\ The Oldest Sandhills Publication Daily Except Monday During the Winter Season NUMBER 124. Price 5 cents THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK, PINEHURST, N. C. SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1940. 1 i. Former National Amateur Champion Has Easy Time, Taking 7-6 Victory in North-South ' Lengthening Out of Tees trou bled Cooperstown Player, Who Was,4 Down at End of Morn ing Round With 83 to Foe’s 78. MATCH EVEN AT 9TH By Robert E. Hi »w George T. Dunlap Jr. recap tured the North and South ama teur golf title yesterday when be defeated Jack Ryerson, Coop erstown, N. Y., 7 and 6, in a 36-hole final over the champion ship course of the Pinehurst Country Club. It was the sixth time Mr. Dunlap has won this title. The final match was listless. There were no exciting inci dents such as prevailed in Mr. Dunlap’s quarter final against Chuck Alexander and in his semi-fmal against Bobby Dun kelberger. These games went into extra holes with the re sult dangling on every .stroke, Mr. Ryerson is a very fine golfer, but he is not quite up to the standard of play vthich has made Mr. Dunlap one of the outstanding amateurs of the world, and which carried him to a national championship and six! North and South titles. During the week Mr. Ryerson had been playing some of the finest golf of his career, and (Continued on Page Five) HUT TO DO AND SEE Today Polo game this afternoon on No. 2 field, beginning at 3:00 o’clock. Fort Bragg vs. PineA hurst. Public invited. Putting tournament at Pine Needles this afternoon. Buffet supper at Holly Inn tonight. Annual North and South ama teur tennis tournament begins at Pinehurst Country Club to morrow. • ' AT THE THEATRES - Pinehurst - Tonight and Monday night ^ 8:30, matinee Monday at “Rebecca,” with Lawrence Mver, Joan Fontaine and Ju dith Anderson. Added attraction for tonight, The Cotton Blossom Singers.” * Southern Pines - Tomorrow and Tuesday night at 8:15, matinee Tuesday at “Star Dust,” with Linda Darnell, Roland Young and Char lotte Greenwood. Aberdeen Tomorrow and Tuesday night at 7:30 and 9:20, A. J. Cronin’s ^igil in the Night,” with Car °le Lombard, Brian Aherne, ^nne Shirley and Brenda Forbes. t°ry hy the author of The Citadel. WEATHER Sunday, partly cloudy, slight y warmer. Monday, occasional *&ins. Slightly cooler. ~ - ME. TO FLA.—AND BACK Gene Buzzell’s in town. Gene is sports ed. of the Palm Beach Daily News. A bachelor, he has it arranged so that he doesn’t have to stay home much. Between May and October, he travels around New England writing publicity and managing gu bernatorial candidates. No vember rolls around and it's time to go back to the Palm Beach sports desk. STODDARD-MARSHALL TEAM WINS WHISTLE BESTBALL TOURNEY | Worcester Golfer Registers Low _ est Round of His. Links Career, 89 Gross; Pair Net 58; Don ald Ross Cards 69. H. G. Stoddard, Worcester, Mass., and H. N. Marshall, Bos ton, . won the *bestball of pair, medal play handicap event of the Tin Whistle Club yesterday over numijer one course with a net card of 26-32—58. There were 74 players. Mr. Stoddard played one of the lowest rounds of his golf ing experiences. Ife scored a gross 44-46—89. Mr. Marshall was 40-47—87. They teamed well, Marshall winning six hoies and Mr. Stoddard four. Their bestball net score: Out 333 341 423—26 In 434 443 343-—32—58 The ace at the sixth hole tvas contributed by Mr. Stoddard. lie obtained a gross ttfo, and with a handicap strode produced a one for his team. I Donald J. Ross, playing with Henry Hornblower, took this oc casion to produce one of his lowest rounds of the season, a 34-35—69. It might have been a 68, for Mr. Ross took three from the edge of the 17th, af ter hitting two fine wooden club strokes. His card: Out 454 433 353—34 In 454 434 254—35—69 (Continued on Page Six) JEAN BAUER WINS CHARLOTTE, N. C., April 6. _(JP)—Pretty Jean Bader of Providence, R. L>. added another tfophy to her collection today by defeating defending Champion Jane Cothran of Greenville, S. C., 3 and 2, in the finals of the Charlotte Country Club’s fourth annual women’s invitation tour nament. Miss Cothran herself started brilliantly in the 18-hole match, but the new champion had her long game grooved and was staight to the pin over most of the route. WINS TOURNEY FOR THE SIXTH TIME Outlook Engratirig Jack Ryerson (right), runner-up and George T. ftohlap winner of the 40th annual North and Sotith amateur golf cham pionship completed yesterday over the championship course of the Pinehurst Country Club. Pinehurst-Ft Bragg Polo Game at 3 P.M. Today Today's polo on the Pinehurst field will take on a military aspect, with Fort Bragg sending over a strong foursome to com pete against the invincible Pinehurst team in this afternoon's engagement. the U. S. Army boys are itching to come through with a win (over the Pinehurst lads, who ran up their'ninth consecutive vic tory last Sunday, wheh they defeated the Ramblers to the tube of 6-5 lifter a 5-5 freeze at the end of the regulation six periods. The te4ms decided to play off the deadlock and Pinehurst ptit one through the Ramblers' goal after two minutes of the play-off chukker. Pinehurst's record book of wins also shows one against Bragg, in their fray of several weeks back. Today's line-up: PINEHURST 1. Mercer. Hicks. 2. R. B. Green. 3. Merrill Fink. 4. B. R. Brown. FORT BRAGG 1. Lieut. Alex Graham. 2. Lieut. R. Kohler. 3. Capt. Dave Erskine. 