'I . ■>r • Since 1896 The Oldest Sandhills Publication Daily Except Monday During the Winter Season VOLUME 44, NUMBER 122. Price 3 Cents THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK, PINEHURST, N. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1940. North and South Tennis Tourney Opens Monday University Teams. Will Take Part in 22nd Annual Series Running to Saturday North Carolina Net Artists Again to be Big Threat; Duke Has Entered String of Stars; Three Divisions of Play. PROS HERE APRIL 16 The attention of the Sandhill sportsman will turn to the Pine hurst Country Club tennis courts next week. Opening the spring tennis competition in Pinehurst is the twenty-second annual North and South amateur tour nament, which will open Mon day and continue to Saturday. Play will be in divisions of men’s singles, men’s doubles and women’s singles. - The following week the third annual North and South pro fessional tennis tournament will be held, opening Tuesday, April; 16, and continuing to Saturday,! April 20. The University of North Car olina tennis team, .which makes' a strong bid in the annual j North and South amateur events each year, will again be the strongest threat for this title.! A number of other Southern; college tennis teams will' also compete. Duke has entered John Ager,| Don Buffington, William Par-' sons, George Himadi, Robert Wilson, Martin Heller, Raymond Nasher, Stephen Keister, Robert Walters, Robert Anthoni, Mrs. R. K. Keller, Miss Cynthia Ruse' and Mrs. Atwood, according to a wire received yesterday fromj Harry Fogleman, tennis coach of| Duke University. Legion Members Attend Beverly Walter’s Fnneral Simple funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock for Beverly Walter. The funeral was conducted at the Village Chapel by Dr. T. A. Cheatham. In addition to the regular Episcopal burial service, Dr. Cheatham read the 23rd Psalm, E(fgar Guest’s “My Creed,” and fhe “Eternal Quest,” by John Creenleaf Whittier. Six members of the Sandhills P°st of the American Legion °f which Mr. Walter was a Member, served as pall bearers. Members of the Post attended in o body. The body of Mr. Walter was token to Washington, D. C., last night for burial in Arlington Cemetery. BALL NETS $2,866 Mrs. M. G. Nichols, treasurer °f the Women’s Auxiliary of M°ore County Hospital, an nounced yesterday that total Proceeds from the ball held at the Pinehurst Country Club on March 15 amounted to $2,866. Approximately the same as ^at raised by last season’s ball, tkc amount will go into > the general fund of the Auxiliary. MRS. J. C. PRIZER WINS ELKINS TROPHY TOURNEY OF FOILS Cards Matched in Medal Play Event; Four Non-Winners Get Prizes, Mrs. T. R. Rudel Tak ing First With Gross of 81. Mrs. J, C. Prizer won the Louise B. Elkins trophy com peted for yesterday by members of the Silver Foils Club. In this event cards were matched. The day's play was also an : 18-hole medal play contest for non-winners and Mrs. Thomas fR. Rudel, with a fine gross of 42-39—81, was the winner of first. Her net score was 73. Mrs. H. F. Frackelton was second with 92-13—79, Mrs. i Eberhard Faber, , third with 102-22—80 and Mrs. L. R. Por teous, fourth with 98-18—80. Scores: Mrs. J. C. Prizer, 88-15—73. Mrs. T. R. Rudely 81- 8—73. Mrs. John Weeks, 89-13—76. Mrs. H. F. Frackelton, 92-13 —79. Mrs. Julian Bishop,, 96-17—79. Mrs. L. R. Porteous, 98-18— 80. Mrs. Eberhard Faber, 102-22 —80. (Continued on* page two) YELLOWS WIN SECOND GAME WITH BLUES IN LOCAL POLO TUSSLE A representative group of Sandhill polo fans turned out for the polo match between the Yellows and the Blues yester day afternoon, to see the Yel lows Win their second victory with a score of 4 to 3. Goals on the winning team were scored by Merrill. Fink, 2; Arthur McCashin, 1 and Mickey Walsh, L B. R. Brown, Mercer Hicks and R: B. Green carded singles for the Blues. The Fort Bragg polo te^m will journey to Pinehurst for a re turn engagement with the Pine hurst^ Polo Club team on the home field on Sunday afternoon. Pinehurst defeated Bragg in their last game here three weeks ago. Fort Bragg will line up with Lieut. Alex Graham, 1; Capt. “Red” Cooper, 2; Capt. Dave Erskine, 3, with Capt. Paul R. Miller' at back. Mercer Hicks will play No. 1* for Pinehurst, with R, B. Green of Durham at 2; Merrill Fink 3 and B. R. Brown Of Durham, at