The Oldest Sandhills Publication Ljji Except Monday During the Winter Season NUMBER 115. Price 3 Cents T THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK, PINEHURST, N. C. THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1940. .. ' . I! gracktown Bags Top Donors at Horse Show 4nnual Pinehurst Event Draws Large Attendance and Proves Outstand ing Success Clarence Vogt’s Entry Scores ^st in Working Hunters Class, Feature on Bill, and] g]ne in Another Division; Many Entries From Southern! Pines. SAUNTERING winner Bracktown is the name. This :5or year old Kentucky-bred! chestnut gelding owned by Clar ke Vogt of Westport, Conn.,] placed first in the working] hunters class, top event of the twenty-third annual Pinehurst Borse Show, held yesterday at the Pinehurst race track show {rounds. On top of that, Bracktown also took the blue in the middle sod heavyweight hunters class. The youngster was competing against a field of 25 seasoned hunters in the working class, sod 14 in the light and heavy wight hunters. It was the sec-, ond show of Bracktown1 s short career, his first being the South ern Pines show of last month. He took two reds in Southern Pines and was the youngest in the two classes which he won vesterday. He was ridden by Arthur McCashin, also of West port, who is training him in Southern Pines. Second in the working hunt ers class, which was contested over the outside course, went to McNeila, bay mare owned by to Sloan Colt of Tuxedo Park, N. Y., third to Oration II, own ed by Ernest I. White of Syra cuse, N. Y., and fourth to Long reach, owned by Boylston A. Tompkins Jr. The championship hunter rib )n> coveted mark of a hunter went to Sauntering, bay foare owned by Mrs. Rufus C. Finch of Rumson, N. J. Saunter another four year old Ken tucky bred entry is by Sortie, noted runner. She was en iered under the colors of the Rundown Stables, and was train by Fred B. Wilmshurst. It 1 Sauntering’s first show in h a topnotch field. The qual % and number of entries in yesterday’s hunter events is ^y exceeded in resort shows, the Pinehurst exhibition set a Tine mark in this respect. Sauntering also took blues in e green hunters class and the ,or°ughbred type hunters, third 111 the ladies’ hunters and sec un the lightweight hunters. ^0st colorful of the events !as hunt teams class, with . ,ee riders in each group. First ?e Fn this class over the out e. Course, which called for 61111' formal hunting clothes, ent to the team of Mrs. Ed ar<T H. Bennett of Lake For (Continued on Page Six) TlN WHISTLE PHOTO .The annual Tin Whistle °tograph will be taken at o’clock today at the Coun Club. All members are 8 hi to appear wearing their ew Easter hats. MEETS GOLF MENTOR OF 37 YEARS AGO Mrs. William West of Phil adelphia met Alex Ross, De troit professional, in the Pinehurst Country Club yes terday and they discussed the golf lessons which Mr. Ross gave Mrs. West, 37 years ago. Mrs. West still has the ex cellent swing taught her by Alex. In *1903 Mrs. West’s son, William, was one of the finest amateur golfers in Philadelphia. POLO TODAY, WITH TWO NEW PLAYERS APPEARING IN LINEUP James B. 'Murray of New York: and Mickey Walsh, Rider of j. Little Squire to Take Part in Contest on No. 2 Field. Today is another polo day. j [The Yellows will meet the Bines I in an evenly-contested high-goal' igame this afternoon, beginning! | at 3:00 o’clock, on the No. 21 I field. There will be two new faces in "the line-up. James B. Mur ray of New York, who plays with the Fort Hamilton team, will play No. 2 on the'" Yellow team this afternoon, and Mickey Walsh, trainer of the William J. Kennedy stable and rider of noted Little Squire, the jump ing marvel, will play back on [the same four. Charles Swoope will play No. 1 and Merrill Fink No. 3 to complete the Yellow line-up. The Blues will be composed of Arthur McCashin, 1; R. B. Green, 2; Coleman Miesner, 3; and B. R. Brown, back. On Sunday, the Pinehurst Ramblers game, which was call ed off because of .the white rain last Sunday, will be contested on the Pinehurst field. The public is invited to these games. All those who do not have them may get tickets at the gate. Coalition Ministry Formed in Finland HELSINKI, March .27.