4. Capt. Paul R. Miller. Referees: Col. George P. Hawes Jr. $nd Earl Shaw. Time keeper, William E. Baker. Announcer, Eliott Barta. Reserved choice parking spaces on the field edge may be obtained by calling the Pinehurst Polo Club, Tel. 3694 or 3862, Pinehurst. All unreserved tickets at the gate. ORCHARDS BLOSSOM AT BEST THIS WEEK Hawley Pool, orchardist of West End, says the apple trees will be m blossom at their best starting today, about the mid dle of the week to be in full blossom. Visitors to Pinehurst who ap preciate beautiful landscapes will be afforded a delightful pano rama of trees in bloom if they 1 drive along the orchard lined highways, just a short distance from the village. POLICE AND PATROLMAN BOWL AT CENTER In a hotly contested match at the Amusement Center yester day afternoon Police Chief A. F. Dees and State Highway Patrol man Wendell Kelly bowled it out to a finish, and it wasn’t long before Meredith Herndon chimed in to show the law officers some of the fine points of the game. The finish resulted in victory for Patrolman Kelly, and Chief Dees had to shell out. i U. N, G. Entry of 40 Players Tops List of : Contestants in Tennis Classic Starting Tomorrow HARLOW TO SPEAK - ' Robert E. Harlow of The Pinehurst Press Bureau and editor of The Outlook, will make the principal address at the annual stag dinner of the Rochester Club, Roches ter, ^New York, on Wednes day night of this week. He will discuss golfers and sports writers. DEMARET LEADING MANGRUM BY 1 STROKE IN AUGUSTA TOURNEY Texan Tallies 70 For 54 Hole Total of 209; Mangrum 210; Wood and Snead Next With I AUGUSTA, April 6.—It is | still Jimmy Demaret and Lloyd Mangrum in the Augusta tour nament. Goiiig into the final round, Demaret leads Mangrum by one stroke. They wei*e tied tat the-end of 36 holes, hut to day jimiriy scored a 70, two un de* par, to post a 54 hole total of 209 compared to Mangrum’s 210. Coming fast down the stretch I are Ctaig Wood and Sam Snead. Snead, starting four strokes behind after two rounds, moved up a ribtch. Wood, six strokes baOk at the halfway mark, cut that deficit ih tWo, for a tie with Snead in third place. .. Marian Ward, National cham pion, led the amateurs with a score of 217. Th& placed him in a tie fob tenth, with Cooper, Runyan arid Walsh. The final tOund will be play ed Sunday. Bobby Jones was a spectator, having withdrawn yes terday because of an injured back. PROFESSIONALS Demaret .. 70—209 Mangrum ... 71—210 Wood ..— 67—212 Snead .-.— 69—212 Picrird . 71—213 (Continued on page five) WALSH DUE MONDAY TO ARRANGE GOLF MOVIE Joe Walsh, sporting editor for RKO will irrive in Pine hurst Monday, in advance of a staff of camera and sound experts who will make a golf ing sportscope here, with Horton Smith as leading man | and Pinehurst people playing parts. < This will be the second golf picture made in Pinehurst. The first one was shown in more than 4,000 theaters. The “shooting” will start about April 15th. The Pinehurst Press Bureau will work with the RKO staff in the produc tion of this picture. f Duke University Will be Repre sented in Pinehurst Amateur Series by Team of Ten; N. C. State to Send Group. BUXBY, HALL, ENTEREDr — Topped by a group of 40 bud ding net stars from the Univer- I sity of North Carolina, the twenty-second annual North ancl South amateur tennis tourna- [ ment will get underway at the | Pinehurst Country Club tom or- j row morning. Play will be in? | divisions of men’s singles, men*® ' | doubles and women’s singles. | The U. N. C.. team, under | the direction of Coach Kenfield^. j will try to take back to Chapel j Hill the 1940 trophy, to repeat j the singles win of 1939* which j Charles Rider, a junior student of the Tar Heels, retired last j year. Rider is entered h this year’s event. ~ “ | Duke * University will be rep- * I resented with ten players and N. C. State will also send sev eral down to compete. Other entries include Martin Buxby, representing Florida’s stronger players, Gilbert Hall, seasoned veteran, Josiah Bacon, C. A. Farrar; and among the feminine representation, Mrs. Sarah Palfrey of Brookline, Mass., women’s national doubled champion, who showed effective work in her tour of the Florida circuit this winter, Miss Barbara Neilds, Cleveland’s top feminine star, Miss Mary M. Joyce of Brookline, and many others. An entry of note is that of Henry Glenn, assistant district, attorney of New York. I Close to 70 players are ex pected to participate in the va rious divisions, opening with the men’s singles tomorrow. The? women’s singles are expected to/ get underway Tuesday and the men’s doubles Wednesday. Entries for the meii’s singles close tonight at the Country Club. Fred C. “Pop” Baggs is directing the competition. ' _ / Census of Hotels To be Taken Monday Mrs. Paul Dixon, assistant ; 'United States, census supervisor of the 8th district, will be in Pinehurst Monday, April 8, to direct the census of the local hotels which will be made on that date. April 8th is the ap pointed date for the nationwide hotel census. R. F. Holland, assistant ’area V ’ manager, will also be here to aid Mrs. Dixon. Mr. Holland reports that special attention will be given to this census,, as Pinehurst hotels are at ap proximately the height of their season. FINLAND TO RESUME RELATIONS WITH SOVIET* LONDON, April 6.—^—Ex change Telegraph, British he#a agency, reported today that Fin land and Soviet Russia had agreed to resume diplomatic re lations this month. \ : , ' • . it •