The Oldest Sandhills Publication I Daily Except Monday During the Winter Season 1 VOLUME 44, NUMBER 121. Price 3 Cents THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK, PINEHURST, N. C. THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1940. pj. P. RANDOLPH KIN APPOINTED minister III BRITISH CABINET Robert Spear Hudson, Son-ht of Recently Deceased Sportsman of Pinehurst, Se lected for Post in Big Shakeup CHURCHILL NAMED Robert Spear Hudson, son-in ]aff of the late P. S. P. Ran dolph of Pinehurst, was made minister of shipping yesterday jn a drastic shakeup of Brit ain’s war cabinet, in which Win ston Churchill became director of the national arms services when he was named as chair man of a committee of service ministers. Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty, will now guide the war and air ministry as well as the supply ministry. Mr. Hudson was formerly sec retary of the board, of overseas trade. His new post as minis ter of shipping was made va cant by the death Saturday of Sir John Gilmour. Mr. Hudson accompanied King George and Queen Mary to America last spring. Lord Chatfield, minister for* coordination of defense resigned, and no new minister was named for that post. Sir Samuel Hoare, hitherto lord privy seal, became air minister in an ex change of posts with Sir Kings ley Wood. Lord Wool tom be came minister of food, succeed ing W. S. Morrison. * There were many minor changes. No explanation of the shakeup was given in the gov ernment communique. ' It said merely that “the King h&s been pleased to approve the follow ing appointments.” < MI TO DO AND SEE Today Polo game this afternoorj at No. 2 field, beginning at 3:00 o’clock, Yellows vs Blues. Pub lic invited. Silver Foils tournament, medal P^y for non-winners today. North and South Men's Ama teur Golf Championship con tinues today. Men’s April tournament con tinues today. Buffet supper at Pinehurst Country Club tonight, followed ^ Forum event. Feno and dance at The Caro lina. AT THE THEATRES - Pinehurst - Tomorrow .night at 8:30, mat >nee at 3:00, “And One Was beautiful,” starring Lara in e Bay.” • Southern Pines - Tonight at 8:15 and matinee ^ 3:00, “The House Across the ay” starring Joan Bennett, ^ George Raft. Also “Teddy Roosevelt, Rough .Rider.” Aberdeen Tonight and tomorrow night ^ 7:30 and 9:15, “Young Tom disonstarring Mickey Rooney and Virginia Weidler. University Singers Here Tonight in Forum Program Under the lead of its director, John £. Toms, and assisted by Herbert Livingston, pianist, the University of North Carolina glee club will give a concert tonight at the Pinehurst Country Club as a Forum presentation. Mr. Toms and Mr. Livingston appeared in a recital on an earlier Forum program, and greatly pleased their audience. They will be heard in solo numbers to night. The concert starts at 8:45 o’clock. I l KILLED IN MIMIC WAR CLEVELAND, April 3.— (A*) — Mimic warfare over Cleveland ended today in the crash of an army pursuit plane, killing the pilot, Lieut. J. W. Phelps Jr. A witness said the plane, flying low in a storm, “de veloped flames and seemed to come down with the motor full on ” It was one of 18 pursuit ships which engaged in the oretical encounter with two bombers over Cleveland. NORTH AND SOUTH Results Championship Chuck Alexander defeated Grover Poole Jr. 2 and 1. George T. Dunlap Jr. defeated Robert A. Stranahan 7 and 6. James T. Hunter defeated Robert Knowles 6 and 5. Robert Dunkelberger defeated H. H. Mandley Jr. 3 and 2. Joe Thompson defeated J. W. Grange 5 and 4. John B. Ryerson defeated Wil liam Cozart 4 and 3. Skip Alexander defeated 'Paul H. Hyde 5 and 4. W. B. McCullough defeated Ben' Goodes 1 up. Consolation P. H. Gruntal defeated L. B. Peterson by default. Bye. W. L. Granberry III defeated D. D. Cook, 3 and 2. H. S. Malik defeated Walter Justin Jr., two up. Frank Strafaci