—(ff)— Prime Minister Risto Ryti, who negotiated peace with Moscow, reorganized his government to day, forming a cabinet officially described, as a coalition minis try uniting all parties for the task of reconstruction. Vajno Tapper, foreign minis ter in the old government who was the target of bitter person al attacks by the Soviet press pnd radio, was stepped down to the post of minister of welfare. The new foreign, minister is Rolf Johan Witting, 61-year-old veteran of varied political and financial experience* including service in several cabinet posts. H ’ , ': ■ ■ " PARSHALL HAS SIX 2-MINUTE TROTTERS IN STRING AT TRACK Addition of Clever Hanover to Noted Trainer’s Roster Mon day Brings One of Four Horses He Raced to Records Last Season. By Wayne Groves With the addition of Clever. Hanover’s name to the stable roster on Monday of this week, Dr. H. M. Parshall now has six two-minute performers listed in the string of forty-seven trot ters and pacers, that he is train ing at the Pinehurst track. At the close of last season’s racing, Dr. Parshall ranked first among the race drivers of all time in the 'matter of two-min ute performers, as the records show that he has driven an even dozen horses in two minutes or better, Vic Fleming of Syracuse, N. Y., standing second with eleven such credits. Clever Hanover l:59i, was driven to that mark in a win ning race at Syracuse, N. Y., last summer by Dr. Parshall, he being one of four horses that Parshall raced to records of two minutes or better last season. Clever Hanover is owned by Litchfield' & Toothaker of Lex ington, Mass., who also sent along a likeable four year old trotter called Sandy Man, a son of Guy Day 2:041. The Mahlon N. Haines stable continues to hold the season’s track records, and on Tuesday set *t mark of 2:21 for the ju venile trotters to shoot at. This smart mile was done handily by Butch, a son of Protector in 1:594. Trainer Delvin Miller drove the colt the last half of this mile in 1:061, last quarter {Continued on page five) Fonr Brush Fires Being Investigated Suspicion that three of four brash fires which occurred within an hour last night were deliberately set caused the Pine hurst fire department to turn over evidence to the county fire warden, J. R. McCrimmon. Warden McCrimmon will in vestigate the fires, a^ they oc curred outside of the village limits, and do not come under the jurisdiction of the local de partment. The four alarms which were turned in within 55 minutes last night all proved to be brush fires. The first took place near Thomas L. Black’s home on the Midland Road, the second be tween the No. 3 golf course and the highway, the third in back of Eldridge Johnson’s property, and the fourth on the road to the Pinehurst Kennel and Gun Club. Incidentally the Outlook is, quite sure there is no connec tion, but don’t forget the fire men’s benefit ball on Friday night at the high school gym nasium. .. . Beat Former Champion Outlook Engraving GEORGIA TAINTER v 17-year-old Fargo, North Dakota state golf champion who de feated Jane Cothran yesterday on the final green in the North and South championship. Miss Cothran won the championship in 1938. INFORMATION, PLEASE’ IN CHARGE OF WOMEN AT FORUM TONIGHT The “Suicide Squadron” of the Ladies’ Night of “Informa tion, Please” met at the Holly Inn at five yesterday afternoon to ascertain the rules, forfeit ures and foul§ in tonight’s Forum performance. Since one of the" members was ill, the meeting adjourned to her cot tage, where the procedure was finally outlined. The four gallant ladies, and equally valiant interlocutor, Mrs. G. Edward Horne, were of one and the same opinion that, name ly, dialectic materialism, San skrit and the Napoleonic Code were not to enter into the ques tion period. Mrs. Home has vouchsafed these and no more. What will be asked remains to be seen tonight at the Forum, which will be held at 8:45 at the Country Club. Cofriplete Notth and South Summary and Today’s Pairings and Starting Times on Page Four. / » Georgia Tainter Upsets Jane Cothran by 1 Up North Dakota Girl Star Provides Thrill in! i North-South Matches by Ousting ’38 Champion AGNES WILLIAMS, 17, NEGOTIATES STYMIE Miss Agnes Williams, New ark, New York, 17 years old, executed a remarkable stymie stroke on the first green yes terday in her match against Mrs. J. C. Prizer. The young lady chipped her ball into the hole on the fly from a distance of thirty inches. On its flight it passed over Mrs. Prizer’s ball, which • was 15 inches from thd hole. HOGAN THREE STROKES IN FRONT OF FIELD IN GREENSBORO OPEN North and South Champion Fires . Round. of . 