moore. J FORT BRAGG POLO ! TEAM WILL OPPOSE 1 PINEHURST THURSDAY : Local Players Undiscouraged by Setbacks Due to Unfavorable Weather; Camden to Appear Here ait Early Date. In spite of the disappointment over last Sunday’s game with Camden, which was called off on account of bad weather, Earl Shaw and Merrill Fink report ‘ that the’‘Pinehurst Polo Club ‘is not. discouraged and plans t are ; being completed rapidly for a full polo season here. Two games are scheduled to take place here this week as part j of the Washington’s birthday cel ebrations. ■ The Pinehurst team will play Fort Bragg on Thurs day, Feb. 22, and again on Sun day, the 25th. The gaipnes will start at usual at 3 p. m. Preliminary work had insured the success of the Camden game until the rain Sunday forced Mr. Shaw to call the Camden team and cancel the match in time to save the expense of shipping their ponies here. The Camden team was unable to play here this week, due to a previously scheduled match, but will come to Pinehurst some time in the next few weeks. SILER WILL SPEAK. AT FORUM SESSION . THURSDAY NIGHT The Pinehurst Forum will pre sent as its next speaker Judge Walter D. Siler of Siler City, N. C. Some Pinehurst folks were for tunate enough to hear the well known humorist speak at the Chamber of Commerce banquet at the Carolina several weeks ago. At that time Judge Siler presen ted a paper on the ground-hog, which showed deep concentration *and research. In fact until that time, the ground-hog, to most of the audience, had been merely a mammal who did or didn’t see his shadow when he emerged early in February. Since his talk to the Forum aud ience will be given this Thursday, Washington’s Birthday, at 8:45 at the Country Club, it may very likely be on the History of the Hatchet. However, it probably will not be, since that’s only a guess. WEATHER Cloudy, somewhat unsettled and slightly colder Tuesday. Wed-' nesday, generally fair. FERREE AND HUNTER WITH 65 SCORE WIN AMATEUR-PRO EVENT George T. Dunlap Jr. "and Ted Turner Capture Pair Honors In League Series With Aggre gate of 269. PINEHURST CLUB CHAMPION Purvis .Ferree and Bing Hun ter won the final tournament of the Sandhills amateur-profession il golf league yesterday with a net score of 32-33-65 over the championship course. Ferree, playing with Hunter at Pine Needles in the first tourn ament and yesterday; at Mid Pines with Henson Maples and Southern Pines with Karl Andrews, ran up the low four round net total of 266 to win for Pinehurst the lea gue’s club championship. In the pair championship, for a team which played each of the four rounds as partners, George Dunlap Jr. and Ted Turner, Pine Needles, were first with a net score of 269 for 72 holes. The Sandhills amateur-pro lea gue met up with some bad wea ther but it was a success. Large fields played in each event, and the league will gain in popularity, j With normalrweatherfitr could be; rtm off during the month of*jAn-j • ■ ■ I <4 VU);*S * \ The certified public accountants of The Outlook have kept the scores through the four tourna ments and present in another col umn the charts for the four rounds. Ferree and Hunter were in ex cellent form yesterday, and team ed well. When Ferree was out of the hole, Hunter was in. Their bestball score follows: » Out 444 433- 343 - 32 In 534 443 334 - 33 - 65 John Capello and George Pot tle finished second in the Pine hurst tournament with 30-36-66. There was a four-way tie for third among these teams: Ferree with H. Maples and K. Andrews and Roy Bronsdon with F- Maples and Richard Clemson. Ferree won $21.50; Capello $13.00; and Bronsdon $9.25. The amateurs who won in trade in the Donald Ross golf "shop were B. Hunter, $21.50; George Pottle $13.00 and thesd four won $2.50 each: Karl Andrews, Henson (Continued on page two) PINE DODGERS EVENT The Pine Dodgers will hold their annual Flag tournament at the Southern Pines Country Club to day. WHAT TO DO AND SEE Today Bridge luncheon at the Coun try Club today. Keno and dance at The Caro lina tonight. m AT THE THEATRES - Southern Pines - Today at 3:00 and 8:15, “The Light That Failed,” starring Ron ald Colman. - Aberdeen Theatre - Today at 7:15 and 9:15, “Broth er Rat and a Baby.” - Pinehnrst - Tomorrow at 3:00 and 8:30, < “Vigil in the Night,” with Carole ^ Lombard, Brian Aheme and Anne Shirley.