The Oldest Sandhills Publication Daily Except Monday During the Winter Season VOtfJME NUMBER 112. Price 5 cents T THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK, PINEHURST, N. C. SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 1940" - Pinehurst Horse Show lo Be Colorful Affair g0se to 100 High Class Entries to Vie for Prizes at Gala Event Tuesday; Expect Record Attendance • / Eighteen topnotch classes are scheduled for the annual Pine fciirst Horse Show, which will be held at the Race Track show grounds Tuesday. Officials of the show, which has been changed from a two-day affair to one day this year, expect the largest crowd ever, to witness the colorful Pinehurst event. Close to a hundred high class horses will vie fur the many trophies and rib bons being awarded. The program will start at 3:30 Tuesday morning, with' Class 1, for green hunters over the outside course. The rest ©f. the morning program will con sist of the handy jumpers class, thoroughbred type hunters, bridle path hacks, the class for children up to 18 years, work ing hunters and open jumping, four feet The afternoon program witHj consist of the hunter hack class, ladies’ hunters, a class for chil dren 12 years and under, light-; weight hunters, two year old: harness horses, • middle amfl! heavyweight hunters, three year; old harness horses, hunt teams,, open jumping stake, champion-j ship hunters and the class if or children up to 18 years, which; will wind up the show. As a social feature ®f tthe! show, a special luncheon will! be served at the Pmehursti Country Club, between the mum-1 ing and afternoon classes. . (Continued on Page fourj) * GOLDEN OAK WINS IMPERIAL CUP BRUSH ; EVENT AT AIKEN AIKEN, S. C., March 23.— Golden Oak, a speedy six-year-1 °ld bay gelding carried the col-; ors of Mrs. Esther Dupont Weir of Wilmington, Del., to victory1 May in the third annual Im-. Porial Cup steeplechase. His tifoe for the two-mile brush