FARMING’S FUTURE... in your handsf V Yes • to approve quotas on peanut crops for the next three years. If of the growers approve they will be eligible for support prices as long as they meet their quota. If Vs do not approve-parity will drop to 50% for those who do not comply with their quota. • to approve the continuation of cotton marketing quotas in 1966. If V3 voting approve, full income support will be available to growers who comply with tl^ir farm allotments. = -- Under i^e W65 Act, J forn^er may'll! his allotment without selling his lond or may lease it up to four years. He may also release it or place it in a cropland adjustment program for five to ten years. • to approve the continuation of a 15c a bale assessment for the con tinued program of the North Carolina Cotton Promotion Association for three more years. Used for research and development, legislative defense and action, quality and marketing improvement and public relations ON NOVEMBER 23rd AT YOUR REGULAR POLLING PLACE. This Message Sponsored By The Following Firms Superior Ginning Company SEABOARD Rich Square Bonded Warehouse FOR COTTON STORAGE RICH SQUARE Bain Cotton Co.. Inc. JACKSON Rich Square Gin Co. Farmers Feed & Supply Co. AL NEW LUMMUS EQUIPMENT RICH SQUARE Conway Farm Supply SMITH-DOUGLASS FERTILIZERS CONWAY Woodland Cooperative