The Oldest Sandhills Publication ' , M : - -■' ■/, ■ [■, A . ; . - Qaily Except Monday During the Winter Season VOLUME 44, NUMBER 123. Price 3 Cents THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK, PINEHURST, N. C. . SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1940. Senate Vote Is Win For Roosevelt Over Garner Chamber Passes Trade Agreement Pro gram, Rejecting One Year Limitation Backed by Vice-President Action Sends Key Administra tion Legislation to White House, as House Had Ap proved Measure. bitter debate WASHINGTON, D. C., April 5_The senate by a vote of 42 t0 37 passed a trade agreement program today, thereby giving president Roosevelt a major vic tory over Vice-President Garner, who had tried to limit the trade agreement to one year.. The senate action . sent the key administration legislation to the White House, the house hav ing previously approved an identical measure. Besides being a triumph for the President in what had been heralded as perhaps this ses sion’s biggest test, these results also elated Secretary Hull, be cause the program of reducing tariffs and other trade barriers is the corner stone of his for eign policy. The limitation, put forward as an amendment to legislation continuing the trade program for three years from June 12, was rejected after bitter debate studded with references to the political significance of the pro gram as an issue in this year's Presidential election campaigns. President Roosevelt had ex pressed his opposition to the one-year restriction at his morn-j ing press talk after it was reported on excellent authority that Vice-President Garner was supporting the proposal. OFFERS TO PURGE KLAN i ATLANTA, April 5.—<#)—Im[ penal Wizard James A. Cole scott declared today he was pre pared to “purge the entire Klan down here” if it were shown that floggings had been under taken with knowledge and ap proval of local units of the or der. Roll this one around your fork and get it over the chin. ^ party of five was in Au Susta, Ga., yesterday. Break tost in Pinehurst, lunch in Au Susta and a spaghetti feed at Montesanti’s Spaghetti Camp ab°ut two miles out of Pine hurst> early last night. The group, composed of Mr. ;^d Mrs. James Breuil of Buf aJ°> N. Y., guests at The Car olina, Bill Eddy, Frank Strafaci and Pat Mucci, left Pinehurst ^sterday morning in 'Breuil’s SUper super airplane. ^fter the group watched some ^ the Masters’ golf and had touch in Augusta, Frankie and at, true to the gustatory tradi ;lon of Sunny Italy, said to their osts, “We’ll have spaghetti at ^nor Montesanti’s tonight.” Roy did. Also, some of that lrie Italian wine. STUDENTS ‘STRIKE* NEW YORK, April 5.—