68 _Ye&terdax~ for Total of 137; Sarazen and Guldahl Next With 140 Each. By Bill Boni GREENSBORO, March 27.— Three inches of Carolina snow made Ben Hogan wait three days between his first and sec ond round in the $5,000 Greens boro ' open golf tournament. But it didn’t, take a bit of the fever heat out of his game. Having tied for the lead with a 69 at the Starmount Forest Club last Saturday, he went that one better today with a 68, thereby pushing himself into sole possession of first place with a 137, and a margin of three strokes over Gene Sarazen and Ralph Guldahl, The leaders: ! Ben Hogan .. 69-68—137 Gene Sarazen —. 71-69—140 Ralph Guldahl . 73-67—140 Craig Wood . 70-72—142 Johnny Bulla -.— 72-70—142 Ky Laffoon ....—. 72-72—144 Johnny Revolta .. 74-70—144 Byron Nelson . 73-71—144 Paul Runyan —.. 73-72—145 Clayton Heafner . 69-76—145 Ed Oliver .——. 73-72—145 Herman Keiser .. 74-72—146 Chandler Harper ...... 70-76—146 Tony Manero . 72-74—146 Jack Helms .— 70-76—146 Frank Walsh . 74-72—146 Harold McSpaden 73-73—146 Ed Burke ..—.... 77-70—147 Willie Gdggin 74-73—147 Leonard Dodson*........ 75-73—148 Horton Smith' —. 73-75—148 The tournament wili be com pleted tomorrow at the Sedge field Country Chib. , MONEt BILL SIGNED WASHINGTON, March 27.— (jf>)—Resident Roosevelt signed into law today a $1,032,801,095 appropriation bill for 1941 re quirements of the treasury and postoffice departments. The to tal was $11,245,417 under his budget estimates. > WEATHER Mostly cloudy Thursday and Friday, probably light scattered showers. - Holes 8-Foot Punt on Home Green for 81 and Victory Over Greenville Player, 82; Favorites Come Through in. Other First Round Hits- „ T MRS. PAGE 9-8 WINNER • * Georgia Tainter, 17 years oM^ of Fargo, the North Dakota state golf . champion, won the* headlines in the first round of the North and South champion ship yesterday when - she de-J feated Miss Jane Cothran, Green ville, S. C., the 1938 champion,, one up. . The match was decided on the' final green when Miss Tainter holed an eight foot putt for a par three. Miss Cothran, through the green with her tee stroke hit her approach too Strong 'and took a four. The match was well played! Miss Tainter, had, $ medal- of 81, and - Miss-Xofnran -of— North Dakota girl, *who \is an attractive, brunette, required. 941 strokes in the qualifying round, and won the last place in the ( match play when she defeated , three other ladies who appeared! for the play-off. Yesterday Miss Tainter im proved her game by 13 strokes^ : The match was evenly con tested. Both players' were out in 40, and the game was square. Miss Cothran was one up going: to sixteen, but three putted aft-, er each had made the green in. two. Miss Tainter obtained, a. (Continued on page twoh WHAT TO DO AND SEE * Fifth annual spring golf tour nament for women continues to day at Pinehurst Country Club. North and South Women’s Golf Chafnpionshlp play at Pine hurst Country Club today. Polo this afternoon at No. 2 field, Pinehurst. Yellows vs. Blues. Game starts at 3:0® o’clock. Public invited. Buffet supper at Country Club tonight, followed by Forum event, ladies’ “Information Please?” » Keno and dance at The Caro lina tonight. Firemen’s Ball at Pinehurst High School tomorrow night. Benefit volunteer firemen. AT rafe THEATRES 8:15^ - Pinehurst - Tomorrow at 3:00 and 8:30, “Virginia City,” with Errol Flynn, Miriam Hopkins and Ran dolph Scott. . / - Southern Pines *• Today at 3:08 and “Grapes of Wrath,” Henry Fonda. ' , : 1 j , AberdeenA Y'y:' Tonight and tomorrow night - at 7:15 and 9:15, “Northwest Passage,” with Spencer Tracy,. Rjith, fiusscy, Walter Robert Young and Nat ton. In technicolor. vjtf .r 4..

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