defeated J. W. Monahan Jr., 3 and 2. T. H. Selby defeated Eric Thomson by default. Doug Porter defeated Pat Mucci, 4 and 3. APEiL TOURNAMENT First Division Paul Dunkel defeated J. J Mclnerney 7 and 6. Fred Allen defeated J. F. Breuil 4 andN 3. A. H. Pierce defeated Durban McGraw by default. Charles R. Scott defeated Len nox Haldeman 4 and 3. Consolation F. F. Hennessy and Frank Hall will play the final. (Continued on page four) # 2-MINUTE PERFORMERS WILL VIE IN RACE ON MATINEE PROGRAM Four Speedy Harness Horses to be Selected From Seven for Unique Event in Racing on Track April 13. A race between four two minute performers, an event unique in harness horse racing, is tentatively scheduled to take place during the Saturday mat inee racing meet to be held at the Pinehurst race track on April 13. Just which of the seven two - minute performers which are quartered at the race track stables will be entered in the race has not yet been de cided. The directors of the Pinehurst Chamber of Commerce, spon sors for the forthcoming races, met yesterday morning at the Berkshire Hotel, to discuss plans for the event. Mrs. Richard Tufts was appointed chairman of ticket sales. General admis sion tickets will sell for 50c, grandstand seats for an addi tional 50c, and two groups of boxes will be open for reserva tions, eight boxes at $10 apiece, and six boxes at $8 each. There (Continued on page two) Henry H. Barnard Breaks Skeet Record The Pinehurst Gun Club skeet shooting record was broken yes terday by Henry H. Barnard of Washington, D. C., a guest at the Carolina Hotel. , Mr. Bar nard shattered 98 clay pigeons out of 100, and had a score of 70 straight before he missed. He was shooting with Mrs. Barnard and their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Barnard are plan ning to depart for their home in Washington today. They came up to Pinehurst earlier in the week, from Sea Island, Ga., where Mr. Barnard was entered in the annual skeet tournament. WON AND LOST C. B. S. Marr defeated E. S. Hooper Jr. 8 and 6 in the first round of the second division of the April tournament on Tues day. Mr. Hooper suggested they play the by-holes for a quarter each, and Mr. Marr paid Mr. Hooper two bits. TEDDY RERICHA, NOTED TENNIS STAR IS PINEHURST PRO Director of Indoor Park Avenue Tennis School of NeW York Arrived Wednesday to Take Up Duties at Country Club. The Pinehurst Country Club has enrolled the services of Teddy Rericha, noted profes sional tennis star, who arrived yesterday to occupy that posi tion at the club for the rest of the season. Teddy, one of the finest in structors in the country, is di rector of the exclusive indoor Park Avenue Tennis School of New York, which is open dur ing the winter months. His na tional ranking is No. 9. In 1936 he toured with Bill Tilden on exhibition in the principal cities, of the country. He was assist ant to Vinny Richards for three years, from 1929 to 1932. Ted’s tennis experience has also included the top pro berth at the Hollywood Golf and Ten nis Club in Deal, N. J., his present summer teaching spot. He may be consulted about in struction or any matter relative to tennis at the Pinehurst Coun try Club. Walter Funeral Today; Legion Post Taking Part Funeral rites for Beverly Walter will be conducted this afternoon at 4 o’clock at the Village Chapel in Pinehurst. The Rev. Dr. T. A. Cheatham will conduct the service. Mr. Walter was a member of Sandhills Post 134 of the Amer ican Legion. Members of the post are requested by its officers to be at the Village Chapel at 3:45 p. m., to take part in the service. The body of Mr. Walter will be taken to Washington, D. C., tonight for burial in Arlington cemetery. Clark’s Funeral Home in Southern Pines is attending to the arrangements. WEATHER Scattered showers Thursday. Friday generally fair, slightly cooler in west and central, por tions. ATHLONE TO CANADA LONDON, April 3.