The. Oldest Sandhills Publication D0Hy Except Monday During the Winter Season NUMBER 118. Price 5 cents THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK, PINEHURST, N. C. SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 1940. Mrs. Page Bags Title by 4-3 Win over Miss Kirby Defending North and South Champion Scores Her 4th Win of Tourney Since 1935 Atlanta Girl’s Putter Fails Her in the Pinches, Her Outward Nine Needing 42 Strokes to 39 of Her Opponent. SHOWERS SLOW COURSE By LESTER RICE Golf Editor New York Journal American PINEHURST, N. C., March 30,-What has become an old tale was retold with exclama tion points today when ^ Mrs. Estelle Lawson Page won her fourth North and South cham pionship since 1935. The chubby matron of Chapel Hill, making herself thoroughly] at home in changed conditions,] defeated Dorothy Kirby, the j medalist, by the undoubted dif-1 ference of four holes, the match ending at the fifteenth with a gentle patter of rain washing out the Atlanta girl’s last wan hope. Mrs. Page’s 4 and 3 margin of victory was the most pro nounced she has registered over Miss Kirby in'their four meet ings. When she was but seven teen Miss Dorothy defeated Mrs. Page in the Southern champion ship but since then has been compelled to bow her pretty head on three occasions. She lost to the Carolinian in the semi-finals of the Southern two years ago and was a 3 and 2 victim of Mrs. Page in the fi nals of the North and South a ] ] i 4 1 1 1 I 1 year ago. Miss Kirby contributed large ly to her own demise today by her failure to gauge properly the speed of greens which had been considerably slowed by overnight showers. The light headed putting blade she em ployed was not enough to get the ball up to the cups with her customary stroking and, in con sequence, lost her touch. She three-putted five of the car pets, thereby losing holes she (Continued on page two) north and south finals Championship Division Mrs. Estelle Lawson Page de feated Miss Dorothy Kirby 4 and 3. Consolation Mrs. J. p. Meador defeated Mrs- James M. Robbins 2 and 1. SPRING TOURNAMENT First Flight Mrs. j. g. Battersoh defeated Miss Joanne Faris 3 and 2. Consolation Mrs. L. F. Porteous won by default from Miss R. D. Hall. Second Flight Mrs. Johfi K. Weeks Jr., de feated Mrs. C. B. Shea 3 and 1. Consolation Mrs. McLeod Thomson defeat Mrs. jJ. c. Prizer 4 and 3. WEATHER Partly cloudy, slightly warmer ln west portion Sunday, pre Jped by showers in east por °n Sunday morning. Monday generally fair and mild. LEAVES $8,700,000 DURHAM, March 30.—Mrs. John. Sprunt Hill, who died last Thursday, left an estate of $8,700,000, of which $5, 600,000 will go to the state and federal governments in inheritance taxes, according to her will filed for probate today. Mrs. Hijl left the bulk of her estate to be di vided equally among her husband and her three chil dren, George Watts Hill, Va linda Hill DuBose and Frances Faison Hill Fox. RALPH GULDAHL IN FRONT AT ASHEVILLE WITH TOTAL OF 134 ASHEVILLE, March 30.— Ralph Guldahl shot into the lead today at the half way mark of the $5,000- Land of The Sky open tournament. The two time U. S. open champion com bined his own fine 70 with a wavering by the first round leaders to gain a one-stroke mar gin with a 36-hole score of 134. Playing conditions were none too good over the long Beaver Lake course because of showers and sticky soil. Guldahl' played well except on the short holes, three of which he bogied. Ben Hogan, winner in Pine hurst and Greensboro, and Lloyd Mangrum are in second place at 135. Leading scorers: Guldahl _-. 64-70—134 Hogan . 67-68—135 Mangrum .....—- 64-71—135 Metz -. 64-72-136 Little . 68-68—136 Picard . 65-73—138 waisi» . 65-73—138 Walper __69-70-139 H. Keiser .... 68-72—140 V; v Keiser . 71-69—140 McSpaden . 68-73—141 Nelson _.-. 67-74—141 Bulla . 72-70—142 Revolta —------. 72-70 142 Demaret —. 68-74 142 Harrison .. 69-73 142 Dodson .. 68-75 143 Serafin .... -. 71-72-143 xW. Turnesa .... 72-71—143 Hines -. 70-73—143 xDenotes amateur. FACTION FIGHTER WINS CAROLINA CUP CAMDEN, S. C., March 31.