back. WEATHER . Partly cloudy, cooler in east and central portions Friday. Saturday generally fair. North-South Amateur Results CHAMPIONSHIP Quarter Finals George T. Dunlap defeated Chuck Alexander, 20 holes. Bobby Dunkelberger defeated James T. Hunter, 6 and 5. Jack Ryerson defeated Joe Thompson, one up. Skip Alexander defeated W. B. McCullough,^ 3 and 1. Consolation P. H. Gruntal won by default. A. E. Jones defeated W. L. Granberry III, 1 up. Frank Strafaci defeated H. S. Malik, 4 and 3. Doug Porter defeated T. H. Selby, one up. \ APRIL TOURNAMENT First Division Fred Allen defeated Paul Dunkel, 4 and 3. , Charles R. Scott defeated A. H. Pierce, two up. Consolation Frank Hall won this division. Second Division Guy Berner defeated Jack Tucker, 20 holes. W. E. Batterson defeated C. B. S. Marr, 4 and 2. (Continued on Page four) Cothran, tainter, BAUER AND CRUM IN SEMI-FINAL ROUND CHARLOTTE, N. C., April 4. — {&) Champion v Jane Cothran and medalist Jean Bauer ad vanced to the Semi-finals of the Charlotte Country Club invita tion golf tournament here to day along with Georgia Tainter, the North Dakota. champion, and Jane Crum, University of South Carolina sophomore. Miss Bauer of Providence, R. I., defeated Betty Abemethy of Pittsburgh, - Miss Cothran of Greenville, S. C., defeated Mrs. Tom Nolan of New Castle, Pa., and Miss Crum defeated Mrs. Ben T. Parks of Charlotte, all the matches ending by the same score, 2 and 1. Miss Tainter’s victim was Deborah Verry of Worcester, Mass., the 1938 champion, who lost one up. WHAT TO DO AND SEE Today North and South Men’s Ama teur Golf Championship con tinues today. Men’s April tournament con tinues today. Bridge luncheon at The Berk shire today. AT THE THEATRES - Pinehurst - Tonight at 8:30, matinee at 3:00, “And One Was Beautiful,” starring Laraine Day.” - Southern Pines - Tonight and tomorrow night at 8:15, matinee tomorrow at 3:00, “Virginia City,” starring Errol' Flynn. # Aberdeen Tonight at 7:30 and 9:15, “Young Tom Edison,” starring] Mickey Rooney and Virginia Weidler. Starting Times ~ CHAMPIONSHIP 1:00 Dunlap vs Dunkelberger. I:f0 Ryerson vs S. Alexander. Consolation 10:25 Gruntal vs Jones. 10:30 Strafaci vs Porter. APRIL TOURNAMENT Fourth Division 9:30 Reed vs Gates. , Consolation 9:35 Kling vs Halstead. Third Division 9:40 Nes vs Tuckerman. Consolation 9:45 Warman vs Foster. Second Division 9:50 Berner vs Batterson. Consolation 9:55 Hunter vs Lowry. First Division 10:00 Allen vs Scott. Consolation Bye. Fifth Division 10:05 Goodwin vs O’Connell. Consolation 10:10 Bowles vs Sloan. Sixth Division 10:15 Zelie vs Love. Consolation 10:20 Delapenha vs White. AUDIENCE ENJOYS U. N. C. GLEE CLUB FORUM CONCERT Stars may “Shine on Ala bama,” but they did a pretty good job in Carolina last night when they illuminated the im promptu out-door serenade given by the University of North Car olina Glee Club after its su perb Forum presentation. It’s hard to imagine the parking space at the Country Club as the perfect setting for romantic troubadours, however, when the Glee Club started off with “I Love You Truly,” it didn’t take long for the younger Pinelands romancers to gather round and join whole-heartedly in the fun. This is putting the cart be fore the. horse, but it’s the last and lasting impression of the Glee Club before it set out on its homeward journey, singing a cheery song that invariably end ed in a growl which sounded suspiciously like “Beat Duke.” The program at the Forum was practically perfect. To those who heard it, it is needless to say, more; to those who were unable to attend—try not to miss it riext year. An advisory board meeting of the Forum will be held this morning at eleven at the Holly Inn. MANOR HOTEL TOURNEY The Manor Hotel has ar ranged for a fourball handicap tournament to be played on Monday, April 8. First entries are F. C. Maloney and R. W. Bowles. BANKER BOWLS Bowlipg in a party at the Amusement Center last night was Mr. Lloyd Brace, vice president of the Firs't National Bank of Boston. Dunlap Winner on 20th Over Chuck Alexander Pinehurst Star and Duke Golfen Stage Astounding Finish in Quarter Final of North-South LLOYD MANGRUM'S 64 AT AUGUSTA SETS U. S. COMPETITIVE RECORD Startling Round Gives Him 3 Stroke Lead Over Field; De maret Spans Second Nine in 30 for 67; Bobby Jones Has 79. AUGUSTA, Ga., April 4.—