—(£>)— The Earl of Athlone, brother of Queen Mother Mary and former governor general of the Union of South Africa, tonight was appointed gover nor general of Canada to suc ceed Lord Tweedsmuir. The tall soldierly earl, who will be 66 on April 14, is expect ed to leave for Canada in two or three weeks. NORTH AND SOUTH Starting Times 1:00 C. • Alexander vs Dunlap. 1:05 Hunter vs Dunkelberger. 1:10 Thompson vs Ryerson. 1:15 Skip Alexander vs McCullough. Consolation P. H. Gruntal, bye. 1:25 Granberry vs Jones. 1:30 Malik vs Strafaci. 1:35 Selby vs Porter. APRIL TOURNAMENT Fifth Division 9:00 Goodwin vs „M organ. 9:05 Foster^ vs O’Connell. Consolation 9:10 Warren vs Bowles. 9:15 Hargrave vs Sloan. Sixth Division 9:20 Purvis vs Zelie. 9:25 Prizer vs Love. Consolation. 9:30 Lloyd vs Delapenha. 9:35 White vs Winner Bassett and Flynn match. First Division 9:40 Dunkel vs Allen. 9:45 Pierce vs Scott. Consolation 9:50 Hennessy vs Hall. Second Division 9:55 Berner vs Winner Clif ford and Tucker match. 10:00 Batterson vs Marr. I Consolation 10:05 Foster vs Hunter. 10:10 Reed vs Lowry. Fourth Division 10:15 McEntee vs Reed. 10:20 Gates vs Henderson. Consolation 10:25 Cullings vs Kling. 10:30 . Halstead vs Chapman. Third Division , . 10:35 Mahony vs Nes. - 10:40' Tuckerman vs Fahey. Consolation 10:45^ Warman vs Samble. Volney Foster, bye. DUNKELBERGER AND TWO ALEXANDERS WIN NORTH-SOUTH MATCHES North Carolina Golfers Advance* to Quarter Final; Cozart Loses3 to Jack Ryerson, 5 and 4;; Knowles Ousted by-Hunter. ' GEORGE DUNLAP VICTOR North Carolina’s delegation is doing nicely in the 40th annual North and South amateur golf championship, having advanced three players to the quarter final as a result of yesterday’s second round matches over the. championship course. These men are Skip and Chuck Alexander of Duke University and Durham and Bobby Dunkel berger, the Southern champion, from High Point. When veteran Paul Hyde of' , Buffalo walked into the club* house after having lost to Skip* Alexander, 5 and 4, he said: “These Southern lads are toa tough for us Yankees. On the long fifth I hit two wooden club shots and was twenty-five yards short of the green. Skip was home with a drive and an iron.? Bill Cozart, Durham, who Tuesday eliminated champion Frank Strafaci, was beaten-, by John B. Ryerson of Coopertowir, Nr Y:r a good - journeyman- golf* - er, who plays competitions, win ter and summer, from coast to coast. Jack won by 5 and 14. He had seven one putt greens. The "youthful Grover Poole Jr., Duke freshman, was lined up against Chuck Alexander* Duke sophmore. (muck took an early lead of three holes, saw it cut down to one, but regained it to win 2 and I and put the “frosh” in his proper place. George T. Dunlap Jr., Pine hurst favorite, making a serious, effort to regain a title he once: ■ monopolized, was too strong for. (Continued on page two), POLO GAME LISTED THIS AFTERNOON ON PINEHURST FIELD T Pinehurst Polo Club officials*, promise an exciting game this* afternoon, with the Yellows, meeting the Blues on the home! field. A new face will be in- the* line-up. Mercer Hicks, a star of; the Blind Brook Polo Club of • New York, will play No. 1 for the Blues, his first appearance on the Pinehurst polo scene. ; The line-up: Yellows 1. Charles Swoope. . 2. Mickey Walsh. 3. Merrill Fink. 4. Arthur McCashin. Blues 1. Mercer Hicks. 2. R. B. Green. 3. B. R. Brown. 4. Coleman Meisner. The game starts at three* o’clock and everyone is invited*. EX-DfiPUTIES JAILED PARIS, April S.^UP^rA.}, French military tribunal tonight meted out maximum sentences; of five years’ imprisonment and f loss of civil rights to 36 Com munist ex-members of the Cham ber of Deputies, accused of car- r ; rying out the orders of th& Com munist International.

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