— yp)—Faction Fighter, seven year old brown gelding . from the Rokehy stables of Paul Mellon, Pittsburgh, won the eleventh running of the Carolina Cup to day over the Camden steeple chase course. It was his second :onsecutive win. ^ Postirian Home, owned by Mrs. Dva S. Spillman of Warrentoh, Virginia, was second. Gil Bias, ,wn6d by Charlton H. Palmer, slew York, was a poor third. Pinehurst-Ramblers Polo Game at 3.00 P.M. Today Provided the weatherman gives the Pinehurst Polo Club a break, the No. 2 field will be the scene of a gdbd polo game this afternoon, beginning at 3:00 o’clock. . Pinehurst will play The Ramblers. The lineup: ' PINEHURST 1. Lieut. Alex Graham. 2. R. B. Green. 3. Merrill Fink. 4. i B. R. Brown. RAMBLERS, 1. Henry Gibson Barnard Jr. 2. James B: Murray. 3. Capt. Dave Erskine. 4. Lieut. T. G. Bilboe. Referees: Col. George P. Hawes and Earl Shaw. Timekeeper, William E. Baker. Announcer, Elliot Barta. Reserved parking spacer on the field line may be obtained by calling the Pinehurst Polo Club office, Tel. 3694 or 3862. All unreserved tickets at the gate. James Dewey Moore, director of polo of the New York Ath letic Club informed Pinehurst Polo Club officials yesterday that the New York Athletic Club team will come down to play Pine hurst on April 14. Plans are being made for a return ..Camden engagement also. PHILLIPS, JOHNSON AND HOLLINGSWORTH WIN WHISTLE PRIZES* Medal Play Tournament for Non-Winners of Major Prize Held Yesterday With 31 En tries. The medal play tournament of the Tin Whistle Club yesterday for non-winners of a • major prize w$s held with 31 entries, and Howard G. Phillips won in Class A with 77-llr-68. Phil lips played number one. C. B. Hollingsworth won in Class B with 91-22—71 over the number one course and the Class C prize was taken by W. C. Johnson, who played number three in 93-27—69. Scores: Class A H. G. Phillips ..— 77-11—68 H. D. Vail . 79- 8—71 Robert. Finney --v 78-7—71 F. A. Norman - 85-13—72 C. H. Scott . 79- 5—74 | Robert Lowry ..— 82-9—75 J. A. Ruggles . 88 14—77 Class B C. B. Hollingsworth 91-22—71 F. T. Wheeler . 90-18—72 R. H. Youngman . 87-16f—'74 G. T. Malmstead . 93i-21—75 C. B. Shea . 90-18—75 C. W. Stage .1_T— 93-17—78 B, L. Tyrrel ..- 98-22—79 J. M. Jamison . 99-21—80 V. D. Cliff ..- 102-19—85 Class C W. C. Johnson .- 93-27—69 J. K. Love . 97-28—72 Fred Wardell 94-23—73 J. C. Prizer ... 95-23—75 Chas. / Franck .X—- 98-24—76 Norwood Johnston .... 104-30—77 F. B. Howland ....— 101-24—80 L. M. Atherton . i07-25—82 R. H. Dunham . 108-26—85 PRINCETON vs. PINEHURST Princeton and Pinehurst will meet at golf this afternoon over the championship course. The match will be played in four fourball bestballr matches, scored on the hassau system. - The line-up v Pinehurst Princeton Dunlap ——. -----— Page Scott —. Robertson Jones Graubery ' Finney . Selby Thomson .—— - - Fogg Robertson *_ VanderVoot Vail ....._2.... ....... Jennings^ Williams* . Jamison MSS JEAN BAUER AND FRANK STRAFACI WIN FOURSOMES EVENT Pair Card Gross of 73 in Coun try Club Contest; Miss Helen Waring and Howard Phillips Win Net First Place. Miss Jean Bauer, Providence and Frank Strafaci returned a very fine gross score of 36-37— 73 over the number three course yesterday to win the Pinehurst Country Club mixed ^ioursome competition. Alternate “drives were the rule, and Miss Bauer drove from the odd holes. At the ninth Stra faci hit his second within two feet and Miss Bauer obtained the birdie. At 14 Miss Bauer holed a ten foot putt for a deuce. Both Miss Bauer and Frank were playing well and had oth er opportunities for birdies. The card: 544 443 453—36 445 424 455—37—73. Low net was won by the Pinehurst pair of Miss Helen Waring and Howard G. Phil lips with 81-9—72. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Page partnered, and returned a card of 91-7—84.'* Estelle, after the long grind of the North and South, was a bit tired, and her husband is not a champion golf er. So together they took a 91. But they said they enjoyed it. Summary: Miss Jean Bauer and Frank Strafaci, 73-1—72. Miss Helen Waring and H. G. Phillips, 81-$—72. Mr. and Mrs. William Kirk land Jr.,'86-13—73. / Miss Betty Abernathy and Pat Mucci, 78-4—74. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Prescott, 90-15—75. Miss Deborah Verry and Rob ert Knowles Jr., 79-3—76. Miss Anne and Joe Hotch kiss, 90-13—77. Mrs. A. Smith and Joe Thomp son, 86-8—78. Miss Peggy and C. A. War ren, 102-24—78. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Robbins, 83-4—79. Mrs. Russell Holman and Dr, Robert Lawson, 87-8-—79. ■ Miss Jean Thompson and G. W. Dodd, 102-23—79, Miss Homer and C. I. Wil liams, 95-16—79. (Continued on page two) 100 in Fast Golf Field Of Men’s North-South. Frank Strafaci to Defend Title in Amateur Classic Starting Tomorrow Morning GOLF GALORE! __ PINEHURST GOLF—well exemplified in the competi tive sense yesterday. There were the women's finals of the North and South, the finals of the women’s Spring tour nament, the Tin Whistles tournament, Pinehurst Coun try Club mixed foursomes, putting contest for ladies by both the Silver Foils and the Country Club. Practice rounds were played for the. North and South Amateur, starting Monday and members of the Princeton Golf Team were tuning up for today's match against Pinehurst. All this, plus innumerable informal matches between individuals! UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA GLEE CLUB WILL SING AT FORUM ! • The University of North Car olina 'Glee- Club, consisting of 29 young men, will sing at the Forum on next Thursday eve ning, April 4th. The glee club is under the di rection of Mr. John E. Toms, and the accompanist will be Mr. Herbert Livingston. These two young men delighted the Forum audience earlier in the season with a recital of thir own. Next Thursday’s program wjll include one set of solos by each of them, as well as the regular groups presented by the glee club. This glee club, which ,is re garded as one of the finest un der-graduate organizations of its kind, is making Pinehurst its first date in a state-wide tour during the month of April. HARNESS HORSES AT TRACK TO PERFORM A harness horse matinee will be held on Saturday afternoon, April 13, in order that guests in the Sandhills may see the ex cellent string of trotters and pacers in training here, and to raise mopey for thev Pinehurst clinic. I ^ , The meeting will be spon sored by the Chamber of Com merce, and James Tufts is man ager. There will be at least four races. One of these will be for amateur drivers for three year old classified trotters. There will be an open two-year-old trot, a race for three-year-old and over trotters for both ama teur and professional drivers, and a fourth race to be made up later. j. There will be many added at tractions such as the parade of two minute horses, with Peter Astra, the Hambletonian win ner of 1939, leading the line. Bill Cozart of Durham, Medalist Last Year Also to Compete t George T. Dunlap Jj*., yivr Times "Winner, Chief Threat QUALIFYING MONDAY By JACK TUCKER Golf Editor Democrat-Chronicle,. Rochester, N. Y. With approximately 100 en tries filed last night, the an nual chase for the coveted North? and South amateur golf title— which Flatbush Frankie Stra— , faci has no intention of relink quishing—is expected to attract: a smart field of some 150 en trants when the firing^ opens to morrow on Pinehurst1 Country Club’s No. 2 course. Fdatbush Frankie meantime* pursued his' assiduous way around the soggy layout yes terday with a minimum of waste . motion. He was hitting the ball crisply, rapping his puttsand showing occasional flashes, of the brilliance that has ~wbh~ this highly respected fixture . twice running. . . Entries now include Bill Coz art of Durham, whose 74 played last year in chilly weather won the medal. v Others interested in fractur ing 80 are Guy Berner, a, tre mendous young hitter from Duke? University, where they grow rough; the venerable Paul Hyde of-Buffalo, who still is capable of administering a spanking to our brasher youngsters; Duff: McCullough, Philadelphia vet eran; Jimmy Robbins, one time* Princeton golf captain; James Tj> Hunter of North Adams, Mass. ^ John Mallaghan, Rhode Island! State .municipal champion, and Johnny Ryerson, a familiar con tender here. Probably the most colorful of all the entrants is H. S. Malik of Bombay, Indm. Malik is the • turbanned, bearded golfer who intrigued Pinehurst habitues yes' terday, and is reputed to be Ar (Continued on page two) WHAT TO DO AND SEE. Today . ^ t Pinehurst-Ramblers polo game at No. 2 field this afternoon,, beginning at 3:00 o'clock. Pub^ lie invited to attend. Buffet supper at Holly Inn tonight. AT THE THEATRES ‘ • Pinehurst - Tonight and Monday night at 8:30f matinee Monday at 3:00, “Too Many Husbands,” with Jean Arthur, Melvyn Douglas, and Fred Mac Murray. - Southern Pines - Tomorrow and Tuesday night. * at 8:15, matinee Tuesday at, 3:00, Abe Lincoln in “Illinois,”” starring Raymond Massey. Aberdeen Tomorrow and Tuesday nights: ^ at 7:30 and 9:30, “Strange Car- | go,” with Clark Gable, Joan Crawford, Ian Hunter, Peten Lorre and P^ul Lukas. ^ ‘